Their mission

5 faithful stars

OMG! Why do we look like stars? freaked out Youngmi asked

Because you wished  something  to a shooting star and if you didn't know that shooting star had a last wish too she wished for companies for us said the mayor star

But  but but we are humans not stars please can we returned back to Earth asked a pleading byul (A/N: she used her aegyo)

Ok,but if we let you go you have to make that wish come true

huh? But how it's possible . We wish for it and we have to make it true. What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Haneul said

Well, if you don't like your mission you have to stay forever here said the mayor star

Ok, We would do it but how we are going to convince them to come back as one said Younghee

Because when you guys returned back to earth  you will have magic charm, I know you guys won't needed because of your natural beauty but it's better to keep it just in case. But I'm warning you If  you succeed you will be humans forever but if you fail you would come back to the sky arasso?. I know your mission would be hard and nerve racking but you have to trust yourselfes because they would trust you , why? because you are unique, honest,smart,etc. You guys are the light of her life  their stars. 5 faithful stars

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whiteprincess23 #1
Chapter 8: how was it? did you guys like it? please tell me :)
omg This is so sad :( I really miss DB5K!
yunjae23 #3
Please update
whiteprincess23 #4
geez! my mom hide my book where I'm writing all my stories now I have to look for it! TT___TT wish me luck! n.n
whiteprincess23 #5
thank you n.n I'm updating now N.n<br />
whiteprincess23 #7
omo! thanks I didn't think that someone would like my story but I'm really grateful *bows 90°degrees*
KatieRose380 #8
I love this so much and I can't wait to read more :)