Part Two

I Don't Wanna Cry

Warning- This is pretty intense and it might make you cry. Child abuse is serious; if you know or think a child is being abused, you need to tell someone. The police would be a good idea, but any trusted adult will do. Don't think that it's none of your business, or not your place- if it's your friend and you're afraid he/she will be mad at you, it's better for them to be angry and safe than remain in their situation.

With that said, please enjoy this chapter.

Part Two




Two hours later Yunho is still dancing around his house (Hug! Changmin the frightened little koala hugged him!) when said koala’s school calls him. Apparently Changmin isn’t well and needs to go home.

He’s a bit put-off by this to say the least, and wonders if the brief show of affection was due to temporary insanity brought on by a fever, but let’s that go quickly because it doesn’t change anything. He drives right back to the school and marches into the office, where a pale and sweaty Changmin is curled up on a chair with his eyes closed. Yunho signs some kind of form that says that yes, he is taking his child out of school and goes over to the boy, tapping his head gently.

“Wake up, buddy,” he calls softly. “We’re going home.”

Changmin shifts but doesn’t open his eyes, and Yunho is pretty sure that the child is beyond hearing him, let alone doing as he says. So Yunho decides to screw it and hoists Changmin’s bag on his back, picks the boy up- much to the surprise of the watching secretaries- and just carries him out. The boy weighs next to nothing, and for a moment Yunho actually carries him with one hand and calls the firm to let them know he isn’t coming in. He really needs to get Changmin to a doctor; it seems like he’’s running a fever and Yunho is thinking that he’ll skip the family doctor and go straight to the E.R. At this point Yunho realizes that the doctor should be able to tell him once and for all if Changmin has been abused- and if he hasn’t, then Yunho figures he can put his suspicions about his father to rest. If he has been abused recently…well, he’ll cross that bridge if he comes to it..

Changmin comes to in the hospital parking lot, just as Yunho is taking his keys out of the car. For a brief second the fearful look from the first day they met comes back into Changmin’s eyes. He looks around wildly, landing on Yunho and latching on. Immediately he starts babbling;

“Where are we? Why are we- what about school? Where’s Jaejoong-hyung?”

Yunho holds up a hand and Changmin flinches. Yunho swallows thickly, lowering his hand. “The school called and said that you weren’t feeling well. What happened?”

Changmin blushes and looks at his feet, but not before Yunho notices the tears welling up in his eyes. Changmin wrings his hands in his lap for a minute and chews his lip, seemingly thinking over his answer.

“T-they kept staring at me,” he says quietly, keeping his eyes down.

“Who was staring at you?” Yunho prods.

“Everyone. It was making me nervous- they looked like they were going to jump me. And then t-the teacher c-called on me and I didn’t know the answer…” He sniffles and Yunho pats him awkwardly on the arm, afraid to do much more at the risk of making Changmin bolt.

“So what happened?” He asks again.

The blush on Changmin’s face darkens. “I ran into the bathroom and threw up,” he admits. “And then I-I passed out in the hallway on my way back to class.”

Yunho unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out, goes around the car and opens Changmin’s door. He holds out his hand, and when Changmin takes it he helps him out and pulls him into a careful hug.

“So I’m guessing you didn’t have a very good first day, huh?” He asks kindly. Changmin shakes his head and throws his arms around Yunho’s waist, hiding his face in his shirt. Yunho is struck by how short the boy is- he’s a good three heads shorter than Yunho is, and he’s not the tallest person out there…he wonders if this is a side effect of malnutrition.

“I don’t think I like school very much,” Changmin says, his voice slightly muffled by the fabric of the shirt. Yunho mentally kicks himself for being such an idiot; if Changmin has been abused (and he’s 99% sure that this is the case) then of course school was going to be a bad idea. He was already emotionally fragile and unstable; any idiot knew that middle school especially would not be very conducive to recovery from that sort of thing.

“It’s okay,” Yunho tells him softly. “You don’t have to go back.” None of them do; he can hire someone to tutor them. He figures that they’re all on almost the same level, and if he does have to get two people- one for Changmin and one for the other three- then it really isn’t a big deal.

Changmin pulls back and gives him an incredulous look. “But…but then what-?”

“Don’t worry about it right now, okay?” Yunho says, brushing aside his worries for the moment. “We’ll talk about it later. Right now the important thing is that we make sure you’re alright.”

