Origami Paper

Paper Crane
It has been a week since Chanyeol saw Baekhyun's tears falling down. Since that day, Baekhyun live in silence. Chanyeol keep trying to lift Baekhyun's mood up. But it seems like Baekhyun need time so he could get along with hos normal life again. Today is Monday. Chanyeol loves Monday. It's because Monday is the first day of school and he met Baekhyun on Monday. Chanyeol go downstairs to have his breakfast. And he also make sure that Baekhyun already have his breakfast. "Baekhyun, let's go to school!" Chanyeol said happily. He jumps around Baekhyun whit his big beautiful grins on his face. "You go to school. I'm having my holiday." Baekhyun replied. With deep voice and all. Chanyeol nods slowly. He went to school by himself. Trying to find a bus so he could spend his lovely day at school. "Where are you going?" Chanyeol is about to open the door. But he suddenly stop and turn his body when he heard Baekhyun's voice. "School." "Get into the car. Ill give you a ride." Baekhyun's face seems red. He open the door and went to the car. Chanyeol walks after him with a big smile. *at school* "Wow Chanyeol, you're doing good! Such a beautiful paper crane!" "Thankyou Miss." Chanyeol feeling proud of himself. And because his beautiful paper crane, Chanyeol got a pack of origami paper. He is going to teach Baekhyun how to make a paper crane. *House* "Baekhyun! Look what ive got today!" "What?" "A pack of origami paper. Let's make a paper crane together!" "What?!" "Lets make a paper crane so we could fly accros the rainbow together!" Chanyeol is about to waiting Baekhyun's respones. But Baekhyun went away. Leaving Chanyeol alone still with big grins on his face. Chanyeol get it. Baekhyun didnt want to play with him. "Okay then. Ill make one for you and one for me Baekhyun!" Chanyeol shouts. "Yeah. Whatever." Baekhyun's voice seems cold. But Chanyeol is happy to hear that Baekhyun still want the paper crane. And now, Chanyeol is imagining himself and Baekhyun flying across the rainbow by using the paper crane that he made by himself.
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Chapter 2: Wkwkwk.. Too Short! But cool! <3 <3
Wes... Awesome.. Update soon!