Poor, poor baby

How to be a Bully

Luhan pouted inwardly, trying hard to concentrate on whatever the teacher was blabbering about. First day or not, she seemed absolutely intent on boring everyone, including the small blond. However, there was quite an amount of students who were ogling him instead which sort of made the boy a little confused. He was used to the odd stares of others, but right now he couldn't really decided if they were caused by his new bad boy appearance and personality that he hadn't really had the time to show off yet, or something else.

As deeply as he wished that it was the first, the small boy knew very well that this new him wasn't going to be noticed so soon. He was too famous for being a cutie still. Of course, he could wish that just within days, he would be classified as a cool, cold bully...or something similar, at least.

The quiet buzzing of his phone broke the boy out of his thoughts. Luckily for him, the teacher didn't notice, she was way more into explaining something to the students than to actually looking at them, or so it looked like from the outside. Honestly, now that he looked up, Luhan could barely stifle a giggle: the woman was pointing at various things on the blackboard again and again, practically yelling out the times and dates of exams and such that would be held that year.

Luhan knew that he should have paid attention to her but it wasn't like he couldn't just copy someone else's note. Plus, he had a text to check. Just as he had suspected, it had been Sehun who had sent him a message. Sadly, the younger boy wasn't in this class, or he was skipping.

It was unfair that even if Luhan was now a different person than he had been, he still couldn't just up and leave like some others had done because they had no real classes that day.

Pouting, he quickly replied to the message, saying that he didn't have the time to check the link Sehun had sent him out. He didn't want to get caught in class, his phone was too important to him to be taken away because of such things.

So in the end, he made a few notes so he wouldn't be so bored.

Not much later, the bell rang and quite a few people walked up to Luhan as he tried to get to his next class. One of them was the boy who he had acted mean to before.

"Oh, it's you!" The younger squealed with bright eyes as he latched onto Luhan's arm happily."I'd been trying to find you, you dropped this." He handed a small candy to the boy who tilted his head to the side in genuine confusion.

"No, I didn't..." He mumbled before quickly snapping out of his temporary daze."I mean, of course not. Do you think I'd be so careless just cause some idiot bumped into me?" Oh, how guilty he felt but... everything had a price. Luhan had to be tough and mean, he knew it just... it was really difficult.

To his surprise though, the younger didn't seemed even the tiniest fazed by what he had said. Just the opposite, he grinned brightly."Okay, so you didn't drop it, but you're cute so I want you to have it!"

Luhan blinked slowly before shaking his head."I can't accept it..." He mumbled."Really, and I don't want you to call me cute." He added.

"If you say so." The younger shrugged before quickly pecking Luhan's cheek and walking off with a content hum.

Confused, dazed, and flustered, Luhan barely noticed that something had been slipped into his pocked. He blinked for a few moments, hand flying to his cheek to rub it lightly before he quickly shook his head and continued walking towards his class.

He knew that he couldn't just give up yet, he just felt a little lost. Especially that his next class was going to be Math, and well, it was probably going to have quite a few of his friends in it, including Sehun, of course.

 Luhan knew very well that if he really wanted to turn mean and cold, he had to push away everyone. If someone stayed, then it was going to be their decision, not his. He was just a little scared of losing everyone in order to change himself. Once in the small, crowded classroom, he quickly found a seat for himself in the back and plopped into it, whining inwardly when a tall, blonde girl sashayed over to him. She had always had a kind of crush on him about which everyone knew, but the boy just...didn't like her. Still, he had never had the heart before to turn her down. Even if it had meant going out with her at least once a month and smiling at her falsely all the time, he didn't want to hurt her, not even the slightest bit.

However, just as he heard her overjoyed greeting, the small boy realized that shattering her heart into pieces would help him to start looking crude in the others' eyes. So, he took a shaky breath and tilted his head up, a surprisingly cocky smirk on his lips.

"Can't you see that I'm busy?" He asked. The short sentence definitely did come out softer and less confident than he had expected it to, but he guessed that it was a good start.

"Oh, are you?" The girl pouted a little, obviously unaware to the boy's mean tone."Then I'll just come back after class, Luhannie. I saw this awesome new shop in the mall with a lot of clothes that could fit you perfectly!" She chimed happily.

"You just told me your reason for coming here." Luhan deadpanned, feeling actually annoyed by the girl. Sure, she was pretty and quite kind but she was a little dumb and she always seemed so shallow.

"Oh, yeah. Well, see you tomorrow."

Before the boy could have said anything, the blonde walked off with a wide grin.

Bully or not, Luhan didn't have the heart to reject her."Great." He murmured to himself as he let his head hit the cool wood of his desk quite painfully.

"Again?" A familiar, deep voice asked, making the boy flinch a little as he was quite surprised by how close its owner seemed to be."Lu, you could at least tell her that you don't like her.

"But I can't Hunnie." Luhan whined pathetically, all his intentions about trying to seem cool in front of anyone forgotten for a while."She didn't even hear me out."

"Poor, poor baby." Sehun laughed before once again ruffling the older boy's hair."I swear you're too cute for your own good."




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Chapter 1: I really want to read this but afraid to get attached since it hasn't been updated ;_;
Marochhi #2
Chapter 2: They're so cute together!!! I hope you will update this soon! ♥♥♥
ForeverWithHunHan #3
Can't wait for the update~^^
Dagrace #6
This is seriously so adorable; luhan trying to be really mean, but failing completely. It would be super awesome if you updated this, so...please?
Endlessgame #7
Chapter 2: Where are you?? :(
Please update soon!!!!
Chapter 2: Aww...cutie pie is trying so hard. Luhan hwaiting! ;;
Chapter 2: Luhan you could never be manly
Chapter 2: Haha... Sorry Luhan you can't really be manly...XD