Chapter 18

One Stop Closer to Paris

Heyy:) Okay I'm sorry for updating late but...I have an excuse :C

Now that Christmas is over, school has reopened. I apologise for any late updates when school reopens because we all need to juggle between fanfics and school work right?:)




Dara was crumpled up like a rag doll on a bench, burying her face in her hands as she cried.

Dara ditched us, yes she did.

Dara acted like a , yes she also did.

Dara ruined our friendship, yes she also did.

But nothing could stop my heart breaking at the sound of her cries. Without hesitation, I went over and sat down beside her.

"Dara? Are you okay?" I said nervously.

Dara raised her head up in surprise. "What...what are you doing here?"

I gave her a pointed look. "I guess I'm the one who is supposed to be asking you that question. What are you doing here Dara, and why are you crying? You're ruining your make up."

When I wrapped an arm around her, her face broke and she started bawling.

"I'm sorry Chaerin ahhh!" She cried. "I r-ruined everything. Minzy is mad at me, you are mad at me-"

"I'm not mad at you. Now can you please tell me what happened?" I practically begged.

Dara finally wiped her eyes dry and with a final sob, she started telling her side of the story.

It happened on that day when she didn't appear at the lockers after school...


Dara's POV


Chaerin isn't mad at me, she really isn't,

I sniffled and wiped my eyes dry, knowing that I'll have to explain sooner or later what exactly happened to me and why I 'ditched' them.




Finally, the bell rang, signalling that the last class of the day is over and we are free to go.

I grabbed my bag and my geography textbook and was just about to step out of the classroom when someone blocked my way. I look up and see Matt, casually leaning on the door with his hands in his pockets.

Matt is the leader of the infamous gang in our school. And he was hot. Very.

"So...Sandara. Hello there." He said coolly. 

"Hi." I said tentively.

"Care to join me to celebrate my birthday tonight?" Matt smiled seductively.

"Um sorry, but I already have plans." I said quickly and tried to dodge past him but he held my sleeve, preventing me from escaping.

"Not so fast Sandara, later my friends will be here so you can decide for youself whether you want to go to this fabulous celebration."

I rolled my eyes. But truthfully, I am a little flustered. Why is Matt, the hottest guy in school, acting like this towards me.

A moment later, a huge group of people bundled in. My eyes lit up as I recongnise one of my friends from German class.

"Linda." I greeted with a shy wave. 

Linda came bounding over. "Hey Sandara, oh my gosh are you going to celebrate Matt's birthday at the club tonight?"

"Club?!" I shrieked. 

I felt an arm around my shoulder. "Yeah babe, it's just a few cans of beer. Maybe since you're here, we'll add in a couple of wine? What do you guys say?" Matt grinned at me.

One of his friends came up to me. "Wow, you finally got Sandara Park as your girlfriend?"

"I'm not-" I started to protest but got cut off by Matt.

"We'll see about this after tonight." Matt wriggled his eyebrows.

"I really can't go into a club I mean, we are all underage!" I protested.

"Don't worry Sandara, Matt's dad own the club himself and we'll be able to go in with no problem at all." Linda said cheerfully.

"C'mon it'll be fun." Matt's friend chimed in.

15 minutes later, we are settling down at the club. Matt was like superglue, refusing to leave my side even when a bunch of girls started bugging him to dance with them.

I, on the other hand, was uncomfortable. I've never been to a club before. The smell of alcohol, the loud pounding music, it was all making me feel sick to the bone.

"So Chaerin, how are you enjoying it so far?" Matt smirked as he scooted even closer to me.

"I... uh its great." I stammered.

The beer arrived and all of them grabbed a cup each and chugged it down. 

"Hey Sandara, where's your beer?" Linda asked.

I smiled uncomfortably. "I don't drink."

Linda shrugged. "Well we can't exactly force you to drink."

I was relieved as I thought I was finally off the hook to gulp down the awful beverage.

"No she must." Matt spoke as he grabbed a huge cup of beer off the table and ed it towards me. "C'mon Sandara, its my birthday, are you afraid huh? I thought you were the tough kind."

