The Feared Day

5 faithful stars

Ahh!! Wahh!! *shouting* OMG! What happened today? Why is so cloudy and why it's so dark?

Suddenly I heard sobbings that came from the living room. 

Eonnies! What happened?! What's wrong?! 

It's my fault, it's all my fault said Byul unnie sobbing

Yah! I said It's not your fault Byul ah! said a crying Hanalu unnie

Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on?! *sorry but I had to use bad language cause they didn't answer me*

D-D-DBSK! said Young Hee unnie

They- They- k.disbanded! said Haneul unnie trying her best not to cry 

WHAT?!!! Please tell me this is a lie, a prank or a dream! I exclaimed

It isn't See!! said Haneul showing me the TV with the news on 

It's been certificated that the group DBSK  have been disbanded. Three of the members Jaejoong,Yoochun and Junsu

demand SM entertainment for reasons. They said in a personal interview that this reasons was that they weren't paid

enough was because they had less sleep and extra work making them sick and tired. In this judgement the three ex

members have win this and there's a rumour that they are working in LAX however there also something suspicious

between the 2 members left who are probably thinking about creating a new album,thanks and that's all for today. 

I stood there speechless, I didn't know what to do , I'm frustrated.

I want to scream but the pain has formed a big lump in my throat that banned me to do it.

So each one of us cry silently trying to reduce the pain we feel.

Young Hee unnie said: Ok calm down just remember good times please she said while comforting us.

Ok you can think that we are overreacting no? Think!! Why do I care about a possible disoluted boyband?

Well let me tell you why in my next chapter :)

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whiteprincess23 #1
Chapter 8: how was it? did you guys like it? please tell me :)
omg This is so sad :( I really miss DB5K!
yunjae23 #3
Please update
whiteprincess23 #4
geez! my mom hide my book where I'm writing all my stories now I have to look for it! TT___TT wish me luck! n.n
whiteprincess23 #5
thank you n.n I'm updating now N.n<br />
whiteprincess23 #7
omo! thanks I didn't think that someone would like my story but I'm really grateful *bows 90°degrees*
KatieRose380 #8
I love this so much and I can't wait to read more :)