What Happened To The Rest Of The Crew!


The Story Of The Others Getting Caught!

Hyoyeon & eunhyuk.

"I got to get out of here!"Hyoyeon scrame as she went to the parking lot.It was dark and she couldnt see properly,let alone she was still kind of tipsy.

She stopped running for a second,not even knowing what direction she was running.She catched her breath.And heard fast footsteps coming from the opposite way of the parkinglot side.

Her heart sank for a moment.But then she suddenly stopped being scared.

What are the guys going to do to them anyways?Hit them?Psh! Hyoyeon wished some foolish boy would try to.

She quickly hid behind a car when she heard the footsteps very near.

"Hyoyeon.I know your here."A male voice said.

She froze behind the car,not wanting to surrender.

"Yah!Hyoyeon just come out already!Aish!!You made me fight just so I can come back home and chase you!?!"The voice said again.

She suddenly felt guilty.Remebering that the boys did fight for them.She took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the car.

"Finally!"The voice said.

She looked up and saw that it was Eunhyuk.

"What are you guys planning to do with us,huh?"She asked,straight fowardly.

"Ummm....Hmm how should I say it,without making it sound bad?"He asked himself outloud while he scratched his head.

"Ok.I know it sounds wrong but since you all made us go through all this trouble you guys are our...slave?For 4 weeks!"Eunhyuk said,wanting to die of laughter from the face Hyoyeon made.

"Slave?!?You got to be kidding me!"She threw her hands in the air in frustration.

"And what exactly do we do as slaves?" she asked with as sour voice.

"Do EVERYTHING we tell you to do."Eunhyuk said,getting excited.

"No not everything!No ,no flirting,no kissing,no touchy-toc-" Eunhyuk cut her off before she even finished her sentence.

"What makes you think we want to have with you?" Eunhyuk said trying to make Hyoyeon mad for no exact reason.

"Well good,cuz nobody wants to have with you neither!"Hyoyeon agrued.

"Is that so?"Eunhyuk walked up close to her.Thier faces only inches away from eachother.

"Yeah...What-what...are you doing?!?"Hyoyeon asked with a flustered face.

"Whats the matter?Scared?"Euhyuk teased with their noses touching.

Hyoyeon closed her eyes tightly feelign over-whelmed with this guy.

"Watch it."Hyoyeon said low enough for only the two to hear.

"And if I dont?"

"You will.And if you dont you'll strongly regret it."Hyoyeon said with enough anger in her voice to let Eunhyuk know,shes no joke.

He smirked at her slighlty and gave her a quick peck on the lips,and backed away quick.

The look on her face,was one that he couldnt even put into words.But even with that face,she was still blushing like crazy.

"If you dont want to have with me,then why are you blushing like crazy when all I did was give you PECK on the lips."Eunhyuk .Making her the color of a cherry.

"Your so going to pay for this!"She yelled and he took of running.She chased after him.


Taeyeon & Junsu.

As Taeyeon ran into the elevator she bumped into some one in their.

She quickly began apoligizing.

"Im so sorry,forgive me it wa-"She stopped herself from finishing the sentence when she saw it was Junsu she bumped into.

Her heart started beating like crazy.

Oh man Im so busted!She thought to herself.

"Easy to get you.You actually came to me instead of me going to you."Junsu laughed at the panicked look on her face.

"Oppa im sorry...but...what exactly are you going to do anyways?"Taeyeon asked.Now thinking.The boys wouldnt dare harm the girls.Ecspecially if they faught for them,and stopped them from being really harmed.

"Your my slave for a month!"Junsu squealed.Afterwards laughing at the shocked expression on her face.

"Slave!?!Slave my !Im no ones slave!"Taeyeon protested.

"You are now!"Junsu couldnt stop laughing.

Taeyeon narrowed her eyes into slits."Really now?"She asked.

If she's going o be a slave shes going to do damn bad at the job!

He just nodded his head and rubbed his stomach.

The elevator door open and Taeyeon went dashing out of it.Hell no she wasnt going to be a damn slave.

But luckily she was too tipsy to get far.

And so Junsu got her and told her all the rules.She held her head down low.

"Oppa,why!?!I beg you!Im finally on vacation and now I still have to work?"Taeyeon said with sad puppy eyes.

Junsu was about to give in,but then he saw Eunhyuk running for his dear life,and Hyoyeon right behind him with the look of a preditor.

"Wonder what he did.."Taeyeon and Junsu said at the same time.

"Anyways,Im sorry but no.Its a done deal.We worry,fight,and CHASE you.So now your a slavefor a month."

Taeyeon just sighed.Knowing she wasnt going to win this one.

"Ok.When does it start?"

"In the morning."



And so the rest got caught.All the girls werent agreeing in the beggining but then they had no choice and gave in.

The boys had the best and worst month of there lifes,bossing the girls around.

The girls hated the jobs so much in the begging,but after 2 weeks of cleaning and cooking they got use to it.But everything they did they did it horribly.

Whenever they cooked they'll either cook it too MUCH or not cook it all the way threw.Or when they cleaned they left it worst then how it looked before.

They made sure if they were going to do this they were going to do it their way.

It was a great month.And it was a horrible month.


Updated!Sorry if boring!

Keep reading though!

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xXAngelXx7 #1
ooooh! Rose has some explaining to do!!!
loving33 #2
Finally! I've waited sooo long 4 an update! :(<br />
But I'm quite satisfied :)<br />
Update soon!!!
Carmelnap #3
Damn that's bad! You don't call another mans name while having . Oy Rose!
xXAngelXx7 #4
Omg!!! Huuuuge mistake!!!!<br />
Update soon!!!! >.<
xXAngelXx7 #5
Daummmm! <br />
Max & Yunho?!!<br />
Idk even know who to pick!
lissett #6
i can't wait to find out who Rose will end up with
I think minhos kinda cheesy too! Lol and jonghyun sure is swagtastic!