Third Chapter

The First Glance


















“Kris!” I heard Ms. Hyoyeon calling to me. I stood up straight from reading the notes of Mr. and Mrs. Kim about the other things I need to do while I’m here in Korea.


I slightly bowed and gave her a smile, then I noticed a bag she’s holding and kindly told her I’ll bring it because it’s now 3:00 p.m, the time she usually go down to Kai’s café just some blocks down from her apartment.


She jumps happily as she prepares her shoes and I opened the door with the keys. I stilled the door waiting for her to go on and she hops down in the hallway.


I smiled warmly at the sight. She seems so happy to meet this Kai guy. I smiled at the thought of her laughing and being a choding again.




That’s enough, because it’s my duty to ensure her safeness and happiness.





We then just walked down the blocks because Ms.Hyoyeon doesn’t like flashy things and one of it is riding a car, she likes keeping things about her just simple though her beauty explains it all that she’s not just an ordinary netizen.




When we’re about to enter the café, she stops for a while and pulled out her phone, I didn’t saw her phone lighting up so I peeked closer.


Ah. She’s checking if she’s looking okay for Kai. I chuckled in a low tone so that she will not notice, and when she was about to turn to my side, I quickly changed to my usual stoic face I have. Then she signaled from her fingers that we will now come in.


Before she can push the doors, I obliged to do so for her since it’s my duty. She gave a smile to me which made my heart flutter.

But before I can say something, Kai already appeared at her side.


I sighed but breathe heavily when I saw Kai pecking on her lips.




It’s okay, because it’s my duty to ensure her safeness and happiness.





“Let’s go inside, I’ve prepared a Chocnut Valrhona Chocolate Cake with a Hawaiian Kona Coffee!” He exclaimed and I chuckled at the childishness.


Ms. Hyo looked back at me and I just nodded.


I then walked to the usual table I and Ms.Hyo always sit, it’s on the corner of the Shop and also Yuri told me that Kai is really the one who insists Ms.Hyo to sit in here so that no one can see much of her and he’s scared that someone will make a move on her and since this table is just in front of his office, he can check on Ms.Hyo whenever he can.



I placed the bag in her chair and I sit. I hummed a song while glancing at the shop, checking if danger is available. Sensing everything is okay, with the other 3 employees here and groups of students happily chatting, I ordered a Luwak Coffee to Seohyun and she scribbled it down to her paper and made way to Yuri.


I was still waiting for a certain blonde to appear so I can ensure she’s okay. But oh, yes, right, she’s with Kai.




I’ll just patiently wait, because it’s my duty to ensure her safeness and happiness.




Then after some minutes, I heard her laugh, I smiled at the soothing voice but frowns when it was meddled with a man’s. How I wish I can make her laugh like that too someday.



Ms.Hyo is holding a tray with the said cake and coffee and she looked at the cup I ordered earlier.


“Aww.. and here I thought you want some of these so I just told Kai to eat it with you.” She said and I was about to say sorry but she hushed me.

“Nah-ah Kris, how many times do I have to tell you? You’re not just my body guard, you’re a friend! And friends don’t need to be formal with each other. I told you to drop the ‘Ms.’ And just call me Hyo, right?” She said and I opened my mouth to defend but she raised her index finger again and I shut my mouth.

“Hush. Don’t use my parents as an excuse; I’m pretty sure they will not mind.” I just nodded.


But it was not really Ms.Hy—I mean, Hyo’s parents that I’m worried about to be friends with her, to be closer to her than I am now.


I heard Kai say, “Yes, though I’m still in-watch in you, I will not mind having you as Hyo’s friend. You can be one of my friends too!” He said and I just used my poker-face as a fire-back, which made Ms.H—ah, Hyo laughed cutely.













Then I just silently listened to their conversation, about Hyo moving to Kai’s apartment.


“I’ve already asked Baekhyun, my Interior Designer friend to decorate your room, heard you like yellow and green, right?” Kai said making Hyo jolt in happiness.


“Oh! I also want my cabinet’s front to be full glass, so that I can check quickly if I picked the right clothes.” Hyo suggested making Kai pinch her cheeks.


I held the cup tightly, my chest is burning, but it has to stop so I just cleared my throat and took another sip.


“I also asked Baek to design another room just beside yours.” Kai said while tapping his finger on the table. I glanced up at him and I saw him holding Hyo’s hands.


I trailed my fingers on my blonde locks swiftly. Then I turned my gaze on the street. Couples are everywhere. Huh, I’m getting 26 yet I still don’t have a girlfriend. I chuckled softly on myself, because.. I can’t move on.


