Lands of Corruption


In a kingdom far, far away, a battle for power had taken place. Corruption has won and taken the lead, mastered by a king who snatched the kingdom's throne. All seemed lost, as no one dared to stand up against him. Until a rebellion  has finally risen up, lead by Zico. 


Yeah, I know, cheesy story >_> 

This will mainly be the place where I will dump all my frustration for not being able to write stupid things in my other fanfics xD

(srsly, I feel the urge to throw words in xD)

In any case, I shall do my best to keep this at least half-serious... but don't expect much logic or historical accuracy from me, kay?~ 


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SuperAlleyIron #1
Chapter 1: Awesome story!
new subbie!

update soon!
JustingGoForIt #3
Whaaa, I really like it so far! Please continue <3