second Chappie

I Am A Man (2jun)


I jump to the couch once we arrive at the studio where we always practice.

"why you hid this?"


"your parents arranged you marry right?" he shoot me with serious looks

"ne. listen! i jut want to tell you this matter untill that guy on the bookstore"

"are you happy with this arranged marry? you looks alright with that" he smirk

"well... I think this is not bad. why?" I look at him right on to his eyes

" no, i'm just ... just worry about.."

"the kid?" he become quiet for a while

"anyway talk about kid sungjae just text me that he couldn't come today. how about we visit them earlier?"

"sounds good, okay let's go" both of us always visit an orphan house to teach kid there, but mostly we teach them about music.

We knock the door "anyeong !" once the door open both of us bowing

"wow so early!" the ahjuma said

"we didn't have any practice today" Junhyung utter some words

"so we decide to come here early" I continue

"ah ne ! please come inside" the ahjuma let us come and wait inside

"where is Johyun?" johyun is the youngest from all of them who follow our class. I also the one who donate them the music instrument. Only my Piano and guitar left on my house.

"noona! i'm here" he run and hug us one by one.

After all of the kids gather, we start the music class.


The class run for one and half hour.

once everyone finish their class, the little JoHyun stil sitting on the corner.

"JoHyun ah,don't you have to school tomorrow?" he only answer me with his nods

"noona how is feeling become a children with eomma and appa?" Junhyung and i just quiet while hearing his words.

i let a sigh " joHyunie is something happened in your school?" I put up his small chin

"Next week is the appreciation week, and everyone would bring their eomma and appa but me"

"Johyunie, listen. being an orphane is not so bad" i glare at him to watch his word while junhyung continue

"i mean, you have the ahjuma here"

"your hyung means, it's not about the person who love you, but how senciere they give it to you" I continue his word

"you have Gaeun, Jonghwa, Hyunwoon (another orphan kid), and others who would give a lots of love for you."

"And us"

"if you don't mind i'll come for the week of appreciation then" i smile

"Jinjja, so just pretend as my mom okay!" he scream excited

"What about me? i also will come for it!"

"you too, hyung! yeay!"

" so i'll be pretend as your..." Johyun scream and run to his room excited, leaving junhyung with the uncomplete word

"Appa" he lower his tone when he realise Johyun ignoring him

"ahhahaha, haja! haja!" I tap his shoulder, time to going back home.

Both of us back to the studio firs to put our bicycle there, and back to our home. I carrying my guitar bag ,and walking tiredly.


Junhyung POV


"noona how is feeling become a children with eomma and appa?" I look from the distance while put the violin on the rack

I heard YuJin sighing " joHyunie is something happened in your school?"

"Next week is the appreciation week, and everyone would bring their eomma and appa but me" I slowly walk nearer

"Johyunie, listen. being an orphane is not so bad" I continue, but Yujin glare at me. i thought she worry to hurt his feeling. Okay junhyung choose the righ word, i close my eyes and sigh.

"i mean, you have the ahjuma here"

"your hyung means, it's not about the person who love you, but how senciere they give it to you" I look at her beautiful figure. don't you know how big is my love for you Yujin ah.

"you have Gaeun, Jonghwa, Hyunwoon (another orphan kid), and others who would give a lots of love for you."

"And us" she added follow by my nodded

"if you don't mind i'll come for the week of appreciation then" she smiling and makes me feel fluttering. is there something flying around my stomach? what is the feeling? I'm frowning but keep smile.

"Jinjja, so just pretend as my mom okay!" Jo Hyun scream excited

"What about me? i also will come for it!"

"you too, hyung! yeay!" he rise his hand on the air and jump up, down.

" so i'll be pretend as your..." He scream and run to his room excited, leaving me with the uncomplete word

"Appa" he lower his tone when he realise Johyun ignoring him

"ahhahaha, haja! haja!" I tap his shoulder, time to going back home.


both of us riding our own bicycle to the studio.

"are we really should pretending as his parents?" she chukle while her han still on stir.

"if that's would make him happy, why not?" i shrug my shoulder

"I promise, when i marry someday i'll adopt this cuty boy" she added


is it her sign that she agree with her arrange married? is the Doojoon guy would be her reall for her?I should stop this. I love her more than everyone.




Sorry for the short update >,<

Mianhae readers!!!



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Happy Reading all !!


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silaratan #1
Chapter 7: Please continue the story ~_~ I just started reading only it today hehe. I'll be waiting!! :-)
Chapter 6: @keryna: dujun x oc x junhyung ^^ just to shorten so 2jun x oc

. and omg author, I hope u could update soon :3 thanks~
keryna #3
Chapter 5: wait im confuse. is this really a 2jun fanfic?
Chapter 5: I hope you put doojoon-gayoon and junhyung with yujin.
I'm dooyoon shipper.
Chapter 3: Kyaaaaa...
Cute... cuteeeeeee...
2Jun please...
Chapter 3: Its still on edit???
i think so...
Chapter 2: 2Jun please~~~~~ pretty please~~~~
Chapter 2: i need 2Jun!!!!
nana19 #9
its good story update soon ♥♥