
Stupid Boy
i woke up for school the next morning i didn't want to move i was so comfortable, i sat up and rubbed my eyes i climbed out of bed and dressed in my uniform i let my hair down and walked out of the room at the same time Himchan was also coming out of his room, i bowed "good morning" he grunted and walked down the hall way still half asleep, i followed him out the door. We walked to school together side by side i stayed quiet and looked at the ground as we walked we reached our classroom and sat next to each other. Classes ended and right as i was walking out a teacher stopped me "Hwa-Young lets talk a minute" she said nicely. I nodded and followed her into her classroom " have you thought about college?" She asked getting right to the point, i blinked several times " you graduate in a few short weeks, I'vegotten some calls from different university's, all on scholarships meaning you won't have to pay a thing, in all my years I've only seen one other person get selected for this university.." she handed me a envelope with my name printed on it, i opened it my handcovering my mouth, she just smiled " they keep calling us. SNU is a very impressive school, only top students get in, it would be wonderful if you go" i stared down at the paper still shocked, i hadn't even thought of colleges i couldn't afford them but fully paid schooling? I opened my mouth but she interrupted me " sleep on it you have a few weeks. I'm really proud of you, now get along" she smiled, and without realizing it i threw my arms and her and hugged her " thank you so much, you have no idea what this means" i pulled away myeyes misting with tears, i had to tell Zelo, i hurried home where i knew he would be. Once i got there i told them everyone hugged me and told me good job, Zelo and Himchan were acting happy for me and doing a horrible job at it. " I'm going to go. I mean its free and they want me so why not?" I smiled "i didn't think all my hard work would pay off but it has" i stretched my arms over my head, " I'm going to go change" i went to my room and changed my clothes and went back into the living room and took a seat. The rest of the night i was happier than i had ever been in my life i couldn't sleep, i was going to SNU. I think I'll go into Law... i laid in bed starring out my window into the darkness.
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asdfgenineee #1
asdfghjkl! ♥