Step 3

Baby Steps

f(x) - Airplane


Jongin look at the sound, Yong.
Yong as she promises, she in the van right now. With Jongin and Chi. Chi just falling asleep.
“She’s so cute.” Yong smiled and sit beside Jongin. “Why you don’t like her?” Yong say.
Jongin groaned as he fixed his position, he sitting in the edge of the van, looking at the ocean.
“Just see if you live one day with her. She will all day asking something. I bet you.” Yong laughing. “Its child natural manner, Jongin. Make some time. You will understand.”

“I just want to put her into foster home.” Say Jongin, Yong shaked her head.
“No. I mean, you can. But just try, a week maybe? If you comfortable with her, don’t put her in. Okay?” Yong stand up and wear her high heels, get out from the van.
“I promise, if you wait, you will not regret it.”
Jongin nodded, “You go?”
“Look at the time, stupid. It’s ingly 1 in the morning. Bye.”

“Bye.” Jongin waving his hand till Yong disappear from the view. He sighed as he saw Chi sleeping heavenly in the floor.

Should I try?

“I miss dad.” Chi broke up the silence, they are on the road, going to some place. It’s 8 am in the morning.
“Miss your dad, huh? You have me.” Jongin smirked, Chi just look at him, truthfully, glared at him.
“You never treat me like dad did.”
“I buy many clothes for you. Grandpa not that rich.”

“How do you get that money?”

Jongin smiled at her, “Your dad chose me to be the heirs. “ Chi nodded. “What is the heirs mean?” Jongin giggled.
“The heirs mean, if your dad die, I will get his heirloom. Include you.”
Chi nodded, “So..appa want you to take care of me?”

Jongin nodded.

“Do you know my mom?”
Jongin shaked his head. “No. You?” Chi shaked her head.

“Dad say she’s beautiful.”
Jongin nodded. He hate her mother. Because of she, Chi became abandoned, his grandpa dead, and his family is ruined.

“Don’t talk about mom or dad. Let’s go to somewhere.”
“There’s a public labirin play house in the park. Want to go there?” Say Jongin, Chi just nodded.

Ailee – Scandal

“Whoa. Can we go in? Can we go in? Please?”
Jongin nodded and open the door of the labirint, Chi yelled cutely and hold Kai jacket tip. They start walk in there, snow is falling, and the  wall is so cold.
“Iam scared.”
“Stupid. Nothing happene-“

There’s a water came out from somewhere and splashing Chi, and it wont stop. So she runaway.
“No! Chi! Don’t go!” Jongin start running to right, Chi turn to there. But there’s empty. No people.
“No, oh my god. No….please don’t gone.”

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