Chapter 20

One Stop Closer to Paris


Celebrating the 20th Chapter of One Stop Closer To Paris <3 

It's been a pleasure writing this story so far :D

Chapter is dedicated to LEE CHAERIN AKA CL THE BADDEST FEMALE OF SEOUL CITY! Because her birthday just passed a few days ago^^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY CL!

And because it's CL's birthday, you guys get a present too because I love you :*

So...all you gotta do is to comment down below what you want your present to be:D And I will pick only ONE comment as the winner and give you your present as stated:) It can be a long chapter...or a quick update...or...basically anything you guys can imagine:3

Sorry for the long Author Note ^^;




This is ten-no-twenty times as crazy as our normal weekend sleepovers.

Minzy, being that mad and crazy thing she was, is currently jumping on her bed, waving a pillow and belting out the lyrics of "Number 9" by T-ara. 

Dara was happily bouncing on the floor with her teddy bear which she named Jaegi as a dance partner. She was trying her best to hum the song even though this was her first time hearing.

Me? Well I was jumping a few minutes ago but had flopped on the couch in exhaustion. But I was still very high in spirits though, how could anyone hate kpop?

Minzy did a leap off her bed and sank into the floor. "That was awesome! It was almost like a concert!" 

I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Yeah right." 

Dara sighed. "Why can't today be a Friday? I so want to have a sleepover." 

I picked up my can of coke and walked over to her. "Me too, but we still have homework to do. Guess I'll have to leave after dinner."

"Dinner!" Minzy perked up at that word. "What shall we have for dinner?"

"Something special." I suggest. "Today is a very important day." I smirked.

"Oh let Dara choose." Minzy giggled. "I can hear her stomach growling. And besides, today is the return of our friendship."

"Let's have pizza." Dara smiled. "I haven't eaten American food for ages."

Oooh pizza sounds great at the moment.

"Pizza then! Can we have Pepperoni and Hawaiian?" Minzy said as she handed the dorm phone to me. "Chaerin would do the honor of ordering, you would, wouldn't you?" She smiled sheepishly.

As much as outgoing as she is, Minzy is a total stutterer when it comes to ordering and public speaking. Last time she tried to order a set of fried chicken but the cashier heard ice coffee instead of fried chicken and so we basically had a cup of caffine for dinner.

I sighed and picked up the phone to dial the nearest pizza place and placed our orders. The man on the other side of the phone promised us that our food will arrive in about fifteen minutes, which sounds great since we are all starving to death.

While waiting for the pizza to arrive, we decided to play a round of truth or dare. 

"Dara, truth or dare?"


"Okay, tell us how much you love Taeyang on a scale of 1-10."


"C'mon you chose truth, so speak the truth you woman!"

"Fine. 11."


"Shut up!" Dara squealed, covering up her face. "Chaerin! Truth or Dare?"

Oh you know me, always the daredevil. "I choose dare." I grinned.

Just then the doorbell rang. What great timing for our pizza to arrive.

"I dare you to open the door and bring in the pizza in ten seconds, if you fail, you will have to do another dare." Dara said triumphly.

Huh well, that's easy.

I ran over to the door as they started they countdown and opened the door as fast as I could.




Standing outside, wearing a pizza place uniform and holding two boxes of pizzas is Ji Yong.

What even.

"Whaa..what?" I could only splutter.

Ji Yong's eyes widened to the size of meatballs. "Chaerin?!"

"8...9...10! You failed your challange Chaerin!" I heard Minzy yell.

Ji Yong cleared his throat. " I take it that you ordered pizza am I right?"

I nodded. "Yup."

"Wow...I knew that it was from our school but, I never thought that it would be the dorm that you friends live in."

"Hahah well since you are here why not join us?" I grabbed his hand. "C'mon Ji Yong, you can eat dinner with us." I smiled.

Ji Yong shook his head. "Sorry, as much as I love to, I can't. My manager expects me back in ten minutes so, I gotta rush." 

"Oh," I lowered my head and bit my lip in disappointment. "Okay then." I say as I hands him the money.

Ji Yong grins. "Did I ever told you how cute you were when you pout?"

Oh please don't freaking tell me I'm freaking pouting.

I quickly rearranged my face and gave him a gentle shove. "Off you go pizza boy."

