Bad Boy

How to be a Bully

AN: 101 subs? o.o That's a new record (for a new fic, at least) xD Anyway, thanks guys :3 Hope you like it :3 I reaaally hope that I won't turn this into angst, too... (I've done that before and it in the end, the fic became a tragedy xD soooo many readers cried OTL)

Luhan took a deep breath. There he was in front of his school, dressed in his new clothes. He was going to show people how he wasn't the cute boy they thought he was. He wanted to break away from that image. Hey, he was an almost grown man! So why couldn't others see it?

Well, sure, he couldn't really say that he looked mature with his sweet dimples and soft, honey-like hair, but was it his fault? Other than losing some of the fat that made his cheeks a little chubbier than he liked, he couldn't really do anything against it. Well, he did try coloring his hair with temporary dye, but he never wanted to remember that time...

Shuddering at the memory, the boy shook his head a little as he forced his lips to turn up a little, the smirk he had practiced now hopefully a bit more confident than before.  As his nervousness didn't seem to fade, he tried to convince himself that probably, many others had decided to change over the summer, as well. Two and a half months of holiday probably did cause them to think over who they were, right?

Or was really Luhan the only one being bothered by how he was the sweet baby of the school?

Given that there were many nerds and others who didn't really seem to fit in, it was obviously not true. But to the blonde who was now chewing on his lower lip as he made his way to the door, logic had seemed to have flown out the window. He felt like he was alone in this thing, without anyone to run to if his plan failed. Or... if his plan worked and he got tired of it.

Because if it did... who would want to befriend the bully?

Maybe some popular kids who the boy wasn't too fond of. Sure, they were nice and the fact that they would always offer to boy his lunch was a sweet gesture from them, but they weren't his friends...

At that point, Luhan almost turned back. He was ready to run back home and change as quickly as he could so maybe he wouldn't be too late. But... something made him decide against it.

So what if for some time he wouldn't have too much friends? Not only should have accepted the new him - as long as he never hurt them, of course - but they had to understand that he had grown up, right? Because... Luhan just wanted to prove himself. He was a big boy, not a sweet little pet as others seemed to think so.

So, this day, the third of September, to be exact, he was going to show this to them.

And with that, he finally walked in. Looking around, he realized that nothing had changed during those short months. The lockers, most of them still decorated with colorful pictures or such that were going to be pains to remove, stood proudly right opposite of him. The stairs, too, were there on his right.

And the students, as always, greeted him with bright smiles.

"Lu!" Sehun, his only bad boy friend greeted him with a tight hug. Some people liked to say how Luhan had been the one to melt the ice over the younger boy's heart, making it beat for him and no one else...

Or at least, Luhan wished. So maybe, he had added the second part to himself. Over the years he had known Sehun, he sort of have developed a little crush on the younger.

This too, was going to change this year. Sehun was obviously far from being interested in him. Not only did he have a girlfriend - well, actually three, as he liked to boast to Luhan - but he was straight, too.

So finally, Luhan was going to snap out of it, and find himself a pretty girl.

Or, at least that was his plan. But for now, he had to show that he had changed... Not to Sehun though, he couldn't even think of talking back to the younger... And well, not only because they were close friends.

"Hi." He said with a soft smile, trying to convince himself that beaming wouldn't do any good to his new image."So, how was your summer?" He asked as he hugged the back. As he pulled away, he couldn't help admiring the younger's new hair. His soft, previously quite odd, colorful locks now held a pale, silver color. Or maybe it was white... with the bright lighting of the hall, Luhan couldn't really decide. However, he definitely knew that Sehun had got taller.

He had grown a little over the summer, too, or at least he thought so. He was snapped out of trying to measure himself to the younger by said buy suddenly ruffling his hair, quite violently.

"There goes an hour of styling." He pouted a little before taking a deep breathe."Stop it." He added as coldly as he could. He expected Sehun to at least step back or any signs of surprise.

Of course, things rarely ever go as you plan them. Soft chuckled started to escape the younger boy before he was laughing quite loudly, patting Luhan's shoulder gently."Lulu, you're still so cute." He cooed.

Luhan didn't like this day.

Not at all.

Still, he continued to joke around with Sehun, trying his best to act as calm and collected as he could. It was pretty tough, considering how Sehun, as usual, was teasing him. So maybe his shirt was a bit too baggy... And he didn't look too cool in the clothes he wore, but it wasn't the clothing that mattered, right?

Luhan decided that he wouldn't let anything bring him down. He wasn't going to give up because of his best friend who he hadn't seen in months because of the latter's stupid holiday. He wasn't going to complain, either. He had decided to do something, and whether it would be hard or not, he was going to do it.

That's why, when some young boy crashed into him just as he was about to go up the stairs to his classroom, he frowned at him. "Hey, watch where you're going, kid." He said slowly, smirking a little as he walked away.

The reaction he got from the younger, the momentarily fear in his eyes made Luhan feel both guilty and excited. It seemed like being a bully wasn't that hard. Maybe it had only been Sehun on who it didn't have any effect.

Or at least, he thought so. Little did he know that the younger boy stared after him in awe just moments after he had turned, whispering a soft, almost inaudible sentence.

"I think I'm in love."

AN: Well, that was one lame chapter. Sorry guys, I'll try to make the new ones better xD

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Chapter 1: I really want to read this but afraid to get attached since it hasn't been updated ;_;
Marochhi #2
Chapter 2: They're so cute together!!! I hope you will update this soon! ♥♥♥
ForeverWithHunHan #3
Can't wait for the update~^^
Dagrace #6
This is seriously so adorable; luhan trying to be really mean, but failing completely. It would be super awesome if you updated this, so...please?
Endlessgame #7
Chapter 2: Where are you?? :(
Please update soon!!!!
Chapter 2: Aww...cutie pie is trying so hard. Luhan hwaiting! ;;
Chapter 2: Luhan you could never be manly
Chapter 2: Haha... Sorry Luhan you can't really be manly...XD