I am the tough kind. I thought to myself. Heck, does he think that I'm weak? 

"Give it here." I glared, reaching my hand out for the beer.

Matt smiled satisfiedly."That's my girl."

After I chugged it down, I was suprised as the beer actually tasted refreshing and good. Unknowing, I reached for another glass.

"This is good." I mumbled. 

Linda patted my on the back. "You're one of us now Sandara!"

I was suprised. "Really? Why?"

Linda stared at me with a pointed look. "Well don't you like being with us?"

"I do like it." I smiled.

Suddenly, Linda's best friend, Melissa came bouncing over. "OH EM GEE Lin have you heard One Direction's new song?!"

I was taken aback. "Linda, Melissa you guys are Directioners?!"

Linda grinned. "Heck yeah! You?"

My smile widened. "Me too! Actually both my friends are devoted to kpop so whenever they talk about kpop I always get left out."

Linda gave me a high-five. "Guess we're not the only koreans who don't like kpop."

"You should just ditch your friends and hang out with us Sandara!" Melissa chimed in.

Ditch...Chaerin and Minzy...?

"Yeah! Hey, I'm having a sleepover in two days, do you wanna come? We will be watching a 1D movie together with the other girls."

This time i really squealed. "You have the new DVD?"

Linda nodded happily. "Mhm! You can come and be one of us! We'll do crazy things like painting our nails and trying on each others clothes~ It'll be so much fun!"

Chaerin and Minzy are nerds. It is true that I always felt left out among them. They always get higher grades, always chat happily about kpop.

Maybe its time I made some new friends.

"Suree!" I grinned. 

A few hours later, I was dead drunk. I knew that if I don't leave sooner or later I'm going to get into trouble so I asked Linda to take me back to school.

But before I could slam Linda's car door shut, Matt came over. "Where are you going?"

"Back to dormmm..." I slurred.

"Hey, how about spending the night in my dorm?" Matt wiggled his eyebrows. 

Since I wasn't making any sense at that moment, I just nodded and stumbled out of the car door with Matt and climbed into his car.

I don't know how Matt managed to get past the security guard with me but he did and we went up to his dorm. 

"Do you want to sleep with me eh Sandara?" Matt cooed as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I tried my best to shake my head. "Noo..just wanna sleep."

When I felt him trying to my shirt, I raised my fist and punched forward and with good luck, I strucked his face.

"Ouch! Huh fine baby, I won't try to do anything with you tonight...yet." I heard him say.

I then rolled over onto my stomach and wrapped the blankets around me so he won'tbe able to do anything even if he wanted.

"Goodnight Matt." I muttered.

The next morning, I woke up with a groggy head and thankful to find my clothes still on and untouched. Matt is still asleep so without saying anything, I sneaked out.

I think I only slept for four hours because when I finally reached my own dorm, I was tired again. So when a worried Minzy began hurling me endless questions, I was beyond ticked.

"Where were you last night?" She almost shrieked.

"Club..." I mumbled.

"What...WHAT? Club?! How did you...did you drink?"

I merely raised up two fingers to tell her that I've drank about 2-3 cups of beer. But obviously she mistook for twenty.


Suddenly, I felt rage and annoyance began to boil up inside me. I was dead exhausted and all I want to do is just to sleep. 


"I slept at his dorm...." 

"Who? His?! A guy?! Dara?"

I waved her away and made my way to my bed. The last thing I remembered was Minzy complaining to Chaerin on the phone.


I woke up to the intense throbbing of my head. As soon as I set foot on the floor, Minzy came rushing over. 

"You're awake?"

"No, I'm sleep walking." I replied sacarstically.

"Whose dorm did you sleep at?"

"None of your business." I spat.

"Hey! Dara-" Minzy called but I jumped into the bathroom and shut the door as soon as I can, just to block out her annoying questions.

"Linda was right..." I grumbled as I splashed my face with water. "Minzy and Chaerin just don't know how to have fun."

