Chapter One


I stood outside the two massive oak doors of the mansion. Today was the day my whole world turned upside down. Firstly, my grandmother, the person who had raised me since I was a baby, my only relative and the person I loved most in the world, was dead. Secondly, I found out that I had a fiancé. That’s right. And I’m only seventeen. My whole life ahead of me and it has to be ruined by this. 

I wondered whether my grandmother had ever planned on telling me any of this.

I didn’t know the guy’s name, who he was, whether he was good-looking (hey, this is important) or even what school he went to. I only knew that he was my fiancé. 

Suddenly, the two massive oak doors swung open and I was greeted by a tall, sophisticated, beautiful women. 

“Ah… Yeonhee. I am Mrs. Kim.”

I bowed and greeted her. 

“Come, we shall go and see my son. I’m sure you’re very excited.”

I smiled hesitantly and followed her into a huge living room. Sitting on one of the posh couches was a boy. I guessed that he was my fiancé. Jeez I hope not. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with such a cold looking person. 

Mrs. Kim sat down on a couch opposite her son and gestured for me to sit down next to her. 

“Yeonhee, this is my son, Kim Jaejoong. Jaejoong, this is your fiancé, Lee Yeonhee.” His expression remained cold.

“As you both know, you have been promised to each other. Let me tell you why.

“Your fathers were best friends since childhood. When Jaejoong’s father fell fatally ill, his dying wish was that his four month old would be promised to his best friend’s one month old daughter, to show his feelings towards his best friend and express how much their friendship meant to him. It was his last wish. We wanted to honor it.”

I was shocked. I had never known my parents. I couldn’t remember anything about them. They had died when I was only two months old. Just a month after the promise…. My grandmother had taken care of me since.

“When Yeonhee’s parents died, we wanted to take her in but her grandmother said it would be weird for her to grow up with her fiancé and wanted to take care of her granddaughter herself. So, we told her that if anything should happen, we would take you in and care for you as if you were our daughter.”

I nodded, still reeling from the shock of everything I had found out. 

“Now, just a few minor details. You will be staying in the room next to Jaejoong’s. I’m assure you that you will find it quite comfortable. Unfortunately, you will have to transfer to Jaejoong’s school. You will start next week, as soon as you have gotten used to living here and settled down. Your best friend’s, Kim Bomi, brother goes to this school as well. She has also expressed her wish to transfer there with you and her parents have agreed. You will go with Jaejoong to school in the mornings in his car and you will come back home that way as well. I have arranged that you will be in Bomi’s classes so that you will not be lonely. If there is any problem at all, please, come to me. I would do anything to make it better for you. 

Oh, and one more thing, there will a dinner being a held the day after tomorrow in honor of your joining our family. All of Jaejoong’s relatives and close friends will be there. I have invited Bomi as well. Tomorrow, you and I are going to spend a girl’s day out pampering ourselves and shopping for the perfect outfit. Doesn’t that sound good?”

I smiled. 

“Anyway, dinner is going to be ready soon. Jaejoong, take her up to your room and entertain her until dinner is ready.”

He stood up wordlessly and began ascending the stairs, the expression on his face never changing. Mrs. Kim gestured for me to follow him. I stood up reluctantly and began following the ice prince. I had a feeling that the days ahead were going to be very long.

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