E is for Eavesdropping; Kaisoo

The Alphabet of Do Kyungsoo

Kyungsoo has a nasty little habit of hearing things that well, shouldn't be heard. Kyungsoo doesn't think that he eavesdrop intentionally though, it's just that, his ears are sensitive, so sensitive that they are able to pick up sounds from a radius as distant as 3 metres or so. 


And, more often than not, Kyungsoo's --err-- talent has made him the brunt of the other 11 male's frustration because well, simply put, because Kyungsoo knows everything there is to know.


Kyungsoo knows who ate Suho's entirely new tub of ice cream  -- he had heard Sehun mumbling to Luhan at 11:17PM last night, "hyung, there's ice cream in the fridge, shall we...?"


Kyungsoo is --painfully-- aware of what goes on in Tao's and Kris' room late at night, something that he thinks it's best not to elaborate on. Kyungsoo knows that Suho's mum wants him to go grocery shopping ("okay son, so it's milk --oh only banana milk, alright?-eggs, chicken, lettuce and cauliflowers alright? Oh and don't forget the tomatoes!...Yes, yes, oh and cereal! Yes, love you too, son,") for her this Wednesday. Kyungsoo knows that Lay and that new trainee have a little something going on. Kyungsoo knows that Baekhyun and Chanyeol are planning to sneak out to Lotte World next Friday when they're supposed to be resting their "tired souls and bodies" at their dormitory.  Kyungsoo knows that Chen and Xiumin are currently on bad terms with each other ("Suho, I'm so annoyed, that stupid Xiumin ate the last cookie"), ("ugh Luhan, this Kim Jongdae will be the death of me, he left his clothes all over the floor again, can you imagine the horror?!), ("ugh I hate that Minseok"), ("Luhan, don't you ever dare mention the name 'Chen' or 'Jongdae' to me ever again!); but Kyungsoo also knows that they made up ("I'm sorry Minseokkie"), ("you know hyung loves you right?"), ("I love you so much"), and  further details which similar to the situation regarding Tao and Kris, are best kept locked within Kyungsoo's memory. 


Kyungsoo pretty much knows everything about everyone and that makes him a very dangerous and lethal person. The Exo members’ frustration have slowly turned into exasperation and acceptance (albeit with defeat) over time. Tao and Kris no longer blush when Kyungsoo walks past them in the dressing room, sniggering, “didn’t know Kris was so ,”; Chanyeol and Baekhyun no longer panic when Kyungsoo passes them the jam at the breakfast table and casually says, “how did the date go?”; Suho doesn’t even feel embarrassed anymore whenever he laces up his shoes and pats the wallet in his pocket and hears the all too familiar sing-song voice going, “grocery shopping again, hyung?”


Because what has changed the most now that Exo has kinda gotten used to Kyungsoo’s extraordinary listening abilities, is well, no secrets can be hidden.


So when Kyungsoo hears an odd voice wailing, “I really like him so much, Hyung,” in the room shared by Kai and Chanyeol, he is determined to find out. And find out, Kyungsoo does. He gathers little snippets of information everyday (“damnit, he’s so squishy ughh”), (“don’t you think he looks so cute today, Chanyeol?”), (“sigh, if only this feeling was mutual”) and soon Kyungsoo comes to the conclusion (though still slightly sketchy) that Kim Jongin has a crush on someone in the group. Total blackmail material.


So Kyungsoo decides to swagger into Kai’s room one day and perhaps poke some fun at him and his newly acquired crush. But Kai is sitting at the corner of the bed engaged with another serious “my crush did this and that today” chat with his room-mate and the words that steal out of his lips and slip into Kyungsoo’s ears are the most incriminating evidence Kyungsoo has ever heard. More words drift out of Kai’s lips and pound into Kyungsoo’s ears. Kyungsoo must have had gasped because with one hand clutching his chest and another over his gaping mouth, he suddenly notices that Kai has stopped talking and holy mother of cows, Kai’s staring at him.


“Y-you heard everything, didn’t you?” Kai’s voice is squeaky and he looks like he’s on the brink of fainting.


“If ‘everything’ means ‘I like Kyungsoo much, I’ve liked him for 2 years, what do I do,’ then,” Kyungsoo replies slowly, amazing memory reciting the sentence that had just escaped from Kai’s lips a mere minute ago, nervously swallowing the lump in his throat, “then yeah, I heard everything.”


The silence hanging in the air is thick and Chanyeo, unable to comprehend the odd tension between the two, hurriedly stands up and leaves the room.


“So,” Kyungsoo begins, tongue running over his dry lips.


