
Stupid Boy
The next two days went by quite quickly they stayed the whole time, my mother didn't show or call i tried to act like it didn't bother me but on the inside i was screaming, i still didn't understand why she kicked me out i hadn't done anything to make her upset, i let out a sad sigh and looked out the dark window into the night, i slid out of the bed quietly and walked out of the room i was thankful they let me change into real clothes, i hadnt been walking five minutes when someone spoke to me " why are you out of bed? You shouldn't be walking around yet" i jumped and turned around "sorry i didn't mean to scare you" I drew my eyebrows together and looked at him "Himchan? Why are you here? You don't care for me in the least, why did you follow me?" I questioned, he shrugged "i couldn't sleep i was sitting with my eyes closed when you got up, i don't know you looked sad and for some reason i didn't like it so i followed" he shrugged and stuck his hands in his pockets and looking at the ground it looked like he was actually blushing. "Oh well i couldn't sleep either so i decided to walk" i said, "do you mind if i walk with you then? I mean since were both in the same boat?" He asked i shrugged "your choice" i replied. We walked side by side i rubbed my arms trying to make the goose bumps to go away i felt something drap over my shoulders i looked down Himchans hoodie i blushed " your cold, your already sick.. Oh hey the cafeteria lets get something I'm starving" he hurriedly said. I blinked and followed him i sat down while he got himself food, my body was tired already. He sat in front of me setting a plate " here i got you something so eat" he smiled softly. " so why were you going to zelos? Why weren't you home? You had a bag of stuff with you" he said concerned. I looked down " my mother kicked me out for some reason, i have no idea why, i make good grades, i don't cause trouble, i work to pay for the bills because she's to busy drinking her life away since my dad left," i put my head in my hands "i don't know what else to do i try and try but i get no where, i don't know how much more i can take.. now i need to find a place to stay" he was quiet " that's why the doctor said that. Hwa I'm sorry you have to deal with all this, i had no idea, i was so mean to you before, it was just weird Zelo acts completely different with you he's really protective over you, he isn't even like that with us, it just struck me as odd, so i apologize". I stared at him my eyes watering i looked away to wipe my eyes, " if you need somewhere to stay for awhile you can stay with me, i have a spare room, you can take it if you want" he said nervously "i won't try anything and I'll stay out of your way" his cheeks flushed, i looked back at him, why was he saying this? Why was he acting so nice all of a sudden "y-yea that would be wonderful" i said without realizing it. He smiled " it's settled then your moving in with me"
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asdfgenineee #1
asdfghjkl! ♥