BB: The Trigger


B-Bomb POV


Five cards dealt. I flipped them up so only the numbers showed a diamond king, heart 4, diamond Queen, club 7, and club 10. Fine. I looked up, carefully studying the faces of my opponents. The one with the black hair met my eyes, and stared back too long. Interesting. The other, also with black hair, studied his cards, face carefully blank, like mine. I turned toward P.O. He met my eyes, blinked once. Damn. He's got nothing. 

 P.O put down his cards. 

"Check," he said, passing the desicion onto the next player. His deep voice was neutral, his face blank. I taught him well, I know.

The first black haired one raised his eyes to meet P.O's, then slid back to the flop. "Fifty." The game had started, with a bet of fifty. 

The second one next to him narrowed his orbs, sliding fifty *coin into the center. A wordless call, matching the first bet.

"Call," I said, careful to make my voice even. 

The dealer burned the first card off the deck and slid out three, face up. Diamond, Ace. Spade, 6. Diamond 10. Good. 

"Call." Fifty more to the pot.

"Raise." The first black haired one slid in fifty, and then 25 more. 

The second is a rookie, I could tell. His left cheek twitched, then his right. He set his jaw. "Call."

"Call." 75 from me. 

The dealer flipped out another card. Diamond, six. Not useful. 

"Raise." P.O slid out another 75 coin, plus 25 raise. 

The first one raised another 25 coin, eyes focused on the growing pot in the middle. 

The second pushed out his lips, his eyes narrowed and angry. "Fold," he spat. He's done, out of the game.

I tilted my chin. One out. "Call." 125 more. 

The dealer revealed the last card. Jack, diamonds. Yes. Royal straight, the most powerful hand in poker.

"Fold." P.O leaned back in his chair, eyes focused on the other at the table. 

The black hair looked me in the eyes. He had on eyeliner, I noticed. It made his eyes stand out prettily, but in poker, that wasn't exactly a good thing. 


I raised my chin. Might as well. "Raise." I slid 125, and then 75 more in. I locked eyes with the black hair. A street challenge. 

The black hair spat to the side and revealed his cards. 3 aces, plus the one in the flop, was a four of a kind, the highest you can get. A very good hand. But I had better. 

With a smirk I flipped over my cards, and with the ace, jack, and 10 diamonds from the flop, meant a royal straight. Best hand in poker. 

The second black hair grabbed the arm of the other and spun him around by the elbow, hissing something into his ear. The first shook his head, and whispered something back. The second, his chin jutted out, spun back to the table. 

"Walk away from the coin, and no one gets hurt," he growled. 

"D.O!" The first snapped, and as he realized what he said, a flush rose to his cheeks and he pressed his lips together. I chuckled. These were rookies, clearly. Not only in poker, but in the streets. No one, including us, who have *played on the streets for long would be stupid enough to give their name, or gang name. That was valuable. A little word, a name, could get you *downed. 

We could very easily find out which gang a D.O belonged to, if these idiots offended us.

And I was starting to get offended. 

P.O, beside me, smiled a dangerous smile and spread his palms on the table. "What?" 

"Walk away," D.O damanded, and when we didn't move an inch, he started to reach to his belt. 

I snickered. "Well, that turned serious." Faster than he could follow, I whisked the money of the table into a waiting plastic bag, then dropped in onto the floor near my feet. P.O flipped the table, scattering the cards and forcing D.O to backpedal as he fumbled for his gun. P.O pulled his gun and pointed it at D.O's head. The dealer wisely soft-footed it out the room, leaving the four of us. The other spat a curse and leapt over the table, aiming for me. He swung out a foot, to my middle, but I caught it, using his own momentum against his to send his foot flying back and he stumbled, off-balanced. 

I curled back my lips. "You wanna *cross, *carge? You got one."




D.O finally managed to pull his gun and he raised it, pointing it at me. I hit his gun with mine lightly.

"You ever shot someone, rook?"

His face turned purple. "There's a first time for everything," he warned. From the sound of it, hyung had lost his temper. Well, figures. Rookies get beat, then they demand the coin he won and attack him? That would piss off pretty much everyone. He and the other guy were wrecking the place, from the crashes. It was impressive that the rookie had held off this long. Hyung is very good at beating people up without a shard or gun. Best in Block B. I reached up and tapped my barrel on D.O's forehead. 

"I have," I informed D.O. 

"Downed more than you've met, with this gun. You wanna be next?"

He turned white, but he seemed to regain his courage. He bared his teeth and tightened his finger on his trigger. This has gone on long enough. 

I swiftly drew back my gun from his forehead to hit it against his temple sharply, before he could blink. He collapsed onto the ground. "Let's *get!" I yelled at hyung, racing to the door, snagging the plastic bag full of, by my count, a little more than a thousand coin. A good days haul. Hyung finally clubbed the rookie in the side of the head and he went down, at least temporarily. Hyung raced over to me as I tried to knob of the door. We needed to get out. Outside the building the sun was just rising. Dawn. Time for us to disappear. 