At this point Changmin seems to realize that he’s in the hospital parking lot. He clings to Yunho even tighter, his breathing going erratic with fear. Yunho grunts as his liver is crushed and reflects on the irony of his current position; yesterday he didn’t think Changmin would ever lay a finger on him, now all he wants is for the boy to let go.

The walk to the hospital entrance is agonizing as Changmin clutches Yunho in an iron grip the whole way, stammering about how he “feels fine” and he “really doesn’t need to go to a doctor” and he’ll “even go back to school so can they please leave now?”

Yunho feels his heart break with each syllable that leaves Changmin’s lips but forces himself onward, despite the fact that he can feel himself going numb with anxiety- because he knows this reaction, this fear. It’s the same thing his sister did so many years ago at her first swimming lesson. She refused to take off her t-shirt and babbled about how she didn’t want to get a sunburn or something. It was also the day that Yunho finally realized that the bruise on her shoulder wasn’t the only thing she was trying to hide, and the damage wasn’t just on her skin.

Once they cross the threshold into the hospital Changmin clams up. It’s almost scary how quiet and still he goes, and were it not for the shallow rise and fall of the boy’s chest under his hands, Yunho would think he was holding a statue. The silence continues the whole time that they’re in the waiting room and into the exam room, where they wait about twenty minutes for a doctor. Yunho suggests that Changmin could have a seat on the bed, but Changmin refuses to sit and hides behind Yunho, pressing his face into his back. Occasionally Yunho will hear a small whimper but aside from that Changmin says nothing. Unable to pry his hands off and unable to sit down himself, Yunho stands in the middle of the room, patting Changmin’s arm and vaguely wondering if they’ll have to sedate Changmin before they can examine him because he’s just so wound up.

Turns out, he’s not wrong.

The second the doctor comes in, Changmin starts to shake, his teeth chatter and he really begins to hyperventilate. Taken aback by his labored breathing the doctor grabs his stethoscope, asking Yunho if Changmin has anxiety issues. Yunho doesn’t answer – can’t answer- because now he is trying in earnest to pull Changmin’s arms off of him and it is proving impossible. Unperturbed by this, the doctor kneels down next to Changmin- who tries in vain to back away, but his iron grip on Yunho’s waist means that he gets nowhere. The doctor starts to pull up the hem of Changmin’s shirt, presumable to get a clearer sound of his heartbeat, and Changmin loses it.

Not that he was exactly all there to begin with but this…Yunho has no words for the fit that Changmin throws.

“No! Don’t touch me!” He shrieks, finally letting go of Yunho and throwing himself under the bed, where he curls into a ball, arms over his head. Yunho goes to pull him out and Changmin lashes at him, kicking his arm away and screaming down the hospital. Yunho winces at the sheer decibel that the screams reach- what is this kid, part banshee? He begs Changmin to come out, promising that nothing bad is going to happen. The doctor calls for assistance, despite Yunho’s protests that he can handle the situation (a blatant lie- he has no idea what he’s doing and the doctor knows it). After a minute Yunho realizes that Changmin is not just screaming for the hell of it, but for Jaejoong. Specifically, for Jaejoong to come and help him. Yunho grabs his wrist and tells Changmin that it’s okay; he’s here, he won’t let anything go wrong. Changmin shakes him off and screams Jaejoong’s name in rapid succession.

Finally two burly male nurses come in and motion for Yunho to step aside so they can get Changmin out. Yunho obeys reluctantly and only after the doctor tells him that it really is the only way he can finish the examination. Even then, Yunho orders them to be careful to not hurt Changmin and silently promises to sue the hospital if his boy has so much a hangnail when they’re done with him. The nurses reach under the bed and Changmin’s shrieks get- if possible- even louder. He seems to be holding tightly to the bottom of the bed, because one of the men tells the other to “Pry his fingers off” so that they can pull him out.

Yunho forces himself to breathe evenly and he watches from the corner of his eye as the doctor fills a syringe with some kind of clear liquid. When the nurses finally pull Changmin out from under the bed he immediately begins to try to kick them. His foot hits the doctor’s arm and sends the syringe flying- so now they have to wait another agonizing few minutes while the doctor gets a different needle and more of whatever he was about to inject.

While that is happening Changmin begins to cough from screaming and crying for so long, and he thrashes wildly in the arms of the nurses, begging them to let him go. When that gets no reaction Changmin turns to Yunho.

