Family Man

Happy Anniversary, Babe

     Jiyong exhaled loudly and pulled her closer to him as she stood over the stove making breakfast. She looked back at him and smiled; loosening the hold so that she could continue cooking. “Happy anniversary, babe”, he whispered into her ear.

     “Happy anniversary, honey. I love you.” she replied, and Jiyong's heart fluttered. Even after ten years of marriage, she still had the power to overwhelm him with feelings of love. He glanced over at table at the occupants and slid the enormous bouquet of flowers he had bought his wife the night before over to block their view. She looked at the table as well, frowned a little when she couldn't see around the flowers and slid it back just enough to see the table again. Still feeling as if he was concealed, Jiyong slipped his hands under her shirt and touched the skin beneath as he kissed her neck.

     “This shirt: I hate it.” he whispered.

      She turned around to look at him, “What are you talking about? It's just a nightshirt, it's not like I'm going to wear it outside.”

      “I like you better without it. I don't like these shorts either.”

      She rolled her eyes and returned to her task, “She'll be here in an hour, Ji. Can't you control yourself until then?”

      He sighed. “I don't know. You look so good.”

      “You're ridiculous.”

       “That's not what you said last night,” he whispered seductively as he quickly pulled her hips against his. “I just want more.” His whisper turned more into a hiss as he started to and nibble on her ear until he felt a small hand tap on his leg.

     “Daddy, she bit me.” the little boy said. Jiyong leaned down to pick the boy up, and she turned around and smiled at them both. Their son looked so much like his father that it was ridiculous. It was like looking into a mirror; so much so that Jiyong's own mother had mistakenly called him by her son's name on several occasions.

      He slung the child onto his hip and looked around. “Who bit you?”

     The little boy wiped the back of his hand over his sleepy eyes and pointed at the little girl at the table, “She did.”

      Jiyong carried the boy into the dining room, followed by his wife who carried the completed breakfast to the table. Jiyong sat at the head of the table and seated the boy next to him, “Princess?” he asked trying his best to sound authoritative.

      The little girl raised her eyes from the drawing she was working on and looked at her father. He was putty in her hands, but the problem was that she knew it. Jiyong couldn't help it. All of those years ago he had asked his wife to make pretty babies for him, and she did not disappoint. They had laughed about it at the time, but their daughter really was beautiful. She had ended up with all the best features of both of her parents and Jiyong knew that he would be in big trouble once she discovered boys. As his first-born, he was fairly protective of her, but she was also his only daughter and he worshipped the ground she walked on. “Yes, daddy?”

     “Apologize to your brother for biting him.”

     She looked back down at her drawing and said simply, “Daddy bites mommy all the time.” The parents looked at each other and tried to suppress their laughter. The little girl had clearly misinterpretted her father's affection as malicious biting and found it acceptable to mimic the behavior.

      “Oh, baby, daddy isn't biting mommy.” the child's mother attempted to diffuse the situation.

      “No. I was telling mommy a secret.” Jiyong attempted to cover, miserably, “Princess, I need you to apologize.”

      The little girl looked up from her drawing again, “I'll apologize to him when daddy apologizes to mommy.”

      Jiyong turned to look at his wife, who sat on the other side of him feeding the baby on the other side of her and could see that she was trying so hard not to laugh that tears were starting to form in her eyes. She put the spoon down and looked straight into his eyes giving him all of her attention. He sighed and knew what he had to do, so he apologized. The little girl then quickly looked at her brother and apologized in return. Jiyong handed each of the older children their chopsticks and the meal commenced.

     “Mommy?” The little girl asked suddenly, between bites of breakfast.


     “When I grow up, will I marry a man like daddy?”

      “NO!” Jiyong quickly answered remembering the way he had his hands all over his own wife just a few minutes ago. Both of his girls turned around and just stared at him, hoping for more of an explanation. Jiyong stood up from the table and crouched in front of his daughter who was still in shock. “You don't want to leave daddy, do you, Princess?”

      “No, daddy!” she yelled, throwing her small arms around him and holding him tight.

      “Don't scare her, honey,” the wife scolded, “she's only five.” to the daughter she explained that daddy wasn't going anywhere and not to worry about it. Far in the future she was sure that their daughter would find a wonderful man to marry, just like she had when she married Jiyong. The girl seemed satisfied with this answer and went back to her food.