Kyung hyung was standing guard at the entrance. Our crib was in the heart of the city, deep in a network of alleys we all knew by heart. Tall, abandoned building crowded in on our own abandoned factory. The roof was stable, which was a reason Boss choose it. It was an escape route. We had all memorized more than a dozen ways of getting out. We all knew the surrounding building's interiors like we knew our name. There was only one clear, obvious way in and out- the alley, the way we were going now. Kyung, who was sitting on a broken brick wall, low enough to jump down, a gun jammed in his waistband, gave us a big smile as he came up. 

"What's the haul?" He greeted, not moving from his spot. 

"More than 1,000 coin, hyung," I told him. He grinned again. 

"Boss'll be happy about that. Hyung, you got in'a cross?" He directed at B-Bomb hyung. 

"Rookie. Got 'imself beat in poker. Pulled a gun, wanted the coin, got ugly," hyung summarized. 

Kyung arched his eyebrows. "Anyone recognize?" 

"No." I nodded, confirming hyung. To us, the most important thing is that we're anonymous. Even the newest streeter had heard of Block B- just not us. They know Boss's name, they know his eyes, they just don't know anything else. Crib. Nothing about the other members. This way, we can do what we want. We hide our *marks, we stay in the shadows, we shut our mouth when told to spill. Take Super Junior. They're known even in the other world. The little *richies are told to stay away from one named Hyukjae, the *gao. The members names are known. Pretty much everything is known. Boss didn't want that, and so we stay invisible.


A tall guy, with blond dreadlocks and those famous ice-blue eyes appeared from a higher story, jumping out of the broken window to the level that Kyung hyung was sitting on. He strode across to sit next to him. 

"Who'd you cross with?" He asked B-Bomb hyung, and I stifled a laugh. Hyung glared at me before turning back to the question. 

"Two rookies. Ones named D.O. Both have black hair. You know 'em, Boss?" Zico clenched his teeth. 

"Could be Exo. I've heard they've got an uncontrolled one with a temper. They start it?" 

"Neh."  Zico snarled. 

"You remember Jaehyo's broken wrist? He said he got it from an Exo member. Black hair. Could be the same one." B-Bomb hyung nodded. 

"Carges, that gao raisin'," Zico muttered. "He'll get word." With that he gave a nod at the bag in my hand, acknowledging it, and disappeared back in the building. 

Hyung took the route through the door and I followed, leaving Kyung in the alley, watching, waiting.


"Nice," Jaehyo hyung jutted his chin toward the money as we entered the main room. He was sitting on a couch, sorting the spill of coins he must've gotten with one hand. The other was still weak, after the Exo broke it two weeks ago.

The room had two couches, a small kitchen in the corner, the cabinets almost filled with food. This was where we went after the night's haul, and just before we went out. U-Kwon and Taeil were testing out shards on the wall opposite of where they were standing. They both nodded at us, before turning back to the collection of shards they had carefully lined up on the floor, from short to long. They were the two sharders of Block B; B-Bomb and Jaehyo were *nailers, Zico liked to fight with anything that he could find, and me and Kyung were more toward guns. I threw the coin on the couch and flopped down beside it. B-Bomb, his sharp gaze lingering a little too long on the obvious U-Kwon, finally turned away and started digging through the food.

"How'd everyone do?" B-Bomb hyung asked.

U-Kwon made a sort of noncommittal noise in his throat and arrowed a tiny shard to the wall. Clearly, not well.

"Me 'an Taeil got maybe 100," Jaehyo hyung said from the couch. 

"Exo's crossed us," I said from the couch. "We beat 'em, but Boss thinks they're the same that broke your wrist," I told Jaehyo, who set his jaw and narrowed his eyes. 

"They need to put 'im on'a leash or something," U-Kwon snickered. 

"Yeah, one carge member can start a war," Taeil said, and we all fell silent.

I could feel myself wanting to hurt that carge down, and I knew hyungs felt the same. Tempers and daggers fly fast and easy on the streets. He might be right. This could just be the start of a war.



*coin: any type of money (in $)

*played: survived (play: survive)

*downed: killed (down: kill)

*cross: fight

*Carge: Idiot

*get: go

*marks: Tattoes just below the collar bone naming the gang you're in

*richies: female people outside of street life (richie: singular)

*gao: leader of another gang.

*nailers: people that fight without weapons (nailer: singular)


First chapter!! Yay!!! Please tell me what you think! The next chapter will be Exo, and then Super Junior will enter. 

Also, this is the first chapter, so probably none of the other chapters will have so much vocab. And I did vocab because I didn't think it was very realistic if they all had like perfect grammar. So yeah.

Please comment and tell me what you think, means a lot to me!!!! Thank you!

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Chapter 1: ...
I know I said I'd read this.. (And believe me I feel horrible about this) but I think I'm going to have to say I can't. It sounds like a really great story. But I really feel strongly about not reading .
I hope you can understand.
Chapter 4: Hae and Hyuk maybe?? :3
They're the only people I can think of xD

And don't worry author-nim, your story is amazing :D
Chapter 1: Looking forward to Exo and SJ! :)
Chunnie12 #4
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the next update :)
Looking forward to this! :)
Mais-Taemin #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;