“I’m sorry,” he sobs, although he’s done nothing wrong. “If you just tell me what I did I swear I won’t do it again-” he breaks off to cough again. This is the last straw for Yunho, who can stand to hear it no longer. He grabs Changmin from the nurses, clutching him tightly and trying to soothe him. Changmin panics- probably not even realizing that it was Yunho who grabbed him and not the doctor-and attempts to hit him, so Yunho spins Changmin around until the child’s back is pressed to his chest. Then he grips Changmin’s wrists, crossing them over his thin chest and effectively pinning them. It works to some degree- he’s sort of being kept still, but there’s nothing he can do to stop the kicking.

“Changmin, calm down,” Yunho gasps into the boy’s ear, unsure if Changmin can even understand him at this point. “It’s alright, nobody is going to hurt you.”

Changmin only thrashes harder and Yunho starts to fear that Changmin will hurt himself. “I’m not supposed to let anyone see!” he half shrieks, half sobs. “Where’s Jaejoong-hyung? I want Jaejoong-hyung!!”

“I’ll get him for you,” Yunho promises. The doctor comes up behind them, a new syringe in his hand. Yunho shuffles aside and the doctor- moving so fast that Yunho almost misses it- stabs the needle into Changmin’s arm. Changmin yelps in pain and looks up at Yunho with the face of one who has been utterly betrayed.

“You’re a liar!” Changmin screams at him, kicking him in the shin. “You’re a liar and I hate you!”

It stings far more than Changmin’s nails- which are tearing at the backs of his hands- ever could.

Changmin thrashes for another minute, but he is becoming steadily weaker and his screams begin to subside into quiet sobs. The doctor informs Yunho that he has given Changmin a small sedative, not enough to knock him out but enough to exhaust him and make him hold still.

“Not that he needed it,” the man comments as Changmin’s kicking and thrashing turns into weak, yet frantic, squirming. “With that kind of fit he probably would have knocked himself out in a few minutes.”

No sooner does he say this than Changmin goes completely limp and Yunho has to scramble to hold up his dead weight. The doctor says that Yunho can just lie Changmin out on the hospital bed if he wants, as he won’t be moving anymore, but Yunho asks if it’s okay if he holds Changmin himself. The doctor shrugs, which Yunho takes as a “do whatever you want” and perches on the bed, pulling the limp child into his lap. Changmin is still mumbling Jaejoong’s name under his breath; Yunho buries his face in Changmin’s hair, whispering apologies and trying so hard not to cry because he feels like scum for doing this. The feeling doesn’t last, though.

He and the doctor manage to get rid of the shirt and both of them gasp in horror as they take in the sight before them. Bruises and scratches cover Changmin’s chest- purple, green and brown, healing but fresh. Yunho can clearly see finger-shaped marks embedded in Changmin’s right shoulder from where someone gripped him very hard. The damage doesn’t end there though- as the doctor leans Changmin forward to press his stethoscope to his back they see long, red marks extending from his shoulder blades down to his hips.  They’re too long to be from fists and too wide to be scratches; Yunho’s stomach churns as he realizes that they are belt marks.

The doctor is saying something about how some of the scars look to be older than mere months; he wants to take some x-rays to see if there are any fractures and how old they are. Yunho nods dumbly, too shocked to process what the doctor is saying and has to be told that it means that he needs to let go of the young boy in his arms. He damn near refuses- he doesn’t ever want to let this child out of his sight again, he’s too hurt and too broken to be alone. But he knows that he has plans to cancel and calls to make, so he lets go and blindly walks out of the room and into the hallway. Once outside he collapses into a plastic chair and buries his face in his hands, feeling like he could cry.

How did he let this happen? How did he not know? How is it that not once but twice, he failed to stop his father from hurting a child?

He pulls out his phone and his hands are shaking so hard that it takes him three tries to dial. The first call is to the law firm, to let them know he’s not coming in today and probably tomorrow. The second call is to his chauffer to order the man to pick Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun up from school and bring them to the hospital straightaway. After he hangs up, he hangs his head and sighs in defeat.

If those three are anything like Changmin, then he’s in for a long afternoon.




Luckily the entire hospital staff seems to realize that they need to prepare for a fight, and even before they arrive a bunch of doctors are waiting for the three boys. Yunho waits for them in the hall, desperate to get back to Changmin and yet wondering if and how he is supposed to be there for all four of them at once. When they arrive, Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu only look confused- they don’t know why they are here. As they reach where Yunho is standing, their confusion turns visibly to fear.

“What’s going on?” Jaejoong demands. “Where’s Changmin?”

Yunho gulps and kneels down in front of them. “Boys, I need to ask you to do something for me,” he says, trying to keep his voice from shaking. “I need you all to cooperate, and to trust me when I say that I nor anyone else here mean you any harm.”