"One last thing, don't tell you friends about it."

I frown a little. "Why?"

He winks. "Because it can then be our little secret."

I smile then. "Alright."

"Enjoy your pizza." He bowed before leaving.

Strangely, I found myself smiling as I returned to the room with our dinner. Ji Yong...Ji Yong actually looked pretty cute there in his uniform.

What the heck is wrong with you?


"So we will be doing the flip at the staircase outside the abandoned library today. It has seventeen steps so it should be pretty fun." Daniel grinned as he brushed his perfect hair to the side.

I nodded enthuiastically. "Sounds like fun." 

"You are coming aren't you?"

"Yup. that is, if you want me there." I bit my lip.

Daniel's eyes twinkled. "I always want you there Chaerin."

Great. Turning into a tomato again. Argh.

"So, I'll see you later after school okay?" 


Again, girls from the lockers glared as Daniel reached over to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I bet almost every single one of them, is wondering how can I keep my cool when walking beside someone as hot as Daniel.

Someone who can potentially melt you right there on the spot.

After Daniel and I parted ways, I went straight to my locker to wait for two of my best friends. Right as I opened my locker, I see a yellow coloured envelope inside.


"To You

From Pizza Boy."

I smiled as I tuck it into my bag.

Right at this moment, I heard a very loud, off-tune voice singing along to 2NE1's lastest album, Crush.

Of course Gong Minzy aka the very enthuiastic singer has to choose right now, when the hallway is the most crowded to make her grand entrance with Dara in tow.

That girl sure loves attention.

"Hey Chae!" Minzy waved enthuiastically.

"Hey, I assume you are in a good mood?"

Dara groaned. "You bet, she has been singing all morning."

"If you don't appreciate my wonderful singing I will stop reccomending you kpop songs." Minzy threatened oh-so-sweetly.

"Fine! I still Chaerin by my side." Dara stuck her tongue at Minzy as she linked arms with me.

These are the childish, wild people I'm hounored to call best friends.


"Wow." I said awestruck as I stared at the gigantic flight of stairs in front of me at the abandoned library. You may think that seventeen steps are pretty little, but apprently this library love to use gigantic steps. "You are going to do a flip on that? No way." I gasped.

Daniel grinned. "This is pretty small compare to the others we have been on."

I shook my head. "What creatures are you guys."

"Are you and Paul getting a move on, hurry up, we still have to help out at Uncle Ben's later remember?" Samantha yelled impatiently.

"Yeah yeah almost done!" Daniel shouted back. "I'll just have to tighten these wheels on my skateboard first."

Samantha laughed. "Either way you'll still crack your back."

"No I won't. I'll make sure to be extra careful this time."

"Like that would help." Samantha shot back.

What's wrong with Samantha? Why is she always dragging her brother down when she should be cheering for him?

"Why are you here?" I blurted out unknowingly.

Samantha paused, and then turned to me with a glare in her eyes as she eyed me up and down. "What's it to you?" She wrinkled up her nose as if she smelled something bad. 

"No I mean, if you didn't like what they are doing, why do you even come here?"

"Does it even matter to you? What are you trying to get rid of me now? Who do you think you are? Huh, you obviously think my brother has taken an interest in you and you are now the new sweetheart of the school don't you?"

I swallowed hard as I tried to fight down the tears. "No."

Daniel is right behind me. He definitely can hear what Samantha had said, but why isn't he standing up to me?

"You have the exact same attitude as that other girl Jae Yi, you both think you are so great but actually deep down inside, you are just all the same as those desprate girls."

My eyes widened. Jae Yi?

I felt my blood boil. How dare they even talk about Jae Yi like this.

"How about you? I heard you lost your pocket money because you were caught smoking once didn't you? Is that why you are hanging around Paul? Hoping for a handout aren't you?"


"Ow..." I whimper, raising my hand to cover the burning spot that Samantha had just slapped. "You slapped me!" I glared accusingly at her. 

"You deserved it."

"Which part? For calling you an underaged smoker or for calling you a charity case?"

Samantha glared at me for a couple of minutes before grabbing Paul's hand and walking off.

"Hey Paul! Where are you going? We haven't finished our flip yet!" Daniel called.

