F is for Fights; ChanSoo

The Alphabet of Do Kyungsoo

Their fights always seem to be sparked by a casual remark, a snide glance or maybe an accidental kick on the shin. Nothing serious of any sort, but it'd always seem to be somehow blown out of proportion, to the extent that guardian angel, Suho, had to step in most of the times before things got bloody.


Today, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are at it again. Kyungsoo's casual, "what's up, Yeol?" was the cause of all this tension, apparently. "Are you teasing me about my height again?!" Chanyeol had shrieked, tips of his ears turning a bright pink, "what about you then, midget, should I say 'what's down' then?"

"What is wrong with you," Kyungsoo had snapped back, feeling anger erupt from his tiny form, "I never did say anything about you being an abnormal giraffe freak!"

"You just did!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"You're so sensitive!'

"Well you started it!"


Cue angry growls and in a flash, limbs were tumbling and fingers were grasping at each other's throats. Sehun who had just finished pouring himself a cup of milk in the kitchen, walked out into the living room, only to let out  a shocked whimper. The crash as glass met floor was loud enough to wake Suho from his slumber. And, it was a good thing the leader trudged out of his room, rubbing his still-sleepy eyes because Chanyeol had already pinned Kyungsoo to the ground with his thighs while the latter on the other hand had trapped the giraffe's head in a iron-hand headlock. The bruise beginning to form on Kyungsoo's right cheek and the small cut on Chanyeol's nose was enough for Suho to banish them into their respective rooms.


Their fights were always over simple, trivial matters.

Their make-ups were also always simple and short; so simple and short that it could actually be considered awkward.


Chanyeol shifted his weight from one foot to another, long body awkwardly swaying from side to side. One, two, three soft raps on the brown door , and it swung open, revealing a sulking Kyungsoo. 

"What do you want," the shorter snapped, but his bright blue PJs with yellow ducks printed all over it made him seem more adorable than menacing. It didn't help that Pororo was airing on the tv inside his room. 

"Um, I just wanted to say," Chanyeol starts, stammering a little at the beginning. But then the theme song of Pororo starts playing in the air, and the singing is so obnoxiously loud and cheery today, Chanyeol can't help but bite back his laughter because really, a 20 year old grown man watching a kid's cartoon? The second half of Chanyeol's sentence turns out more of a snicker than a genuine apology and when the door is slammed in his face, he collaspes to the floor between fits of guffaws. 

"If you're here only to poke fun at me, then go away!" a voice screamed from inside the room and Chanyeol can hear the sound of what sounds like a pillow being slammed against the wall.


The theme song of Pororo plays even louder, so loud that Chanyeol is positive that the neighbours across the street would be marching to their dorm with sticks and bats sooner or later.

"I love Pororo, and you can't stop me Park Chanyeol!"




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yehet_pcy #1
Chapter 7: E
KAI'S LAST LINE THO OMFG KYUNGSOO HYUNG HEARD AND STILL HEARS EVERYTHING KIMKAI MAAAAN i wonder why he didnt keep himself careful if everyone knee that soo's hearing was extreme and stuff LOLMFG JONGIN HEREEEEE COMES TROUBLE wahahahha
but ps if soo's hearing is that sensitive i bet his ears are, too. WINKS AT KAI

Tbh my headcanon is something right up this alley and im literally so chansoo biased it hurts, so this is my fave one so far.... Though ofc i totally believe they go at it without the intent to actually hurt each other, plus if they fight over such trivial things im just gonna..... Omfg soooooo special. It isnt cute i they literally are out for each others throats but this is soooo special. Loved it. Ps, i bet soo eventually let yeol into his room and they watched pororo together while cuddling. I rEFUSE TO BELIEVE OTHERWISE THANKS

THIS IS THE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER OH MFGJAHAKALDGKALALA just recently i saw little kid pics of soo so tHIS IS JUST SO ADORABLE TO ME UGHHHHHHH AND THEN i think about kai's visit at the show with his little child ver and im jUST SCREAMING THIS IS SUCH A CUTE AU OMG :(((((((((( i can soooooooo imagine little kyungsoo and kai hyung omfg kmnnnnn

Aaahhhhh damnnnnn loved these little ficletssssss. So good. Thanks for writing and sharing this bunch!!
yehet_pcy #2
Chapter 4: A
Adventures :(((( the daily life of do kyungsoo in a dorm full of overexcited boys is always an adventure OF COURSE!!!!!!!! AND OF COURSE HIS TREASURE IS JONGIN. AAHHHH this was so cute. Totally wasnt expecting this to come out of the word adventure. Loved it

Did you just hint at some sort of pet play????? Oh my god brb screaming!!!!!! This was actually so adorable omfg i need to see a baek with cats irl asap. BUT SOO OMFG SUCH A JEALOUS BOYFRIEND HES SO CUTE WHY IS HE LIKE THIS. the poor cat. I mean, uhm, no, not poor cat. I concur with soo THAT CAT WAS EVIL. HAHAHAH ahhhhh love this kind of baeksoo omfg adorable. Baek is sooooo never gonna think about real cats after soo's done with him ;;;;)

Dancing into your heart.... SEHUN YOU LITTLE !!!!!!!! GAHAHAHAHAHA but also this was too cute like i absolutely love soo when he dances but i bet he gets lots of frustrations too bec he obv isnt on sehuns or jongins level. Hes hella talented though so i never want him to change. Hehehe but sehun is a little omfg. Kind, yes, and caring for his hyung too. But a little . Omf this was so cute soo must have been so flustered after lolmfg

Ps i know im like three years late to this and the alphabet isnt going to be completed but damn i love my soo ships
akared #3
Chapter 7: so cute so cute so cute!!!!
akared #4
Chapter 5: he heard everything Kai!!!
akared #5
Chapter 1: I would like to go through this kind of adventure too...
akared #6
Chapter 2: hahaha! this is so shoot!
nice one!
barooya #7
Chapter 2: Oh my goodness.

I should start writing my story right now but here I am, reading this another collection of yours. I bet you might get bored because it's me who commented all the time ;A; eh I do what I want hehe

Okay while I was reading THIS chapter, I was drinking water. So I started reading every lines, starting from 'Kris is a bossy jerk' and down down down. It's like he was really commenting and ordering and commanding me like he was spattering daggers and by seconds the sound of his voices echoes in my mind that I chocked myself. For computer and keyboard sake, I resist the urge of water flowing out from my mouth and yeah, literally died.

Idk if you get what I mean orz haha it was just the beginning ohmgee
shanann #8
Chapter 7: Awwwww kid!kyungsoo i cannot;uuu;
Chapter 6: lol so funny! can you have laysoo and kaisoo in one chapter?
Chapter 5: this is so fluffy im dying omgggggggggggggggg