
Happy Anniversary, Babe

     The doorbell rang, snapping her out of her daydream. “GRANDMA!” the two older children yelled and ran to the door. The woman smiled and followed her kids to the door, followed closely by the husband and the baby. The older children swung the door open wide and each hugged one of their grandmother's legs. The older woman smiled and greeted the children before congratulating her daughter-in-law on her anniversary. The younger woman leaned in to give her mother-in-law a hug and whispered her thanks for everything: for taking the children, for being an amazing grandmother and for raising a son that turned out to be the perfect husband to her and perfect father to their children. Jiyong stood back, rocking the baby on his hip and smiled. He felt so lucky that his wife and mother had such a good relationship; his wife's family lived far away and his own mother was willing to fill in when he couldn't be around. The two women weren't like in-laws, they were like authentic mother and daughter and he was grateful for that. He let them have their moment before he swept in, thanked his mother and handed her the child in his arms. The older woman stood back and smiled at the couple in front of her. Ten years had gone so fast, and she could see how in love they still were. Even after ten years they still looked only at each other and were having a hard time keeping their eyes off each other even as they stood in front of her. She was pretty observant herself, she saw the way that her son looked at his wife and recognized the look; she wasn't going to spend a long time at the house, they had three children five and under, they needed their alone time. She said her goodbyes and led the children out of the house with promises of fun without mommy and daddy.

      Jiyong closed the door and they both closed their eyes. To the outside observer this would have been a very interesting sight: they both stood with their eyes closed, nodding slowly, counting to ten in their heads until it was safe to believe that the kids were out of earshot. What was perhaps most interesting about the sight was the fact that they did it nearly in complete sync and that Jiyong only got to four before his hand blindly reached out for his wife's hand. By six they connected and laced their fingers together and smiled, eyes still closed. At ten, her eyes flew open, “you LIED, Kwon Jiyong!” she teased. He looked back at her in confusion as she pulled her hand from his, “Since when did you fall in love with me at first sight?”

      His anxiety washed away and he laughed, “What did you want me to say? Maybe I wasn't in love, but I loved certain parts of you at first sight,” he smirked, “Should I have told our children that I didn't love their mother at first sight, but that I would have loved to take her over the dinner table the first time I saw her?”

      She blushed. It was no secret that they had both been instantly physically attracted to each other but they actually hated each other at first. She laughed, “Do you remember our first date?” He simply nodded. When they had met, she was still a teacher. In fact, she was his niece's teacher and his mother had met her once while picking up her granddaughter and set the young woman up with her son. They had gone on a simple dinner-and-a-movie date, but it was fairly quiet. She had thought that he was egotistical and he thought that she was uptight, so they barely spoke each hoping that the date would end as quickly as possible. It did, but they kept running into each other and their first impressions slowly melted away. She had assumed that because he was rich and famous that he was full of himself and thought himself too good for a common girl like her. Maybe he was right, but why on earth would he agree to go on a date with someone like her? Was he being forced? This mindset probably contributed a lot to his impression of her, she was quiet and as cold as the weather outside on their first date in January. Jiyong later joked that they were destined to be together because they always found themselves in the same place as the other. Maybe he was right and it was fate. There was no reason that they should have seen each other that much. “So, when did you?” she asked shyly; there weren't a lot of things that made her shy when he was involved, but thinking back to that time almost made her feel as if they were still in their dating period.


     “When did you actually fall in love with me?”

      He smiled and looked at the ground. How had this not come up before? “If I tell you, will you answer too?” She nodded and he pulled her closer to him, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, “Do you remember that bonfire?”

     She looked around trying to think of the time he was referring to and her hands slapped over when she realized what he was saying, “Ji, you...?!” He smiled sheepishly: the fact was that he had fallen in love with her way before she fell in love with him and much earlier than it took him to confess it to her. She was sure that she had fallen first.

     He took her hands away from her face and kissed her chastely, “the sun was starting to set and you said you were cold, so I gave you my hoodie. Do you remember?” she nodded, still blushing an obnoxious pink for someone who had been married for so long, “I remember thinking, 'this girl must be crazy. Why didn't she bring more clothes? Of course it's going to get colder at night'. I gave you that hoodie out of annoyance, but later I saw you dancing with a group of people and I couldn't help but stare at you. You were wearing shorts and my hoodie; your hair was wavy after swimming in the ocean and you just looked absolutely beautiful to me. You had your eyes closed and a beer in your hand and...the way you sang and moved to the weren't drunk, but you looked like you didn't have a care in the world. Your hair was everywhere, and you looked wild, not at all what I thought at first. I knew then that I was stupid for almost letting a girl like you go. I was in love.”

      “Babe...” she said with tears forming in her eyes. She still had that hoodie. She often slept with it when he was on tour. Since he wore it all the time, she didn't associate it with the bonfire, but it smelled like him and comforted her when she knew that they'd be apart.

      “By the time I confessed to you, I already knew that I wanted you to marry me.”

