Friend Reunited

Finally Found Love

As we were speeding past the cars, I coudn't help but to stare at him from the corner of my eye. He was really handsome, kinda had this pull on me. He looked fascinating and I couldn't help but to keep staring. He was a piece of fine art. I guess I was staring for a long time cause I heard him say,

"You have some drool coming out of your mouth." 

Quickly I snapped back to reality and wiped the drool on the corner of my mouth away. Did he notice that I was staring at him? I felt awkward the rest of the way to the airport as the car was again filled with silence. Once we arrived, I saw her there standing on the outside wall of the airport. My friend, Miranda. She is half American and half Korean. We grew up with each other until she decided to go to America and go to college. We would always communicate with each other when we had a chance to. I missed her SO much. I pointed to my friend as Taeyang parked his car in front of her. I got out and ran to her with arms open wide and calling out,


"YUN HEE!!!"

We both hugged each other like the world was about to end. I began to cry as well as she did. I was so happy she was back. We pulled from each other and wiped our tears away. She grabbed her luggage and looked towards the Mercades and the man beside it.

"Yun Hee? Is that Taeyang?" She asked

Taeyang. Taeyang. TAEYANG! Then It hit me. BIGBANG!

I knew him from  somewhere but, couldn't make it out. I had to answer Miranda's question before she realized I spaced out.

"Yeah. He offered to give me a ride here to pick you up and take you to the apartment. Cool, right?

She was a big fan of BIGBANG and she couldn't believe she was staring at one of them now. I quickly snatch her luggage from her grip and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her to the car. He opened the trunk and door for me and my friend. He offered to put the luggage in the trunk as well. Such a gentleman. As I told him where to drop us off, Miranda gave me a stare. That 'You like him' type of stare. I looked at her with my 'No I don't' stare and  turned back around in my seat. We finally reached the apartments and he took the luggage from the back of the trunk. I gave Miranda the keys and the apartment number. She rushed to the elevator and I watch as the doors closed. I turn around and I had to thank him for everything.

"Taeyang, thank you so much for getting me to my friend. I really appreciate it a lot. If there is anything you need, just let me know. I will try my best." I said with a gleeful voice.

"There is one thing I do want...." he said

I looked at him with a confused face. He already has a favor? He held out his hand.

"I want see your phone." he said, breaking the silence.

I reached in my bag and grab my phone and handed it to him. I guess he wanted to make a phone call. He asked for me to unlock it and then started typing in numbers. Suddenly, I heard a phone ring. It was his. He then handed me back my phone once he turned off his. 

"Thank you and I'll see you around." He said as he enter his car and drove off. I just shook it off and headed towards the elevator. Then, I felt my phone vibrate. It was a message. I opened and couldn't believe what I saw.....



From: Youngbae oppa

To: You

I really think your pretty and maybe we could go out for dinner. Tomorrow night at 8. I'll pick you up at 7:30?

I was in shock for the ride in the elevator. Taeyang just asked me out!?!















Hey readers! Sorry for the short chapter but, school has now begun and i'm getting homework already. But here is something to cheer you up! Love this!!!tumblr_lhcsi9tShl1qd8g0s.gif

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Chapter 3: Story is very cute so far! The pace is very quick but you covered a lot within the first two chapters. I like how YB is silent yet assertive. Update when you can!
niknac #2
Chapter 3: Really like your story. Youngbae is coming off very manly!