By Your Side
Somewhere in the middle, Jinri had lost track of where friendship ends and the falling begins. But now, it's only falling and falling into the depths of uncertainty. And with this neverending falling,Jinri hopes to reach the bottom and find Yixing waiting for her. 
At times, Jinri almost forgot what they where, and where she stands. It's with outmost difficulty that Jinri restrains herself from saying or doing anything stupid in front of Yixing, or anywhere near him.
Yixing came up to her one night as she was busy watching Arakawa Under the Bridge. He's having second thoughts about himself again, apparently Minah and him are having problems again.
"No Yixing, she's not going to find another." Jinri says in assurance for the umpteenth time, wanting her bestfriend to shut the crap about him not deserving Minah's love. It's a petty fight about couple shirts any way and he's idiotically convinced that Minah's doing this to break up with him. Stupid couples, she cursed under his breath.
Yixing shifts on his position. "You think so?"
Jinri hums like she's never been that sure in her whole life, and she smiles because Yixing grins, pleased with her answer. And when Yixing smiles with dimple in his left cheek, Jinri swears her  world is going to stop. It wasn't the first time that Jinri just wants to kiss the living daylights out of Yixing, and not the first time that she'd feel disappointed because she can't actually do that.
Jinri knows they're nearing the end when Yixing asks her to pause the video that she's watching just to talk to her, it's the first time he did. It wasn't like Yixing to do that, it was like the "we need to talk" part in a relationship, meaning that from here on, everything is going downhill.
Somewhere in the middle of their conversation, Yixing finally breaks it to her.
"I already talk to Minseok." Yixing starts, Jinri urges him to continue "There's a spare room in his house that you can occupy."
"Stop talking in riddles." It's not really confusing, she just wants him to get to the point and get this over with.
"Minah's moving with me, and you know, I don't want it to be hard for you." He says slowly, as if to make her understand. But Jinri hears none of it because her mind is busy absorbing the fact that Minah's moving in, she's taking Jinri's place (which wasn't even hers),  and they'd be playing husband and wife so she better get the hell out cause she'll just ruin the ing perfect picture. She stares at Yixing who has this look of pity on his face. Oh, it must be pretty hard for him.
"Okay." Yixing gapes at her, because she didn't even complain one bit, didn't contradict. Jinri has this smile plastered on her face, a fake enthusiastic smile. "Erm. When is she.."
 "The day after tomorrow." Yixing informs reluctantly, and Jinri thinks he's probably pitying her now. "You can move tomorrow, it's--"
"No. I'm moving today!" She chirped like it is the best thing to do, smiling from ear to ear. "Do not put off tomorrow what you can do today!"
All the while, as Jinri paces around her former apartment, Yixing is eyeing her skeptically, thinking if what he did was right.
"You're not mad at me right? We're still best friends?" Yixing looks at her expectantly, asking for assurance that everything is still okay. That if he trashes out, she'll be there waiting to nag him.
"Yeah. Sure. I'll write this in my diary." Jinri threatens and Yixing laughs because Jinri doesn't own a diary. "Hey! I've stuffed a lot of condoms on your bedside drawer. And the bathroom and under the pillows."
Yixing groans as Jinri laughs maniacally, not really enjoying the torment she's giving the other, her heart beats heavilly in her chest because this would be the last time they'll ever be this close. The moment she walks out of the door is the moment where everything changes.
"Bye Xing!" Jinri waves rather cheerfully as her hand turns the knob. She's not going to hug him because she hates drama and they'd see each other again, she knows.
"Take care. Call me when you're there." 
She walks away with heavy steps. Slowly. Slowly. Hoping Yixing is watching her, and he would eventually come to his senses and take her back, grab her wrist and drag her back.. Jinri waits for the hand that never came. 
She didn't go straight to Minseok's house because that guy would be a pain in the and would bombard her with a lot of questions. She wasn't having any of that. 
The club wasn't even an option since she's tired to get drunk, Chanyeol and Minseok might locate her and report everything to Yixing who would then think that it was his fault, or worst, think that she's hopeless she couldn't even have a decent day going without him.
So instead, Jinri goes to Han River to while away the time and to think things over but when she's already there, all she did was to stare out in the open, brain-dead. Hence, she stayed there unti dusk. 
Minseok isn't the worst companion, nor is he the best, but she's thankful enough that he took her in. Every day Minseok would prepare the food for her, before going to work in an office in Seoul (their band is just a part time) and he would leave Jinri alone afterwards. Sometimes she'd ask Chanyeol to come over because he's rich therefore he doesn't need a job for now and sometimes she'll just spend the day sleeping or watching anime, yet again.
