
Happy Anniversary, Babe

    *Three weeks later*


      “How did we get so lucky?” Jiyong mused.

     His best friend stood next to him and sighed, “It's not very fair of us, is it?”

     Jiyong and Youngbae stood on the edge of the playground watching the scene unfold in front of them: in the twilight there were children running around everywhere, adults (including their wives) attending to them, and a birthday party being held under a large tent just off to the side. Days like this were perfect. In a couple of hours they would be struggling to put their children to bed, but this was the perfect time to reflect on just how great life was. Jiyong watched as Youngbae's smile turned into a look of interest, looking around trying to figure out what had caused the change, but eventually had to ask when he couldn't solve the mystery.

     “Did you have a good anniversary?”

     “Yeah. It was really nice. Why?”

     “It seems that congratulations are in order.”

     Jiyong's eyes narrowed, “What do you mean?”

     Youngbae said nothing, but nodded to the scene unfolding on the other side of the park. Ahead of them Jiyong watched his wife carry their youngest toward an awaiting stroller. Seeing the confusion still painted on his face, Youngbae sighed, “Really, Jiyong? Just look at her.”

     “What are you two talking about?” A petite woman replied, handing Youngbae the small child she had in her arms.

      “Hey, babe,” Youngbae smiled at his wife, “Ji...”

     “Woah.” she exclaimed, effectively cutting her husband off, “Nice rack. Congratulations, daddy.” she laughed. While the two men might have been there for hours trying to communicate this simple observation, thankfully Youngbae's wife was about as blunt as people came; on the surface they were an odd pairing, but somehow it worked between them. The woman moved between the two and put her hands over her ears, signalling to the boy in Youngbae's arms to mimic the behavior. When he did, she turned to Jiyong in mock anger, “When are you going to leave that poor girl alone?”

     Shaking the shock off, a huge grin appeared on Jiyong's face. Was he really about to become a father again? He turned to the woman next to him, “I don't know. I love her so much that I'd give her a football team if she asked for it.”

     The woman laughed softly, “And I'm sure that she'd give birth to an entire army if you asked her. Seriously, you went five years without one and now you're going to have four under the age of seven. Good lord, you two act like you just started dating. You don't have to let the world know how much the two of you are having .”

     Jiyong struggled to suppress a laugh. Things had slowed way down since he met his wife and he was spending a lot more time at home; she definitely didn't get pregnant every time they had .

     The woman next to him sighed absentmindedly, “she was just talking to me about getting her body back too...” she reflected before she caught sight of another little boy running by. She started to chase after him, threw her head back and yelled, “Don't get any ideas, Youngbae, we have four-year-old twins!”

     Youngbae laughed, but Jiyong's smile immediately turned into a frown. His eyes expressed nothing but worry. She was right: maybe he had been selfish. Would his wife be unhappy enduring a fourth pregnancy? Did she actually want this? He had to find out. Youngbae saw the look on his friend's face, understood instantly and nodded before carefully removing the small hands from his son's ears and venturing to help his wife capture the other twin.

     Jiyong set out on a determined path to his wife, stopping only for the occasional child that ran past, but never veering from his route. She didn't see him at first, but when she saw him approach with a worried look on his face, hers turned to a look of absolute panic assuming that he was worried about one of their children. She located one building a castle in the sandbox and the other running hand-in-hand with Daesung's little girl. The youngest, of course, was now in the stroller that she rocked next to her. “What's wrong, Ji?” she asked when he arrived.

     A faint smile appeared on his face as he placed his hand over hers on the stroller, “Are you happy?”

     Her confusion only grew, “Of course I'm happy, Jiyong. Aren't you happy? I love you.”

     “Why didn't you tell me?” he asked sadly.

     She felt as if she should apologize simply by the tone in his voice, but was still confused as to what they were actually discussing, “Tell you what, babe?”

     “That you're...” he paused, unsure how to address his burning question and instead directed his eyes to the ground as he squeezed her hand.

      Her eyes followed his and she signalled that she understood by sheepishly pulling her sweater closer around her and trying to concave her back, “That obvious?”

     His eyes snapped back up to her face, “You knew?! Why didn't you tell me?”

     “I wasn't sure, Ji. I knew that you'd be excited and I didn't want to tell you until I was sure.”

      “Are you happy?” he asked quietly.

     “What?” she asked, genuinely not hearing the question.

     “About having another baby. Are you happy?”

     She laughed. “Really, Jiyong? Any baby I have will be half-you. I love you and it seems like a crime not to bring more of them into the world. Besides, you know how much I like making them with you.” she winked, trying to diffuse his sadness.

      “But she said that you wanted to get your body back.” he said, motioning in the direction of Youngbae's wife.

     “Because our youngest is almost a year old. I gave birth almost a year ago, Ji, don't you think I should? If I'm pregnant, I don't mind so much.”

     “I think you're perfect. Seriously, babe, you could be twice your size and I'd still love you. You're really okay with it?”

     “Ji, honey,” she said quietly, “we didn't have any children for five years. Do you really think that I don't know how to have with you and not get pregnant? I wouldn't have let it happen if I wasn't okay with it.”

     He picked her up and swung her around, “I love you so much, babe!”

     “Ji! Ji!” she giggled, “You're going to jump start my morning sickness!”

     He put her down gently and kissed her hands, “I'll hold your hair back as many times as you need me to, babe. You're the best thing that ever happened to me.”

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 3: Aww I love them together.
daniiaangel #3
Chapter 3: this is just...right in the feels~~<3
Foreverhis #4
Chapter 2: Wow! Mind blowing ! I love it though! <3 I wish it was me & jiyong ! T.T
GBaby06 #5
Chapter 1: Awesome! This one shot was soooo sweet!!! Love your style!!!