SJ: Copper


Hankyung POV


"Get, rickie." The rickie just stared back with an expression of pure terror. 

"Carge, I'm not groundin' you. Get!" 

"Wait," he said, spinning around, and I sighed in annoyance. 

"Why are you letting me go?" He asked. 

"'Cause, rickie, I'm not bull enough to ignore Boss." 

"But why did he let me go?" 

"'Cause he frickin' felt like it!" 

"Are you going to kill me?" 

"I just might if you don't get out of my face!"

"I won't tell anyone." 

"Ya, I know, rickie. Just get away!" 

"Could you stop calling me rickie?" 

"Could you stop talking before I down you?"

"I have a name, you know."

"I really don't care."

"It's Donghae." 

"That's great, rickie. Just get!"

"My name is Donghae, not Rick!"

"Why would your name be Rick?"

"You just called me Rick!"

"No I didn't. Now Boss said get, so freakin' get!"

"He's handsome." I opened my mouth to utter a retort when his words dawned on me and I bent over, laughing. When I finally calmed down the rickie was staring at me, faint color staining his cheeks. 

"Omo. You... You think 'e's handsome," I chuckled, bending over again before recovering and shooing the rickie out of the alley. 

"You go down that road, rickie, you gonna get downed," I called after him, but he just lowered his head and rushed out. 





I leaned down to inspect my leg. It might be sore, but it would be fine. I had hurt him more than he had hurt me. I straightened up, and glanced at the sky. The moon was up, in the middle of the sky, and the stars around it glittered like coin in the noon sun. Like that streeter's eyes. That ice blue, I had seen that somewhere. Those blond dreads seemed familiar. Known. 

But whoever he was, what was he doing near Exo's hideout? I had been ordered by Boss to scout the area, to find out the weaknesses and everything. He had heard of the uncontrollable member, and wanted to know more, since Yesung was still pissed. Very pissed. And who was he? I know him. Wait. Those eyes. 







As I headed home, the blood still risen to my cheeks, I thought back. How the big one had sat on me, knocked me out, and how I had woken up in that chair, deep in the part of Iksan my father had told me never to go. The Chinese gang member that had appeared. The apparent Streetlord, with the eyes and the jawline that caught my eyes. The tattoos wrapping around his wrist, the gun jammed into his waistband. The uncontrolled fury in his eyes, the voice that was rough and not particularly low, but powerful and striking all the same, much like his appearance.

I was still shaken; that was more violence in that maybe half hour than everything in my life combined. I was home schooled; had been since I started going to school. When I went out, I always had a bodyguard, my father always made sure of that. My father has many enemies, some of whom might have a mind to hurt me to hurt him. I stay in the home, in the gardens. It was lonely. I haven't seen anyone my age and not wearing a suit with their hair combed in years, and never this close. But then, I had been whisked to a whole different world, not far from my home. It had been dangerous. I could have been killed. But it didn't frighten me, and that scared me. My heart was thumping, my blood hot, but it wasn't from nervous. It was something else, and I didn't know what it was. 

I wasn't far from home now; I could see the roof over the buildings, but as I turned a corner, I heard hasty footsteps behind me, and before I could flinch, a hand covered my mouth and my shoulders were spun around, slamming me into the brick wall. 

Two peopel were standing in front of me, with the look I recognized. They both had tattoos, twinning their arms and just visible below their collarbone. One held a knife, hooked wickedly, the moonlight glancing off the sharpened blade. He had reddish hair brushed over his forehead, and delicate cheekbones, a purely innocent look on his face that would fool most people. If he wasn't holding a knife.

The other had copper hair and dimples, smiles lines carved into his face around his eyes and his mouth, and now he smiled, like a shark. His hands were on my shoulders, pinning me to the brick, head tilted so an ear studded with diamonds glittered and winked. His eyes were hard and cruel, scheming, like a snake's just before a kill, and when they scanned me I felt , revealed, the very touch of his eyes loathsome.

"What should we do with it, hyung?" The one with the knife asked, who was somehow cute even when smiling evily and twirling a blade.