I stared at Daniel. Fury began to grow inside me. Why didn't he back me up, when his retarded sister is saying such mean things to me.

"Why didn't you back me up?" I spat.


"Why didn't you, back me up when your stupid sister said those things."

He laughed. "Why should I? It's a typical fight which happens almost everyday. Besides, Samantha wouldn't liked it if I stood up against her."

I folded my arms. "But...aren't I your girlfriend?"

Daniel frowned. "Why are you my girlfriend?"

I was lost for words.

"We went out on dates, you told me you liked me, we-you kissed me." I stared him.

Daniel sighed heavily and when he looked up, his eyes holds a glare. "Why can't normal friends go out to hang out together? Why must everything become boy-girl-relationship?"

" told me that you liked me."

"I did like you. I thought you were fun, daring different from other girls. But in the end, you are all the same just like Jae Yi, Monica or Oliver.."

"You dated Jae Yi?"

He shrugged. "Once. But she was a total wimp. Doesn't even dare to go rock climbing I mean seriously, how bad can you get?"

"Don't talk about her like that!" I shouted. 

Daniel shrugged again. "Huh, whatever."

"But then why did you..kiss me?"

"I just thought you were up for a good time, that's all. I didn't even mean anything! Why does all girls want these things?! Holding hands, kissing, crying when I don't call them, begging for my attention. As for kissing you, yuck! That was disgusting!"

I blinked. Disgusting? Disgusting? Kissing me was disgusting?

I couldn't take it anymore. I started to run away. 

"Yeah go on, run, run away Chaerin. Nobody wants you here."

That day was the first time my heart cried. 


Okay people, before you stab me a hundred times for being a day late, I want to apologise.

Sorreeee^^; So sorreee

That's it for this chapter, remember to COMMENT down below what do you want for a prezzie from me:D

<3 <3


Behind the scenes~

Ji Yong: Why...I...what...WHAT? I deliver PIZZA? WUT??AUTHORNIM!

Author: Why not? I like pizza.

Ji Yong: Why not? I like pizza.

Author: What are you doing Ji Yong?

Ji Yong: What are you doing Ji Yong?

Author: Damn it stop copying what I'm saying.

Ji Yong: Damn it stop copying what I'm saying.

Author: I like Chaerin a lot

Ji Yong: *Pretends nothing is wrong* I like Chaerin a lot.

Author: *Winks at readers* I'm stupid.

Ji Yong: I'm stupid...YAH AUTHOR NIM!





P.S Did you guys love the new album?! Gotta be you is my favourite song EVAAAA *-*

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Chapter 47: Hiii authornim... I'm new reader here (All: seriously? After authornim said that she done with Skydragon? Holy cheese) *lol... by the way, I read this story in one go *kidding.. thank you for making such wonderful stories... and about your 3 ending planned, actually, I have think that Ji was actually have some kind of disease(maybe cancer or else) at first, because when the first time Aimee showed up she asked Ji, like: 'have you tell her(Chaerin) when you go? Is she know about you?' (Or someting like that) and then turn out that he was in a gang... and thats cool for me hehhe... by the way again, waiting for your new Skydragon story (if that possible) *bow
suchant2 #2
Chapter 47: Hiiiiiiii... thanks so much for the answer ^^
I had good times reading your story.. it sad to know that you decided to stop writing about bigbang and 2ne1 but i'll support you.
I have so many problems this past few weeks T.T i couldn't even use internet, so i'm sorry i couldn't express my thoughts about the last chapters. I read them in a rush ^^
Good luck for your new project, Fighting !!!
4mB2st #3
Chapter 47: This story was so beautiful *~* but that cancer ending really came out of nowhere xD I'm so glad you made them end up together like WHY WOULD JI MARRY SOMEONE ELSE?! I would have killed him if that was the case...
Chapter 47: Thank you so much that you choose the happy ending! Just read those plots break my heart T-T
suchant2 #5
Chapter 44: You're going to end this T.T
I can't wait for the next chapter..
Chapter 44: This is going to end TT I can say that I grew up with this story lol

Anyway Ji is back! *jump* I can feel how Chae feels without him T-T Wait for the next update!
Chapter 43: Miss you so much T-T
Chapter 42: *getting raw potatoes ready with pitchforks*
mikkydragon #9
Chapter 42: Update soon.....