
Angel and Vampire

Days, weeks, months have passed and the two grew closer and more attached to each other. Changjo would always come to Salma's room and they would talk and share stories about anything and everything. Though most of the time those things are random and irrelevant, neither one of them mind it. What's important is that they feel happy, content, and at ease with each other.


Salma felt joy every time she's with Changjo. And Changjo felt the same way too. Something about this girl made him wanna wish to be with her as much as he can. Despite his fear of getting discovered and putting Salma's life at risk, he still went with it. Sometimes though, he curse himself for being stubborn despite his age.


Hadn't he known the consequences his actions might bring? Doesn't he know just how dangerous it is for him and for her once the elders know of what he's doing?


They are prohibited to interact with humans. Though there's the guarantee that they can enchant them into making them believe that they are mere humans and not some supernatural creature, the elders, yes, the vampire elders, deem it necessary to keep away from the realms of humans.


They can feed from them, of course! Though there's the option of feeding from animals, they are still allowed to feed from humans. But they shouldn't kill. No. That's one of the golden rules.


Changjo surely hasn't killed anybody. Well, that is, after that first human he drank on after becoming a vampire for the first time. The desire for blood has been too much that he didn't stopped until there's no blood left to . Partly, it was his fault. Partly, his mentor's. While Changjo devour his victim to a pulp, Minsoo stood there enchanted of his creation.


Now, speaking of Minsoo. While they are not allowed to be with the company of humans, Minsoo is out there somewhere, definitely living with a human girl. But no one can oppose Minsoo. He's the strongest of their kind. He can do whatever he wish and no other vampire, elder and fledgling alike that would stand on his way. That is, if they wish to continue to exist.


Sometimes, he envy Minsoo's abilities and powers. How he can make the world bow down to his will. Changjo used to trace his footsteps and follow his every example. But Changjo has grown to be wise. He knows that each vampire have unique abilities and limitation. While Minsoo seemed like he can do everything, there is but one weakness that not all of their kind know of.


Changjo, being his fledling and were able to live with him for almost a century, discovered his weakness: Minsoo wanted to be human again. That is the one thing that keeps him in the company of mortals. He wanna feel how it is to be normal. Human. Alive.


But did you think he would give up his immesurable powers? The ability to fly, read minds, enchant, and immunity to sickness and diseases? You're wrong. Minsoo wants to be human again while retaining his powers. Sick, Changjo knows. But somehow, it's that one thing that made Minsoo different from all other vampires.


Now, you ask why that is Minsoo's weakness? Because he feel too much, he's so prone to breaking down with too much emotion, sad memories and thoughts that he wouldn't wanna let go because of too much holding on to human thoughts and emotions. He would be gone for decades without anybody else of our kind knowing of his whereabout. Then we would learn that he buried himself somewhere deep and wouldn't want to come out and continue living.


But despite that, when he decided to live again, he is still the most powerful vampire. Contradicting I know. But that's what made him the greatest among our kind. The co-existence of his great powers and equally great flaws.


While the rest of our kind marvel death, disease, and human's weakness and fragility, Minsoo feel for them. Cherish them. That is why, he's also notorious in creating humans into their kind. Especially the ones he deem beautiful.


He doesn't want those beauty to perish. And so, even though it's prohibited, he made me.


Now, do I deem myself beautiful then to be worthy of the blood? I certainly do not.


Well, not until I met Salma.


I can see it in her eyes every time she look at me. I don't read her thoughts. No, I swore not to do that unless utterly necessary. But it's all in her eyes. The way she turn those brown orbs into mine. Every time I see my reflection on her bright eyes, I see...


Well, what do I see?


I see adoration, admiration, care, love...


Is that true? Is that really love?


Well, I think I love her too. Oh, do I?


If I do then why am I risking her safety? Why did I let myself be this attached to her when I know that in doing so, I am making her an open target to the elders? I'm not as strong as Minsoo to protect her. No, not yet. But I wish I could be.


My musing and worries were all drowned into the background when I felt her cold hands on my cold face. I still wonder why she doesn't even flinch every time she hold me and feel my coldness. I don't see hesitation. It's like she's never having a doubt about me.


Then I felt her lips on mine.


I open my mouth to welcome her. And all other thoughts are gone...




I have my eyes closed but I can clearly see them approaching. They're here! We've been found! I quickly pulled Salma into a protective hug. I can sense her confusion but I was quick to shush her with a comforting squeeze on her shoulder.


They're here. They're waiting for me to come out. But what should I do? I can't let them kill her. But I can't fight them too. We will both perish. That's for sure.


I can't think straight.


Then I heard his voice. Inside my head, I hear his voice assuring my safety if only I would come out and not wait until this is a full blown bout between us all. Minsoo.


Silently, I quickly asked about Salma. If it's Minsoo, I know he would take my side. Especially when he's in love with a human girl himself. He assured her safety only if I would go with them and let the elders decide of my punishment.


He's asking forgiveness that this is all he can do for me. That he wouldn't risk initiating a war. I found this unfair but at least I have his word that they wouldn't kill my Salma.


I quickly pushed Salma at arm's length and looked at her questioning eyes before giving her one last deep kiss. I may not know what they have in store for me. But I'm sure that being with Salma is out of the question. This is goodbye.


I stood up. Salma stood up too and asked what's wrong. Of course she didn't know. How could she when she doesn't know about the conversation that went on between Minsoo and me. Heh! She's not even aware that there are monsters outside her window right at this moment. I squeezed her hand before hugging her tight.


“Take care.” I whispered in her ear before disappearing into the night.


A/N: There's one more chapter coming up! Wait for it! ^_____^

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andreaylen #1
Chapter 5: Amazing.....
Chapter 5: minsoo-yaa you babo -.- lol anw THIS STORY IS AMAZING <33 I loveeeee it ;;;;;
Chapter 5: Soooo sooo much better ending lmaooo i am glad i .not dead XDDDD and omg this is feels all over holy holyyy sgsusnisueu /gonna faint
daejaebiased #4
Chapter 4: Omo o_O o_O o_O
Chapter 4: Omgg i wanted something tragic but you made me die holllllyyyyy this killed
Chapter 3: /cries in a corner channngjooo my god why are you so sweeet unniiiiiii dont get them seperated /cries oh man vampires sure dont have an easy life
Chapter 2: OMGGGGGG wait there is coming moree????? OMGGGG we kissed OMMGG changjo you soooo fast !!! Lmao, this this is just so perfect omggg can this please really happen and when he was like : i am here now i was realllly stomping my foot shouting : yes omg you are here for me and ufff i am just dead after this awesome chapter and omg this is so awesome
Chapter 1: Ommmg while i read this i was like i am going to have to beg unni for a sequel but reading that there is part twoo my heart skipped of joy OMG this is reallly really reallyyy perfect, how hot changjo would be as a vampire, way way hotter than glimmering edwards omggg unnii thank you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ i really really love this, perfect birthday present