      The threatening tears fell and he brushed them away with his thumbs. “” How was she supposed to tell him how she fell in love after a story like that? Truth be told, there wasn't one specific moment for her, she fell in love with him in small increments and fully realized at least two months after the bonfire. She fell in love as she started to see past the veneer of celebrity and see the person he actually was. She didn't fall in love with G-Dragon, she fell in love with Jiyong, but Jiyong was hidden from her at first. She couldn't blame him; she was sure that there were a lot of girls before her that wanted him for his money or celebrity and he had to be on guard against that kind of thing. It broke her heart to know how much his heart must have been broken before she met him. Not that he would ever tell her. Past was past with them.

     “It's okay, babe, I know. You don't have to tell me.”

     “No. Do you remember the night at that club? When that drunk guy was feeling me up and trying to get me to go home with him?” He nodded, “you came out of nowhere. I didn't even know you were there, you must have been in VIP, yet you were right there when I needed you. He had his arms around me and you pulled me away and our fingers laced, like this,” she smiled and looked at their hands, “you told him that I was your girlfriend and slipped one of your rings on my hand. I thought you still didn't like me, but here you were, sweeping in like in one of those fairy tales and taking me away with you. The man didn't believe that we were together, so you showed him the ring and kissed me. That was our first kiss, out there in the middle of the dance floor of some disgusting club, but time stopped when your lips touched mine. No one ever kissed me like that before, and it killed me when I thought it was fake.”

      “Stupid girl,” he laughed, “See? It's fate. There was no reason for us to be there at the same time, but we were. You're right; I was in VIP and I had been watching you. What was I supposed to do when I saw another man touch the woman I loved? Truth is that I knew that you could take care of yourself, but seeing him touch you made me jealous. He didn't even know you and got to touch you. I was in love with you and too scared to show it. Nothing was ever fake with you. As stupid as it sounds, I'm grateful to that man if he made you fall in love with me.”

      Her lips crashed onto his as if wanting to relive that moment and he eagerly returned the kiss. She moaned hungrily into the kiss and he pulled her flush against his body. They fit so perfectly together and even after all of these years he felt like he needed to be always touching her to make up for all the time he hid his feelings for her and all the time that he had been touring instead of staying with her. His hands roamed down her sides and over her before he leaned down to capture one of her legs. She wrapped it around him with ease and hopped up, letting him catch her as she wrapped her legs around his body. He grunted and tangled a hand in her hair, keeping her head as close to him as possible. He walked her over to the couch and sat down with her on his lap, into at the new pressure on his lap. Panting, she broke the kiss and smiled, “so, what did you have in mind now that the kids are gone?”

     “Well,” he said, casually tucking her disheveled hair behind her ears, “I do have some things planned, but I thought that we could continue from last night first.”

      She smiled back at him. She knew that Jiyong was a romantic at heart and would have something perfect planned for the two of them and the thought of being completely alone with him was exhilarating; they didn't need to go out immediately, right? Not after a kiss like that. He leaned back in to kiss down her neck, but she leaned away from his lips before they could reach their destination. He looked at her puzzled but she just looked down and started to unfasten his belt. His eyes turned dark, but he sat back and watched her until she reached up to her own blouse and started to it. “What are you doing?” he asked quietly.

     “Giving you your first anniversary gift, honey.”

     “What?! Are you really not going to let me unwrap my own gift?” he growled before pulling her knees closer around his body indicating that he was going to pick her up again. She wrapped her legs around him again and he placed his arms on her back and laid her gently on the couch, never breaking contact and hovered over her. He carefully grabbed her wrists and placed them firmly next to her ears and brushed her hair back, “I want to see all of you” he explained, as if it were necessary.

     She just watched the look in his eyes as he slowly ed more of the shirt, just enough to see the red lingerie she was wearing underneath, “Do you like it?” she whispered, not daring to move underneath him.

     A groan was all she earned in response before he finished ing the shirt and pulled it wide open, carefully laying the shirt out in front of him. He just sat back and admired her for a second before he moaned, “Red. You had to pick my favorite color, didn't you, babe?”

     “It's our anniversary, Ji. I just want to make you happy.”

      He leaned back down and kissed her deeply before she saw the lust in his eyes, “You always make me happy. Now I'm giving you one minute to get into the bedroom before I come in there and have my way with you. The kids aren't here, and I want the whole world to hear how good your husband makes you feel.” She shuddered at his words and pulled her legs out from underneath him before standing up to do as she was told. She had taken just one step before he grabbed her arm, looked directly in her eyes and said, “And don't even think about taking that skirt off. Now you have thirty seconds, I'd go if I were you.”

     “I love you, husband.”

     “And I love you, wife.” He said as he watched her walk into their shared bedroom before slowly stalking after her.

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 3: Aww I love them together.
daniiaangel #3
Chapter 3: this is just...right in the feels~~<3
Foreverhis #4
Chapter 2: Wow! Mind blowing ! I love it though! <3 I wish it was me & jiyong ! T.T
GBaby06 #5
Chapter 1: Awesome! This one shot was soooo sweet!!! Love your style!!!