They gulp and clutch each other’s hands, but give no answer. Yunho sighs in resignation.

“Follow me,” he says quietly. They start off down the hall and he directs each one to a different room. They don’t seem to realize what’s going on until it’s too late and the nurses already have a hold of them.

Yunho watches from the hallway, trying to keep an eye on all three of them at once. Junsu reacts badly- not as bad as Changmin, but he too needs to be sedated. Yoochun nearly hyperventilates but allows the doctor to examine him without incident. Jaejoong is interesting though, because unlike the other three he doesn’t appear frightened, but angry. Eventually Yunho finds himself drawn into Jaejoong’s room not because of that, but because of what he sees when Jaejoong’s shirt comes off.

It’s ten times worse than Changmin- it seems like his entire torso is one giant bruise, and his back is a mass of scars. It makes Yunho sick, because it’s the kind of thing that happens over years of abuse, and he can’t even begin to imagine how long Jaejoong has been subjected to harsh treatment at the hands of the people who were supposed to take care of him.

When Yunho walks in, Jaejoong immediately turns his glare to him, and Yunho is pretty sure that it’s the first time he’s actually gotten a clear look at Jaejoong’s eyes since the boy walked into his life.

“Are you happy now?” Jaejoong hisses; Yunho freezes in the doorway, thrown off guard by the venom in the boy’s voice- there’s more emotion in those four words than he’s heard from Jaejoong over the last week. “Is this what you wanted to see? The pathetic foster children who can’t defend themselves?”

Yunho shakes his head, disturbed by Jaejoong’s perception of him. “Jaejoong, that’s not what this is about, I’m trying to help you. I can’t do that unless I know what’s wrong.”

The anger fades suddenly and Jaejoong slumps forward, head in his hands. The change is drastic and heartbreaking, and for a second Yunho thinks that he is looking at a man years older than sixteen.

“It’s too late,” Jaejoong whimpers. “You can’t help us now. Nobody can.”

Yunho jolts back to consciousness and fights his way through the army of doctors that are bent over Jaejoong. He kneels down in front of the boy, careful not to touch him- he doesn’t think either one of them can handle that at the moment.

“Jaejoong, that isn’t true. You can’t ever think of yourself like that, do you understand me?” Yunho says firmly. “You are never beyond help- I’m going to get you through this. All of you.”

Jaejoong’s only response is to curl in on himself and stay silent as the doctors wheel him over to the X-Ray room.




As predicted, the damage goes far beyond bruises and scars. Fractures and breaks are visible on each of the four’s x-rays, some as old as ten years, some as recent as two months. The head doctor shakes his head.

“Who treated these boys?” He asks in disgust. “Any doctor worth his salt should have seen that something was wrong with them…how did this happen?”

How did this happen? It’s a question that echo’s in Yunho’s head all through the afternoon, it sticks in his mind as he walks them back to the car, as he drives them home. The ride back is silent except for occasional sniffles and hiccups from Junsu and Changmin. Upon arrival back at the house, Yunho escorts the four to the living room, waving for them to have a seat.

For a few moments, there is absolute quiet. Yunho has so many things that he wants to say to them, so many things to ask, and he has no idea where to start.

It’s Yoochun who eventually breaks the silence with a heartbreaking question. “Are we in trouble?”

Yunho’s head snaps up and he stares at them in disbelief. “Tell me why you think that you would be in trouble.”

They all flinch and Yunho lowers his voice. “Just…you’ve done nothing wrong-”

“They don’t know that,” Jaejoong says flatly. “All we’ve ever been told is that if anyone saw the bruises we’d be punished for it.”

“Oh god,” Yunho breathes. “Boys, I am so sorry.”

Jaejoong glares at him once again. “Why are you sorry?”

“Because I should have been there,” Yunho says. “I should have known…I should have stopped him. It was my father who did this to you, wasn’t it?”

They all nod at once, resignation clear on their faces. Their secret is out, they might as well come clean.

“You shouldn’t have had to deal with this,” Yunho tells them. “It isn’t right, and trust me I know what you’re going through.”