Yixing calls her everyday, asking how's her day and then everything is about Minah again. Minah this and Minah that, she wants to choke herself.
The next week, Jinri decided to look for a job, just so she can move out already. Yixing is paying for her rent  (out of guilt perhaps) and she doesn't want to be a burden anymore. She'll rent a room by herself and make a brand new start. Except a week later, Jinri is still unemployed.
ing finally, she found a job on a manga shop, it's not much but she'll manage. It is a comic shop and she's free to read the latest released editions of the mangas, isn't that great? Hah.
"Minseokie, I'm moving out. " she says when they're having dinner, a month after she was hired.
"Hm? Why? You don't like it here?" Minseok frowns and Jinri shakes her head. Looking at Minseok's face, it was like a candy was stolen from him.
"No. It's not that." She tries to explain but Minseok continues to sulk. "Yah. Stop pouting already, I just want to get out of here, go somewhere else."
"Is this because of Yixing?" He asks and Jinri asks herself the same question. Is she doing this to because of him? Why so? But somehow, it occurs to her that she's also doing this to free herself. 
"No. I just want to start anew." She smiles sincerely, she's ready to have a life.
"You sure about that? Who'd take care of you now?"
"I'm not a kid anymore, besides I don't want to burden you just because Yixing told you to."
Minseok leans to smack her not so hard in the head "Silly, it's not Yixing, I'm your friend too, of course I'll take care of you."
That's very sweet of Minseok but of course she's not going to cry, instead, she got up and haul him into a bear hug. 
"Minseokie hyung! I love you so much." She coos, as Minseok's in between laughing and whining and hugging her back.
"You're not thinking of going somewhere far aren't you?" Minseok squints his eyes on her, pulling her out of the hug.
"You're watching too much drama again, Hyung. I am not, stick a GPS tracker to my back if you want." She jibes.
They talk about the moving out details, with Minseok sulking all the while and telling her not to move out anymore because it's impractical and is too much of a hassle. He also offers her some help with her things, that which she politely refused.
Later that week, Minseok came home to an empty apartment, he could've thought that Jinri had been abducted had she not left a note.
  Thanks for everything! Seems like I'm infected with the drama syndrome. Haha. I won't be telling you my whereabouts, to make it more dramatic and mysterious. But I'll call you okay? I get lonely easily. :(
Lots of Love Jinri.
Minseok sighs at his friend's hopelessness, and hopes that she'll find the happiness she deserves. 
Yixing stares at Minseok in utter disbelief (or maybe he's just spacing out again). The older just relayed the news that Jinri is (for the lack of appropriate word) missing. She's gone for a week, no e-mail, tweet, or phone calls.
"Hyung, she's old enough. She won't get lost." Chanyeol scowls, and Yixing glares. 
Where would he even start looking? He doesn't know any of her friends (he should've fetch him during those times she had sleepovers) nor their numbers. What kind of bestfriend is he?
"It's all my fault." Yixing groans, if he didn't sent her away to Minseok's apartment she wouldn't feel like a burden to everyone else. As much as Jinri loves torturing them (him) with much complaints, she doesn't want to be an extra load to them.
Minseok and Chanyeol nods in unison and Yixing is baffled, they really think it's his fault.
A/N: Okay. Well thanks for subscribing. It's still ongoing. good thing im not being lazy. lol. my mind is still on the right track. It wouldn't be that long though. Thanks for subscribing tho. I thought no one is interested reading it. And it's unbeta-ed so sorry for grammar mistakes. 
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Chapter 5: I love this! I love how the story flowed and how you ended! More power authornim! :)
Chapter 5: i hope is kaili or sesul cause i loved that pairing!!hehe.. more fighting for u authornim..
jannet #3
Chapter 5: Krislli for the next story pls!I like how you write their relationship:)
Chapter 5: I likes your story , can you make another XingLi fanfic again , coz i think this pairing is so cute , and i found a little XingLi moment at music bank . Please authornim............ :-)
azuraes #5
Chapter 5: hehe krislli please for the next plot
iheartsulliandkai #6
This is amazing and heatbraking and sad and besutiful all rolled into one. Just wow. Please don't stop
Gyu_Gee2 #7
Chapter 4: Oh God.... yixing why can't u tryto love her more than bestfriend .??????
Please don't delete your story cause i'm still believe that its not true....
please update soon...
Chapter 4: OH MY GOD XINGXING ;; this relationship they have is beautiful already in my opinion. i feel like im the only one who wants xingli not krisli otl i mean i am reading this since it is a xingli fic although fan is precious in this fic o3o
Chapter 4: Kris and sulli puh-lease.. :3