
The beauty and the vampire

Quick update for you ^^ please leave a comment *bows*


I never understood how a human's emotions could change so fast. How today he is feeling down and ready to give up, then the day after he is doing much better. I wonder what is this feeling I have right now. It's a mixture of hope, happiness, addiction and the need of that one someone. I won't spend much time wondering how or why I'm feeling this, I'm grateful as long as the feeling isn't hurting me. I need this happiness for the time being.

" Noona, thanks for the ride. " I heard my little brother calling. " It's cool, it's cool. Let's get in. " I replied him with a sincere smile. We walked side by side until we parted so everyone regain his classroom. I entered the room and Sunny waved to me. " Hi there ! how are you ? "  I greeted them and Leehi pouted. I giggled, knowing she was drunk yesterday I'm sure she is not that fine.

We talked some few more minutes before the door opened revealing two smiling figures. I saw Bom rushing into my direction causing the rest to gasp in surprise. " Dara ! Missed you yesterday. " She said and hugged me tightly. " me too Bom. So how are you ? " I was talking to her while Chaerin was walking toward us. " Hi, Sandara Park. " She said giving me her brightest smile. " Hi Lee Chaerin. " I replied and she chuckled. " Slept well ? " She asked and I nodded.

The thing is, I had this dream of her hugging me tightly on bed. The feeling.. The dream was so real.. It's weird, but it feels good.

" Sit, let's start. " We heard the teacher. We took a sit and the lesson started. For the first time I paid attention to the boring lesson. On the other hand, Bom was busy texting and smiling. Chaerin, she was watching me smiling like a fool. I know she is chuckling because I'm blushing. She threw a paper at me suddenly and I opened it.

' Meet me behind the schools' gym, I'll go first. " She said and I glanced at her.

" Teacher ? " she called the old man who asked her what she wants. " I don't feel good, I think I need to go before I pass out. " She said and I chuckled knowing she is lying. She rushed out of the class room grabing her things. What caught my attention was the thing she whispered to the teacher looking at him directly in the eyes. He nodded and she went out.

Minutes passed, and I didn't go out. " Sandara Park, I see you aren't that fine neither. Please Join ms. Lee at the infirmary. " he said and I stood up still processing why the hell is he saying that. I rushed out of the classroom and went to the place Chaerin told me to go to. I walked slowly and found Chaerin leaning her back on the wall.

She looks so y wearing that classic jacket and tight black jean. I love the red blouse too. High wheels.. God !

" So you made it !" She suddenly said still eyes closed. " yeah, oddly the teacher said I don't look fine. " I replied and she chuckled. " Good he did. " She said and I walked toward her. I faced her and watched her. Eyes still closed I glanced at her lightly parted lips. I leaned closer and put my lips on hers. I moved them slowly trying not to rush things. She put her hand behind my head and flipped our position. I'm now the one leaning on the wall. She kissed me for minutes and then we broke the kiss. She rested her forehead on mine and smiled. I smiled back.

" Are you free today ? " She suddenly asked and I nodded. " Would you mind joining me for dinner ? " She asked again and I pecked on her lips. " Courting me huh ? " I asked and she chuckled. " You like it ? " She asked and I smiled. " Very much. " I said and she pulled me for a kiss again, this time, she my lower lips so I moaned. She smiled and slipped her tongue inside my mouth. She explored my mouth and then she broke the kiss.

" Lunch time with me ? " She asked again and I hummed. " You mean with your gang ? " I asked and she chuckled. " Yeah, Bom, TOP and some people I want you to meet. " I nodded. " My pleasure Ms. Lee. " I said and she smiled. " I like how my name sounds when you say it. " She said and I smiled. " Lee Chaerin. " I said and she moaned.

We then kissed for the rest of the minutes left before lunch time. Once the break, we headed to the cafeteria. I waved to sunny and my other friends. Jiyong wasn't there. I shook my head and felt Chaerin arms around my waist.

" What's wrong Dara ? " She whispered causing the rest of the people look at us. They look.. Jealous ? " Nothing.. Jiyong is not here. " I said and she hissed. " That guy hates me. " She chuckled. " Why I asked she smiled to me. " long story, maybe next time I'll tell you. " She said and I pouted. " Like tonight ? " I asked her and she chuckled. " Maybe. But I know where he is. His father and mine went to north korea for a business trip. Jiyong is there too. Me, I didn't leave because I had.. To see you. " She said and I blushed.

We quickly took a sit beside each other. " So this is the lucky girl ? " I heard a feminine voice coming from a smiley young pink haired girl. " Yeah, she is. Well my bad Let me introduce her. Guys, this is Dara. Dara this is Minzy, and this is Daesung, this is YoungBae, and you sure know Top and Bom. " She said and they all gave me a welcoming smile. We talked about random thing. Like how Bom and Top met, or how Chaerin can't stop talking about me. This is cute.

After the break, we went to our respective classrooms. Chaerin was watching me and as always I was blushing. After the classes finished Chaerin came closer to me and pecked on my lips causing Leehi to frown in surprise. " I'll come take you at 6 p.m. Please inform your brother and aunt. " She said and I smiled. " Can't wait. " She waved goodbye. " Huh ?! "I heard the two girls. " What ? " I asked and they smiled. " Explain the peck, the date, the smile and the blush." Said Leehi and I chuckled. Okay, I'll explain later. " I need to go, I'll explain later.

I can't help but smile, I have a date with Lee Chaerin. The Lee Chaerin !

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krehyong #1
Chapter 4: Update please :)
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 4: Author pls. Update...your story is so good....
chutie #3
Chapter 4: still waitin' authornim
Chapter 4: Oh :( where is your update author ? :( I'm waiting :(
Chapter 4: No updates? I'm sad author :(
xxi_alexa #6
Chapter 4: O_O
update soon authronim!
sukhiya #7
Chapter 4: Awww...what happen next?
sukhiya #8
Chapter 3: Next chapter will be chapter..I hope..kekeke
krehyong #9
Chapter 1: this is good authornim :}
update soon..
fighting!!! \♥^♥/
sukhiya #10
Update soon...I like your story.