At that point Jaejoong leaps up and begins to scream at him. “Don’t you dare tell me that you know what happened to us, or how we feel!” He shouts, stomping his feet. Tears well up in his eyes but he brushes them away angrily. “You have no idea what it’s like to be told that you can’t eat, even though you’re starving, or that you have to sit on the floor like a dog. You know the first time Changmin had a nightmare Jung-ajusshi came into our room and hit him with a broom because we woke him up? We weren’t allowed to talk, or to do anything unless he gave us permission, and he told us that we should be glad that all he did was hit us, because we could have had a lot worse! He told us that we would find out just how lucky we were, because if we ever complained he’d send us back, or sell us to someone who could have more use for us than he ever could!”

Yunho can’t believe what he’s hearing; this cruelty is something he’d never imagined, and yet he can see it all happening in his head. It explains so much- why they are so afraid to look at him, or to spill something or make noise. After living with this fear for so long, how can he ever make them understand what normal is? How is he supposed to help them?

Jaejoong pauses to catch his breath, his chest heaving and eyes sparkling with anger and tears. In the seconds of silence he and Yunho both realize that Junsu is crying again.

“Jaejoong-hyung,” Junsu whimpers fearfully, peering at the older boy through his fingers. “What are you doing?”

The fight goes out of Jaejoong, who now seems horrified at what he’s just said. He falls back on the sofa and hesitantly wraps his arms around Junsu’s shoulders. “I’m sorry, Junsu,” Jaejoong says, his soothing tone ruined by an edge of hysteria that is creeping into his voice. “I didn’t mean to- I wasn’t trying to make you upset, please stop crying…”

“It’s okay,” Yunho says gently. They all look over at him in fear, and he gives them a reassuring smile. “It’s alright. You can yell if you want. You can scream and be upset, because you have every right to be. You’ve all been wronged, and it’s a horrible thing to deal with. It’s true that I didn’t have the same experiences that you’ve suffered through, but I know how it feels to be mistreated by people who are supposed to protect you. My father hit me a lot as I was growing up, but honestly it was my sister who suffered the brunt of his abuse. She would have a new bruise almost every day, always someplace that wouldn’t be noticed, like her back or stomach…she never told me how long it had been going on for, but I know that it was a long time.”

His voice breaks and he takes a moment to compose himself. He’s never told anyone about this dark part of his past, and whether it is because he is ashamed or fears judgment, he’s not sure.

“She got away, eventually. But it took my father sneaking into her room one night for me to realize that he could do more – worse- than just hit her.”

Changmin gasps, covering his mouth. “Did he…did your father…?” He can’t finish the sentence.

“I don’t think he did,” Yunho says. “She never told me, but I really don’t think he even touched her that night. I do think that he would have, if he’d had the chance. But when I saw him come out of her room the next morning it was a wakeup call to me, and even though I was only fourteen at the time I managed to use the influence that my father’s name had to get her into a private boarding school.” Yunho laughed bitterly. “I always found that ironic- the very thing that threatened her is what wound up saving her in the end.”

Yunho looks over each one of them, meeting their eyes and trying to convey to them how sorry and horrible he feels. “I need you all to be honest with me. If my father ever did anything like that to you, then-”

They all shake their heads at the same time. “He didn’t,” Jaejoong says. “He just threatened to.”

That alone is enough to make Yunho feel sick all over again, but before he can react Changmin shoves himself off the couch and comes running over to him. He skids to a halt inches away from Yunho, teetering on his toes and hesitating, as though unsure of how he would be received. Yunho reacts without thinking, holding his arms out like he expects Changmin to fall over and is prepared to catch him.

For a half second nobody moves, and then Changmin pitches forward, falling into Yunho’s lap and clinging to him. Yunho forgets about moving slowly or cautiously and pulls Changmin closer, hugging him tightly. They stay that way for almost an hour as in a sobbing, hiccupping, tearful mess Changmin comes clean about everything that happened, with Yoochun and Junsu occasionally throwing in details as he talks.

They say that at first Jung-ajusshi was just strict, that he didn’t want them to be loud or messy, but after a while he would hit them if they walked too loudly or spilled something. They had to tiptoe everywhere and make sure that they were careful when they ate. Sometimes he wouldn’t feed them for a few days and not tell them why they were being punished. They tried to stay out of his way as much as possible, but almost every day someone would get hit, and more often than not Jaejoong would take the blame for the others and get hit in their place.

They were afraid that Yunho would be that same, and so they tried to keep to the same standards. Junsu admits that it was he who screamed that one night because of a nightmare, and Jaejoong had been purposely waking himself up every hour, every night since they arrived. He was afraid that if he fell too deeply asleep he wouldn’t hear the others crying and therefore wouldn’t be able to wake them up before the nightmares got out of hand.