I got the biggest shock when I exited the bathroom. Minzy, was on my bed, scrolling through my phone

"What are you doing?!" I screamed as I snatched my phone away from her.

Minzy's face was appalled. " have a few messages, I'm just checking them for you."

I stared at my phone. There were fifteen new messages and three missed calls.

"Who's Linda?" Minzy asked.

Before I could answer, my phone started ringing, the caller ID glowed 'Linda'.

"Hey Linda my best friend, what's up?" I greeted in a loud voice. I looked at Minzy to see her now shocked expression. 

"Heeyy Sandara! I just want to ask you if you want to go to Paradise Mall with Melissa and I later at 3?"

"Actually, can we meet now? Let's go grab lunch together." Minzy's face dropped even furthur. Weekend lunches were always with her and Chaerin.

"Sure! I can tell that today is gonna be fun!"

"Of course today is gonna be fun! I'll bring my polaroid camera so we can take some awesome polaroids!"

"That's awesome Sandara! I'll see you in five outside the gate!"

"Bye Lin!"

Minzy was dead silent when I hung up. 

"Now you know who is Linda?" I challenged.

"You...have a new best friend?" Minzy asked softly.

"Yes. Now I would really appreciate it if you would stop invading my personal privacy, Gong Minzy."

And with that, the new evil Sandara Park stomped out of the room.



Okay, okay, fashionably late am I? Sorry again my readers.

Ths stress on homework is already building up so...I apologise in advance for late updates :(


Behind the scenes~

Dara: Damn I'm like the evil queen in this chapter...

Author: *whistles* sorreee not sorreee

Dara: readers please don't misunderstand ^^; wink <- (Okay Asianfanfics this emoji thing is so cool...)

Ji Yong: And I...will...s-stay strong...until I...appear....*sobs*crying

Chaerin's mum: At least you appeared in most of the chapters, I only appeared in one or two okay.

Ji Yong: *quickly bows* Ah...mother-in-law...

Author: *giggles*

Chaerin's mum: In law? What do you mean? *reads story* oh my...

Author: Ahjumma, don't you think chaerin and Ji yong matches well?


Author: *cough* fiancee *cough*

Readers: *nods*


Hehehehe, hope you have...enjoyed(?) this chapter^^; 










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Chapter 47: Hiii authornim... I'm new reader here (All: seriously? After authornim said that she done with Skydragon? Holy cheese) *lol... by the way, I read this story in one go *kidding.. thank you for making such wonderful stories... and about your 3 ending planned, actually, I have think that Ji was actually have some kind of disease(maybe cancer or else) at first, because when the first time Aimee showed up she asked Ji, like: 'have you tell her(Chaerin) when you go? Is she know about you?' (Or someting like that) and then turn out that he was in a gang... and thats cool for me hehhe... by the way again, waiting for your new Skydragon story (if that possible) *bow
suchant2 #2
Chapter 47: Hiiiiiiii... thanks so much for the answer ^^
I had good times reading your story.. it sad to know that you decided to stop writing about bigbang and 2ne1 but i'll support you.
I have so many problems this past few weeks T.T i couldn't even use internet, so i'm sorry i couldn't express my thoughts about the last chapters. I read them in a rush ^^
Good luck for your new project, Fighting !!!
4mB2st #3
Chapter 47: This story was so beautiful *~* but that cancer ending really came out of nowhere xD I'm so glad you made them end up together like WHY WOULD JI MARRY SOMEONE ELSE?! I would have killed him if that was the case...
Chapter 47: Thank you so much that you choose the happy ending! Just read those plots break my heart T-T
suchant2 #5
Chapter 44: You're going to end this T.T
I can't wait for the next chapter..
Chapter 44: This is going to end TT I can say that I grew up with this story lol

Anyway Ji is back! *jump* I can feel how Chae feels without him T-T Wait for the next update!
Chapter 43: Miss you so much T-T
Chapter 42: *getting raw potatoes ready with pitchforks*
mikkydragon #9
Chapter 42: Update soon.....