“Yeah,” Kai scratches the back of his neck.






“So…You really think I’m squishy? And that I’m cute? And that you’d die to be able to cuddle with me every Saturday mornings? And that I remind you of a cute fluffy ball of fur? And that you just want to shower me with kisses and that I’m just that irresistible?”


Kai looks at Kyungsoo and he feels his knees growing weak.


“No , hyung, exactly how much did you hear?!”





I know I promised Laysoo but ugh I love Kaisoo so much I just ;AAA;



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yehet_pcy #1
Chapter 7: E
KAI'S LAST LINE THO OMFG KYUNGSOO HYUNG HEARD AND STILL HEARS EVERYTHING KIMKAI MAAAAN i wonder why he didnt keep himself careful if everyone knee that soo's hearing was extreme and stuff LOLMFG JONGIN HEREEEEE COMES TROUBLE wahahahha
but ps if soo's hearing is that sensitive i bet his ears are, too. WINKS AT KAI

Tbh my headcanon is something right up this alley and im literally so chansoo biased it hurts, so this is my fave one so far.... Though ofc i totally believe they go at it without the intent to actually hurt each other, plus if they fight over such trivial things im just gonna..... Omfg soooooo special. It isnt cute i they literally are out for each others throats but this is soooo special. Loved it. Ps, i bet soo eventually let yeol into his room and they watched pororo together while cuddling. I rEFUSE TO BELIEVE OTHERWISE THANKS

THIS IS THE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER OH MFGJAHAKALDGKALALA just recently i saw little kid pics of soo so tHIS IS JUST SO ADORABLE TO ME UGHHHHHHH AND THEN i think about kai's visit at the show with his little child ver and im jUST SCREAMING THIS IS SUCH A CUTE AU OMG :(((((((((( i can soooooooo imagine little kyungsoo and kai hyung omfg kmnnnnn

Aaahhhhh damnnnnn loved these little ficletssssss. So good. Thanks for writing and sharing this bunch!!
yehet_pcy #2
Chapter 4: A
Adventures :(((( the daily life of do kyungsoo in a dorm full of overexcited boys is always an adventure OF COURSE!!!!!!!! AND OF COURSE HIS TREASURE IS JONGIN. AAHHHH this was so cute. Totally wasnt expecting this to come out of the word adventure. Loved it

Did you just hint at some sort of pet play????? Oh my god brb screaming!!!!!! This was actually so adorable omfg i need to see a baek with cats irl asap. BUT SOO OMFG SUCH A JEALOUS BOYFRIEND HES SO CUTE WHY IS HE LIKE THIS. the poor cat. I mean, uhm, no, not poor cat. I concur with soo THAT CAT WAS EVIL. HAHAHAH ahhhhh love this kind of baeksoo omfg adorable. Baek is sooooo never gonna think about real cats after soo's done with him ;;;;)

Dancing into your heart.... SEHUN YOU LITTLE !!!!!!!! GAHAHAHAHAHA but also this was too cute like i absolutely love soo when he dances but i bet he gets lots of frustrations too bec he obv isnt on sehuns or jongins level. Hes hella talented though so i never want him to change. Hehehe but sehun is a little omfg. Kind, yes, and caring for his hyung too. But a little . Omf this was so cute soo must have been so flustered after lolmfg

Ps i know im like three years late to this and the alphabet isnt going to be completed but damn i love my soo ships
akared #3
Chapter 7: so cute so cute so cute!!!!
akared #4
Chapter 5: he heard everything Kai!!!
akared #5
Chapter 1: I would like to go through this kind of adventure too...
akared #6
Chapter 2: hahaha! this is so shoot!
nice one!
barooya #7
Chapter 2: Oh my goodness.

I should start writing my story right now but here I am, reading this another collection of yours. I bet you might get bored because it's me who commented all the time ;A; eh I do what I want hehe

Okay while I was reading THIS chapter, I was drinking water. So I started reading every lines, starting from 'Kris is a bossy jerk' and down down down. It's like he was really commenting and ordering and commanding me like he was spattering daggers and by seconds the sound of his voices echoes in my mind that I chocked myself. For computer and keyboard sake, I resist the urge of water flowing out from my mouth and yeah, literally died.

Idk if you get what I mean orz haha it was just the beginning ohmgee
shanann #8
Chapter 7: Awwwww kid!kyungsoo i cannot;uuu;
Chapter 6: lol so funny! can you have laysoo and kaisoo in one chapter?
Chapter 5: this is so fluffy im dying omgggggggggggggggg