Yunho listens and tries to keep himself in check- it won’t do for him to punch the wall in anger- not at the boys but at himself and his bastard father. His eyes keep flitting to Jaejoong, who sits on the sofa with his arms crossed and glares at the floor, not speaking to anyone.

When they seem to have finished speaking, Yunho looks at the clock and realizes that it’s nearly seven and these boys haven’t eaten since breakfast. He asks them if they think they can manage to eat something and all of them- even Jaejoong- practically run to the dining room.

He doesn’t know if they’re just hungry or actually starting to feel comfortable in his presence, but their cautiousness seems to have evaporated. They don’t move slowly and they don’t hesitate to take more, and Yunho is feeling very good about that because he feels like they might be healing a little. Then Junsu accidentally knocks his hand against a spoon and a few crumbs falls on the tablecloth. Yunho, of course, thinks nothing of it and reaches for a napkin to wipe it away.

At his movement Junsu throws his arms over his head and lets out a small scream of fear. Jaejoong runs to Junsu and throws himself over the younger boy, shielding him with his own body. Time freezes for a few seconds as Yunho crashes to reality. Changmin and Yoochun have their hands over their mouths in horror, Jaejoong’s eyes are squeezed shut and he is braced for an attack, and Junsu is on the verge of hysteria.

“Jaejoong,” Yunho says softly, “Will you please let go of Junsu?”

Jaejoong hesitates, clearly unwilling to leave Junsu unprotected but does eventually back away-reluctantly, and looking ready to spring back to Junsu’s side at any second. Yunho slides out of his seat and kneels down in front of Junsu, who stares at his lap and bites his lip so hard he nearly bleeds.

“Junsu, I want you to look at me,” Yunho says firmly. Junsu whimpers helplessly and lifts his eyes. Yunho cups the boy’s face in his hands and holds him still.

“I’m not mad at you,” he says slowly, clearly. “It was an accident, alright? It happens. Accidents happen. They are normal and not that big a deal.”

Junsu’s eyes widen and the tears stop- he seems to grasp that he is not in trouble. Yunho pushes on, sensing a break through.

“You’re allowed to make mistakes, you’re allowed to spill things and make noise,” Yunho says gently, wiping the tears off of Junsu’s cheeks with his thumbs and cradling his face gently, keeping eye contact. “It’s okay, you’re not going to get in trouble for it. And that goes for all of you,” he says, looking at Jaejoong, Yoochun and Changmin in turn. “I swear to you that I will never, ever hurt you. You’re safe here, okay? You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”

Junsu is crying again, but it’s not because he’s afraid or upset. Yunho lets go of him and stands up.

“Come here,” he says, holding his arms out. “It’s hug time.”

Junsu folds himself into Yunho’s arms and hugs him tightly. Yunho beckons the other three.

“You guys too, come on. This is a group hug moment.”

One by one they come over- Jaejoong seems to do so with great reluctance, but does cooperate- and the five of them come together in what is the first moment of a healing process that will take a long time to complete, but it’s okay because Yunho has faith that they can pull through anything.

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jjliss #1
Chapter 4: Omg! It was an amazing story, short and truly beautiful. Child abuse its something horrible indeed. Thank you for sharing this heartwarming yunjae fanfic ❤
Chapter 4: This was really cute, thanks for this story:) I've read so many yunjae fics that it's really hard to find good ones, but I loved yours ^^
nowaywth #3
Chapter 4: I think I’ll always come back to read this.
Chapter 4: This story broke my heart and I can't stop myself from crying but it's so beautiful and heartwarming
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 4: You just had to made the sweetest ending!!! How could four chapter can make you feel and achieved so much things €<€ This just so worth it .. Thank you for the story *<*
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 3: Aww Minji-sshi sound amazing.. I love Jae's new found spirit :D You got thae right track, Jae..
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 2: Aish where is the tissues lol.. cant stop the tears of rage, sadness, anger, horrified, helplesness, a bit of relieve and finally coz of the heartwarming moment.. So proud of Yunho to still able to put himself together after what he heard for the boys..
Elrhumy #8
Chapter 1: Oh God this really break my heart.. i hope the old jung not did the worst of the worst like ing the boys.. please..
annethundr05 #9
Chapter 4: That was so cute, despite subject matter. I really like everyone's interactions. Kudos author-nim.
Chapter 4: Cute (is it even possible to say that about a story with such a theme?) and dark, love the numerous hugs and Leader-sshi. I think the term "Adopted" should be switched to "Fostered" to avoid any issues with parentage and legal paperwork, though.