The one pinning me looked back at the cute one, then back at me, considering me, scanning me with those horrid eyes as I tried to stand as still as possible. "Hm," he said, his voice light, and tilted my head to the side. "This rickies cute, we could get a good price for it."

I remained still, but inside my head whirled. A price? They were going to sell me?

The copper haired one chuckled, like he knew what I was thinking, and reached in a pocket to produce a set of handcuffs, which he moved to snap over my wrist. As he came closer, the cute one moving to hold me, a shadow flashed in the alley, a scuff of footsteps could be heard, and the older one sprang into a crouch instantly, eyes flashing side to side as he twisted the handcuffs in his hands into some kind of weapon. The cute one, alerted by the older one's movement, spun himself so his back was to the wall, something metal appearing in his hand. 

Hope rose up in me. Maybe they were here to rescue me. Or sell me too. My stomach dropped. But when nothing else happened for a minute, the one with the vicious eyes turned back to me, gaze still flicking, and moved to clasp the handcuffs around my wrists, his fingers when they brushed over my skin cold and making me shiver, even in that simple, gentle touch. I moved back, struggling, and he back-handed me across the face, his knuckles cracking into my cheek, and then punched me brutally in the nose, making me gasp  in pain and stop moving enough that he could click my wrists together. The one with the red hair was still wary, glancing around one more time before speaking.

"Let's get."

As he moved out, me stumbling behind, my nose throbbing, my face numb, the attack came with a jump onto the cute one's head. He managed to roll out of the way, but the attacker landed solidly on his feet, black hair flying in the wind, before spinning to punch the cute one. The copper haired one spat and moved to help the cute one, but a second attacker came and stopped him. A stray punch caught me in the stomach, and I bent over, gagging, before I was able to draw breath again. When I straightened, the cute one was gone, and the copper haired one with the awful eyes was cornered, the two attackers snarling, him with those eyes snarling back with his shark teeth. Then he curled back his lips, just a little, and turned his head from the attacker's eyes to mine. 

He pointed at me, and then at himself, and mouthed something. You're mine. It sent chills down my spine, and he knew it. And then he was gone. 


The two attackers turned to face me. They lived on the streets, I knew, but they didn't have the cruelness in their eyes like the copper haired one, which made me trust them. Somewhat.

The black haired one walked up to me, his nose bleeding, and met my eyes with his own. He seemed to be waiting for something.

"Thank you," I finally ventured, and he nodded, gruffly accepting it, and turned away. But the red haired wasn't happy. 

He strode up to me, stabbing a finger at my chest. "We save you from bein' traded off for coin in the market, by him, risking our lives for a rickie like you, and all we get is a 'thank you'? Seriously?"

The black haired one rolled his eyes. "Calm down." 

"No. Do you know who that was?" The red haired one yelled. 

The black haired one just blinked calmly. 

The red haired one snarled, animal-like, before pushing me against the wall. "You tell no one."

I nodded, knowing my eyes were wide as I could make them. The red haired one slitted his eyes, and stepped back.

"Let's get. This is Hyukjae's rickie, don't wanna be eyed with it," the black haired one spoke, and the red haired one reluctantly nodded, stepping back form me and melting into the shadows again with the black haired one. And I was left, with a jittery sort a nerves that I knew wouldn't leave for a while, a bloody nose, red cheek, and a memory of those eyes that I hated so much. 

I couldn't get home fast enough.




I pressed against the wall, my temper still flaring. I watched the rickie run off into a huge house, with his servants and father and warm bed to climb in. And then I slipped off, in the shadow of the two that had been with him when I had came; a black haired one, and a red haired one. They were right. That was my rickie, and whoever they are, they're gonna get it.


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Chapter 1: ...
I know I said I'd read this.. (And believe me I feel horrible about this) but I think I'm going to have to say I can't. It sounds like a really great story. But I really feel strongly about not reading .
I hope you can understand.
Chapter 4: Hae and Hyuk maybe?? :3
They're the only people I can think of xD

And don't worry author-nim, your story is amazing :D
Chapter 1: Looking forward to Exo and SJ! :)
Chunnie12 #4
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the next update :)
Looking forward to this! :)
Mais-Taemin #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;