      “Daddy?” the little boy said quietly, leaning toward his father, obviously wanting to to keep their conversation a secret. “Can I marry a girl as pretty as mommy when I grow up?”

      Jiyong leaned in and softly answered, just loud enough so that his wife could hear, “you can marry the prettiest girl you can find, but I think that mommy's always going to be the prettiest.” He winked across the table to his smiling wife.

      “Daddy?” the little girl asked. Jiyong laughed and felt as if he was being interviewed.

      “Yes, princess?”

      “Did you love mommy the first time you saw her?” Her parents had recently explained to her that it was their anniversary and that she and her brothers would be staying with grandma and grandpa for a couple of days, so she was very curious about love and her parents. The woman choked on her water as she heard the question asked. She knew that he hadn't.

      “Yes, princess. I loved your mommy the very first time I saw her. I knew that I wanted to marry her right away.”he lied, but made it sound very convincing, so the little girl was satisfied. The wife, however, just sat in shock. The little girl hopped off her chair, stopped next to her brother's chair and waited for him to climb off of it before taking his hand and running off to the living room to play. Jiyong went to help his wife clear the table before she stopped him, “take the baby to living room?” He did so, lifting the baby from his high chair and placing him on the floor in the other room. Jiyong then took a seat on the couch and admired his family. He truly felt that his heart couldn't possibly contain more love than it did, but he had had this feeling four times before and his heart was capable of more than he gave it credit for; with each addition to the family, his heart simply grew in size to accommodate all of the love. First was the little girl. The child that they had prayed so hard for and fought so much to bring into the world. After all the sadness and difficulty involved just before her birth, the minute they heard their baby cry, they joined her. The second she was placed in Jiyong's arms for the first time he wiped his tears and couldn't stop staring at her. He had imagined for a long time what it would feel like to become a father, but he was so wrong. It was so much better. As she grew, they found that the girl was not only beautiful, but she was also so smart and had the diplomacy of her mother. She was also quite the fashionista and frequently fought her mother on wardrobe choices. She had long been choosing her own outfits; her mother always joked that she was clearly G Dragon's child...not Jiyong; G Dragon.

      Their second child, the little boy that had been bitten was also very smart, but was far more reserved. Jiyong had known it right away the minute he was born that his son was going to turn out differently than his sister. While she cried a lot more often as a baby, the boy hardly ever did. In fact, the day he was born, both of his parents were worried sick. Their son cried exactly once as if to announce that he was alive, but was soothed immediately afterward. They had panicked and feared the worst, but the second they held him they knew that he was just quieter. The boy's mother couldn't help but smile at how much her son looked like her husband and loved him immediately. Jiyong actually cried more the second time: he had a son now. They had two beautiful, healthy children now. The boy was three now and was still a content little boy; while his sister was more talkative and expressive, he would play with her quietly or sit back and observe when he was around other children. Though his sister was reprimanded for biting him, the siblings were quite close and they would be the first to defend each other if one got in trouble. The fact was that she knew that her mother and father loved each other very much lead her to believe that his “bites” must be a sign of affection, so she didn't quite see the reason why she would be scolded for doing the same thing. The boy probably had some understanding of this as well, and therefore didn't cry when the situation occurred.

     Finally, the baby that he had recently set down was nine-months old and quite the explorer. While the older two had been content to spend all their time close to their parents, the youngest was happiest when he was moving, and did so as constantly as he was allowed. They both admired his independence and nurtured his desire to wander the entire house. When it came time for the baby to walk they might be in a little more trouble. As funny as it was, the difference between their sons was amazing. Though their second child was always so quiet, it was amusing to see how how excited he was to have a younger sibling (much more than the girl had either time she became an older sister) and he was extremely protective of his little brother. Occasionally he would even take on the role of a third parent; carefully adjusting his path if the baby got too close to danger, sharing his toys and trying to console him when he cried. Their mother couldn't help but laugh every time, the girl was like Jiyong in a lot of ways, but it seemed that their second child was his very incarnate. She looked forward to seeing how the baby would resemble his father.

