
This SHINee Girl's Love Pain From Living with SHINee


"Popo, popo." Minho kept saying to Yooguen.

Jonghyun swept in and 'stole' Minho oppa's kiss, " He kissed me! He kissed me! One more."

"And Minho Oppa's head is protecting everyone's eyes." I laughed.

"Please film this, camera director!" Jonghyun pleaded, "Popo." Yooguen ignored him, " Yah, you kissed me!" Instead Yooguen turned around and kissed Minho.

"You got that right? You saw that popo right?" Minho asked, excited.

"I kissed him first!" Jonghyun shouted, jealous.

"But i got filmed!" Minho snapped with a grin on his face.

Jonghyun sulked, but his face lightened up when he saw me. He smirked, " Kyungsoon~"

I blinked , " What?"

He pulled me into a hug, " Popo!" He demanded.

My eyes widened, " Yah, what are you doing?"

"If i can't get a kiss with Yooguen on film, I'll get one with you!" He grinned, He's out of his mind.

I smiled and laughed, - wait why did i do that? , “ Pabo! It’s a no!” I laughed, seeing as how Jonghyun had a tight grip on me, and I’m trapped in his arms, I only had a few options. A , Give in  which would probably result in his fans bashing me and scandal . B, Kicking him and hoping that he’ll let me go and not drag me to the ground with him. C, Screaming for help, but that would probably result in Jonghyun’s death.  I think all those options would make Jonghyun’s fans hate on me for the rest of their lives.

“Popo and I’ll let you go~” He sang, hugging me closer to him as if I wasn’t close enough.

I noticed that the camera crew was still getting this on film, were they not going to cut this out? “ No!” I yelled, hiding my face in his chest. “ No way you can get to my face now Jonghyun!!” I shouted  childishly, at least I felt childish.

Jonghyun chuckled, “ I’m not letting you go then.”

Minho walked past us, “ Yooguen said he doesn’t want to part. “  I’m guessing he found this pretty funny because he started laughing, “ Yah, hyung, are you jealous because I got a pop on film? Now you want to get a popo filmed with Kyung. If Onew sees you , he’ll eat you alive. “ I heard Minho’s footsteps move away from us.

Jonghyun let go of me. Choi Minho you’re my lifesaver,  I went up to the camera, “ Jonghyun is more like a funny uncle that’s drunk and constantly wants skin ship!” I laughed , “ That’s why Yooguen likes Minho Oppa more. Minho is more like an uppa.“ Maybe I shouldn’t have said that because Jonghyun put me back in his hold again.

“I’m the king of skin ship!” He shouted, walking us both back to SHINee.  Minho was still talking about how Yooguen refused to leave him. Jonghyun pulled us to the camera, “ Yooguen only looks for Minho now. When I ask him to come to me, he says he doesn’t like it. You don’t like it? I don’t like it either.” He muttered.

“That’s because your more like a funny uncle.” I laughed while he pulled us away from the camera.  Jonghyun has the guts to sit next to Onew while keeping me captive.

Actually Onew didn’t seem to even notice I was being held captive, despite the fact that he was conversing with Jonghyun. However he did notice we went to say bye to Yooguen, “ Holy chicken, what are you doing?”

“Did he seriously just say chicken?” I whispered to Jonghyun who laughed.

“I wanted a popo on film with Kyung but she refuses to, so I’m holding her captive until so. “ He grinned, he doesn’t know about the long lecture that’s coming to him…

“By the power of the almighty hen, I demand you let go of my sister.” He shouted with a hint of amusement in his voice.

“ You did not just seriously say ‘ by the  power of the almighty hen’. “ I gawked, “ What happen to the long speech that you would usually give my guy friends at school?”

He shrugged, “  I don’t know, by the power of the almighty hen sound better, “ He grinned, “ I think it’s a lot scarier .”

“You’ve got to be kidding me…” I mumbled.

“Aish, hyung I thought you would’ve eaten Jonghyun alive when you saw this,” Minho gestured to us.

Taemin pouted, “ Jonghyun always hogs noona.”  He grinned, “ Aigo , but you two look good together!” I felt my face flush, “ Noona~ I’m serious! You should give Jonghyun that popo he wants.”

“ I think JongKey is cuter.” Key joked.

“Yes Jonghyun, go over and show the camera some JongKey love ! “ I yelled.

Taemin raised his hand, “ I prefer JongKyung!” He grinned.

“JongKyung?”  I raised an eyebrow,I thought about it a bit more,  “ Ah! A couple name , right?”

“ It’s amazing how she’s the smartest person I know, but she can be a pabo sometimes.” Jonghyun laughed.

“ I know right.” Onew teased , pinching my cheek.

“Aigo! It’s time for you guys to leave! Go go!” I shouted when I noticed the time.

“I’m not leaving until I get that popo.” Jonghyun pouted.

I sighed, “ Are you serious?”

“ Do you want me to drag you on stage with me? I’ll seriously do it.”

“ …….”

“Noona, please~  Just do it ! “ Taemin pleaded.


“Kyung, c’mon. It won’t be that bad .” Minho smiled.

“ …….You’re not the one that will get bashed for it…” I muttered.

“Aigo! Kyung~!” Key whined, “ We’ll protect from the bashing!”

“…….FINE, the things I do because of you guys.”  I pouted, I leaned up and pecked Jonghyun’s cheek.

He grinned and turned to the camera, “ Did you get that?”


“You’ve got to be kidding me..” I muttered.

“One more~ Please Kyung~ I promise I’ll make it up later.”

“Fine, wait wha-” I began until Jonghyun quickly gave me a popo on the lips. I felt my face flush when the rest of SHINee started clapping.  Jonghyun let go of me and they all left for the stage., “ Aish that crazy dinosaur. “ 

A/n  I had to type this out in word because for some reason , whenever I type it’s in italics when I don’t want it to and I can’t get it back to normal >.< Makes me upset. Might have to start typing out all the chapters  on word if it doesn’t fix itself . This happen to anyone else before? Anyone else just heart that picture? Haha i hearts it lots. Btw, Henry got a YT account today :D ^-^ i'll fangirl spaz out somewhere else..


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i'm reading this again after 4 years!!!
allkpop4ever #2
Chapter 127: Where's the sequel? I ship like, everyone except Jonghyun with Kyung. Sorry I think my fav ship is probably KyungxEllijah. I mean, he fit shot for her and everything! I totally saw that coming with Taehyun being gay for him though! I was like, YES I WAS RIGHT WOOHOOO!! An then my sis was looking at me like I was insane!^~^ anyways, I hope to see the sequel soon!!^•^
Nim_Hee #3
Chapter 39: Need minkyung so badly
Chapter 126: In all the fics I have read (the majority of them anyway) Krystal and Sekyung are always the villians.
Chapter 97: Is... Jonghyun her ex? :3
Chapter 83: Tbh I ship ChocoMochi more than JongKyung... Yea xD
14 streak #7
Chapter 127: i cant stop reading this story and im sad that it ended but im also happy that theres a sequel for this ^^
i envy that fact that she has many idol friends and male idol crushing on her ^^
Chapter 3: How does she know that many idols? How?
omo so funny!!
immaninja13 #10
I commented my opinion in the sequel XD