“Mwoh? For whom?” Hyo tilted her head on the side making Kai grin at the cuteness then he played Hyo’s hair with his fingers before he answer.


“For our little dancing queens and kings, of course!” He said making Hyo blush immediately and playfully smack Kai’s arms.


They laughed merrily. And I just looked upon them, contentment spreading in my eyes.



But my heart is longing. It’s longing so bad that I want to destroy everything the sun touches.



I stood up making the two’s attention go to me. I bowed to Hyo and told them that I’ll just go to the rest-room.


My shoes clicking on the floor each step I make, like the beat of the heavy feelings my heart is aching out.


The rest room of this café is on the other corner. I greeted Yuri and Seo who are on the counter and checking on some customers. They still don’t know about how I feel for Hyo, but I saw the glint of worriedness in their eyes as I smile sadly on them. Then I saw Kyungsoo going out form the rest room.

“Hi Soo.” I greeted and he smiled back but he checked on what’s behind me and saw Hyo and Kai, maybe talking sweetly again.


“You okay?” He asked when I just bowed my head and was about to step inside the rest room.

“Of course, I need to.” I answered straight and opened the door.





I need to, because it’s my duty to ensure her safeness and happiness..





I splashed some water from the sink on my face.

I gripped on the sink for a while, swallowing my thoughts. Then I looked up, in the mirror.


There, a man looking cool and all. Strong and composed on the outside, but little do they know, he’s breaking on the inside. I wiped my face with the tissue beside the hand-sanitizer.

I pulled the hem of my suit to erase the tousles.  I shook away the invisible dusts on my pants and shoulders. I stared at my palms, hard work and tiredness tainting the lines and its roughness is really showing. How I wish that these hands will be the one to hold hers.


I bit my bottom lip and made my way out of the rest room.



“Kris!” I heard, I smiled even before finally looking at her petite form.


“She wants to go to the park.” Kai said and I just nodded.

I grab the bag I was holding earlier for her and bid farewell to Seo, Yul, and Kyung.


Then when I opened the door, a sight that should be normal for me still pricked my heart.


There, I see, the woman who innocently took my heart, giggling softly at the guy flashing her smiles. They were whispering at each other like kids.

“Ahm. I’m still here you know.” I joked and the both straightened and Hyo pulled my arms as we walk down.


They were still talking to each other but Hyo didn’t let go of my arm. How I wish this will last forever, but even before I can picture the thought, we’ve already arrived at the said park.


“Wahh!! So many cute kids!” Then I just felt the tiny arms that were holding mine was already gone and it was now wrapped around kids playing on the swings.




How I wish though, because it’s my duty to ensure her safeness and happiness.




I heard Kai chuckling while looking at Hyo.


I shifted my gaze on him and he told me to sit on the near bench, in front of the swings where Hyo is currently playing with the kids.



“You still have feelings for her?” He suddenly asked, making me cocked up an eyebrow.


I breathe and held my hands together.


“I’ve been trained since I was 14 years old. My family gave me up in an orphanage when I was only 2 yrs. old because they can’t support me anymore.” I started and he just hummed, telling me to continue.


I slump my back in the bench and went on.

“But when I turned 10, I ran away from the orphanage, to look for my family. I know it’s ridiculous for such a young boy to wander in a noisy and busy world without much knowledge about the struggles in life. But ever since I was a kid, the years I’ve spent in the orphanage, though the people there gave me enough love and care, I felt… empty, so I went to find the missing puzzles of my heart… My family.”


“And after a year, and working for a shoe company that makes me ship boxes to their customers, that's the time I met Mr. and Mrs. Kim, when I delivered to them a box of shoes that are prices for their dance contests. They wore such worried and surprise expressions learning that I was only 11 yet I’m already working to live.” I trailed off. I looked at Hyo who’s still laughing with the kids, one girl sitting on her lap and other boys playing with her smooth blonde hair.



“They told me to go to their house and I can live there, but I also need to look out for their only daughter since she’s their only child and they’re always out for work. I was only holding a plastic bag, containing all of my clothes and I knocked on their huge door after being star-struck at how fairy-tale like large their house is.” I said and Kai is now looking on the ground.



“A maid opened the door and when I told her my name, she immediately escorted me to a room. I nervously knocked on it and a little girl, 4 years younger than me greeted me with her eye-smile, she was still a brunette at that time, but nevertheless, she still looks like a little goddess. And from 3 years I became her playmate and even Mr. and Mrs. Kim let me attend school and bought me stuffs though I’ve always denied the offers, that’s when I thought, she’s the missing piece of my heart, and I want to treasure her forever.”