      Jiyong just sat on the couch trying to take in all the ways in which he was blessed when his wife reappeared from the kitchen, bending over to pick things up off the floor on her way. As she got closer to him, his smile got wider, when she got in front of him, he pulled her bent-over body to his chest, having her land in the most awkward way laying over his lap. “No,” he scolded, “no cleaning today. Put it down.” She had turned to look at him when she landed in his lap, but her eyes widened when he told her to put the items in her arm down. Surely he must be crazy to tell her to put the things she had just picked up off the floor back onto it, but he was, she could read it in his eyes. She reluctantly did so and was quickly pulled up into a sitting position beside her husband. He pouted, “when do I get my good-morning kiss?”

      She laughed as she realized that he hadn't received his morning kiss yet, but he was so cute about it. Actually, she had kissed him that morning, but it was before he was awake. Could he really have no felt it? She had certainly heard him moan in appreciation after she did so, but she had to get moving in order to have the kids ready. She turned her head and crossed her arms in mock indignation, “you already got one. It's not my fault that you slept in and don't remember.”

      He growled low in her ear and butterflies rushed into her stomach. “Babe...” he whined. She turned quickly and pecked his lips before jumping off the couch and away from him. He had tried to grab her before she left, but she was too quick. He whined again, “Can't you just sit with me for a little bit?”

      She wanted to give in, she really did, but they both knew that if he had her back in his arms that he wouldn't let her go. “No, Ji, I have to get dressed, your mother will be here for the kids soon.”

      He threw his head back and groaned; she smiled at him. He looked back up at her and smiled back. “Hurry back?” She nodded before heading back to their bedroom, swaying her hips a little more than usual just to get to him. It worked, but she did come back quickly, being a mother would do that. As she walked back toward the couch, she was stopped by her son who put his hand up to his mouth, indicating that he wanted to tell her a secret. She knelt down to his level and allowed him to cup his small hand around her ear to hear the secret. She giggled to herself at his secret and scooped him up placing him on her hip, “Honey! What's happened to you? How did you get so much smaller so fast?” she teased the little boy and smiled widely when he beamed with pride. Like most other little boys, he looked up to his father and relished in any comparison made between his father and himself. He laughed adorably and simply pointed at his father, “Silly mommy, daddy's over there.”

     She exhaled loudly in mock relief, “Oh, thank god, I thought your daddy shrunk.” she laughed before kissing the little boy's cheek and setting him back on his feet.

     Jiyong smiled as she got to the couch and snuggled up next to him. His arm wrapped around her and pulled her closer to him, her head moving to her preferred position over his heart. He and kissed her hair gently, “what did he say to you?”

     She smiled and looked up at her husband, “He told me that I look pretty today. You've got some competition, Ji, he's starting to compliment me even more than you do.”

      With one arm still her hair, the other reached for her hand. He laced their fingers together and smiled seeing her wedding ring on her finger, “I'm not willing to lose you to another man, even if that man is three years old and my own son.” he said remarkably seriously despite the smile on his face.

      She laughed softly and closed her eyes listening to his steady heartbeat. Though they had been able to spend a lot more time together as they got older, she never got tired of that sound. They had spent enough time apart to really appreciate how precious just being in the same room could be, but she always felt comforted by the sound of his heart beating; it reminded her that he was actually with her and that she was not dreaming. Of course they fought like any other couple, sometimes to the point that they couldn't stand to be in the same room together, but they loved each other enough to work through their problems. In their decade of marriage they had never threatened to leave the other, even in anger, and every one of their big fights ended when they held the hand of the other. She felt in her heart that they were soulmates and he had made her life incredible. Jiyong kissed her head one more time and shifted, indicating that he was going to get up, she whined a little bit at the loss, but sat up and let him go. He glanced quickly at the clock then picked the baby up and placed him on his hip. She smiled as she saw his wedding ring shining on his the hand that held their child. It would be a lot easier for him not to wear the ring, but it made her heart beat a little faster knowing that he thought it important enough to wear on a regular basis and show the world that he was taken.

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 3: Aww I love them together.
daniiaangel #3
Chapter 3: this is just...right in the feels~~<3
Foreverhis #4
Chapter 2: Wow! Mind blowing ! I love it though! <3 I wish it was me & jiyong ! T.T
GBaby06 #5
Chapter 1: Awesome! This one shot was soooo sweet!!! Love your style!!!