“Then I asked Mr. and Mrs. Kim to let me train to be Hyo’s personal bodyguard, since I’ve always seen 2 men surrounding the two couple and thought that I’ll want to be like them who can protect Hyo. They didn’t agree at first and just want me to be successful in my life but I continued to insist and they finally said ‘okay’, then I trained until I was ready to go. When I came back, she was gone in the house, but she was just actually in Korea, oh yes, we’re previously living in China.” I cleared and Kai made an ‘O’ shape in his mouth.




“So that’s why she understood a Chinese elder who keeps on shouting at Yuri about something but since he’s speaking in Mandarin, we can’t understand him but Hyo talked to him and settled the matter. Ahh..” Kai said and a smile plastered in his face.



I just rolled my eyes and went on.


“When I’ve arranged my papers to go here after Mr. and Mrs. Kim finding out that she’s now in a relationship, my heart was heavy. Knowing that while I was away to learn how to protect her, another man has already sweep her away.” I confessed and Kai looked at the sky.



“This is the second time I’ll tell you this Kai.” I said and he looked at me, expecting the next sentences.


“Hurt her, and then I’ll snatch her.” I said with a smirk which made him grin.


“You need to kill me first before I let her go. She’s mine.” He said and stood up to go to Hyo.



Hyo looked up at him and smiled; he crouched down and ruffled the hairs of the kids who are also starting to approach them.





I actually felt lighter, since I’ve already told Kai what I really felt about Hyo.




Of course, because it’s my duty to ensure her safeness and happiness.





But I know, something is still wrong with me.























It’s my heart. My helpless heart.













I’m worried that the more she wants me to be close and be open for her, the more I will be in love with her, the more I will crave to be more than a friend and mroe than a mere personal bodyguard, that I will ask to be her lover next.





















































I never thought a one-sided love will hurt this much. I’ve already experienced lots of physical pains, but this one, it’s incomparable, and it burns me to the core of my soul. I almost can’t breathe whenever I realize that…. she may never be mine.


And that’s when I did something even myself didn’t expect, something I never did again ever since I ran away from the orphanage.











































A pain strucked my heart again when I saw Hyo pecked on Kai’s lips and it was all that took me to bring my walls down for a minute.




It was a silent crying, but my ears were getting deaf from the screaming of my aching heart, I just closed my eyes and my nose starts having sniffles.





I only let one more stream of tears to flow down before I slapped my cheeks to get my composure again.





This is what love did to me yet I'm okay with it, because it’s my duty to ensure her safeness and happiness.





I checked my watch and it’s 6:00 p.m. I looked around to check of danger is available.


Sensing everything is okay, I went to the two of course after being sure that my eyes is not red anymore.


“Let’s get home Ms.H—I mean, Hyoyeon.” I said and she smiled to me warmly.


“Okay!” The she tangled her fingers with Kai’s and held my arm again.


Then we walked home with me, still holding the bag.


I’m contented with this, as long as I’m by her side.





Because it’s my duty to ensure her safeness and happiness.




















SO. yes. This Unicorn updated this story.


I'm sorry if I made Kris too emo, but since I've always read about him in some fics as a cool guy,  I thought about expressing him in here as a fragile man, well for Hyo, his love. And I'm such a big HyoKris shipper. ahahha..


I was about to end it only as an one-shot but then I saw my 18 subs and the views so I think to update this once in a while.


I'm still not sure when will I end this, but writing for this is fun.




Thanks for the continuing support :D All commments, subs and viewers are highly appreciated and loved by the great Unicorn, ME!














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will try to update later. WILL TRY. ahahhahaha


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Foreversnsd01 #1
Chapter 5: This is such a beatiful story and the ending is superb!!!
Hyosmilely #2
Chapter 5: Great! It a great story
Hyosmilely #3
Chapter 3: Goshhh~ feel pity to Kris
parvitasari #4
hyokai forever!!! Happy ending, can't it be real in the real life? Hehe.. Good job, I love your story, one of my faves.. Can't wait the next story.. Hwaiting!!
exhyolover15 #5
Chapter 1: jmgud.gju/jgqtm... hyokaiii!!!! <33
Mikaelah #6
Hyokaaii woot woot
Chapter 5: ooh , happy ending :D ^^ love it !
Chapter 5: Is it already late to read this -really really best - fanfic?!! So pity kris :( kai is manly here.
Good job author-nim :)) hyokai is the best one of my shipper. Wait for your another hyoyeon's fanfic^^
Chapter 5: Oh.My.God. It was the sweetest ending i've ever read! Omg i can't explain what i feel.... You're amazing! Thank you so much for making this story <3
SweetK #10
Chapter 1: That's so adorable, and you depict Kai so realistically. Who knows if they were actually falling for each other right now ^___^