By Your Side
On a Friday night Jinri warned Yixing to be careful, in the way that she could not be careful herself. Apparently, Yixing decided to ditch the party where she dragged him in, (for her girlfriend Minah) and she knows that at some point , somewhere in between small talks (the moment Yixing starts spacing out, until his eyes darts to Minah's lips) they're gonna be enganging themselves into doing something God-Knows-What, because Yixing had told her a hundred times or more that she's the one he wants to spend his life with, oblivious of Jinri's attempt not to vomit.
"Have a in there?" She inquires nonchalantly as Yixing gives him an incredulous look. Jinri scoffs. As if Yixing doesn't know how vulgar she is, how open she is and how opposite they are. "What?"
"Jinri. How many times do I need to tell you, we're not doing that. It's just a date." He shouts through the loud music. Jinri shook her head, not believing any of it, she's heard that way too many times. But maybe, maybe Yixing is just telling the truth, he wouldn't do something like that. The masochistic side of her thinks too much, because hey, it's one of the worst thing that could happen. Expect the worst. 
"Whatever Xing, goodluck to you!" Jinri taps his back and drinks another shot earning a worried look from Yixing.
"Don't get drunk for me okay?" Yixing asks for an assurance. Jinri shrugs, she can't promise him anything since it is a party overflowing with drinks and her bestfriend is leaving her to meet the love of his life. The love of her life meeting the love of his life, how morbid.
"Whatever Mr. Worrywart. I'll just call Chanyeol or Minseok to drive me home." If I'm sober enough to do that, she thought, turning around to mix with the raging crowd. 
When Jinri finally saw him leave, she goes back to the bar, claiming a seat. She's drinking the night away as she wishes the best for Yixing, when in fact, the best for him would be the worst for her. 
After the third drink, as her vision starts to blur, with much effort, she dialled Chanyeol's number. "Hey. Can you like fetch me here? I'm gonna be drunk in a while."
In Jinri and Yixing's years of friendship, it was already known by anyone around them that they're exactly the opposite. Their personalities are as far as the distance of the North to South Pole. They are the leaving epitome of opposites attract, though not in a way that favors her.
It was Jinri who goes to party after party,dragging him, getting drunk while Yixing is on her rescue, staying sober (low alcohol tolerance) and driving her home. It was Jinri who's always having detentions when they were still studying. It was Jinri who's brave enough to have go have her ear pierced (thrice) as it was Yixing who's scared for her (but managed to be brave enough to have one, Jinri's coaxing). It was Jinri who always stays up late watching her favorite anime series while Yixing on the background, was sprawled on her study table doing the assignments she should be doing. They're just complete opposites, but they didn't have a hard time dealing with that.
It wasn't like she's taking Yixing for granted, it's just Yixing doing the right thing for her saying that she's just a troubled teen who needs someone to help her. Jinri could take all the consequences for all those stupidity and wouldn't care a bit,  Yixing just won't let her.
On the contrary, it was also Jinri who stayed with Yixing for many times whenever he's dumped or ditched by his girlfriend for another. It's Jinri who wrote the love letters for him because he didn't know what to write, she also get to choose the gifts he would give to please her girlfriends. It was also Jinri who's giving her a lot of support he needed, when even Yixing himself wasn't sure if he could do it.
Though everyone says that Yixing is better off without Jinri, he still sticks to her. It wasn't like Jinri is influencing him, he can make the decisions for himself thanks.
There are times where Jinri was left thinking how wonderful and horrible it is to be inlove with her bestfriend. It's horribly wonderful, and she fell for the inevitable. 
On the Horrible perspective, It to watch those sappy movies about friendzone craps ( the big time when she's watching with Yixing), to read the same awful plot, but more than anything, it to be in the same ing situation when she did remember reminding herself not to be in the same predicament because it's as ridiculous as . So now she belongs in some absurd place called friendzone. Yeah. Cool.
The wonderful thing is, she get to be with Yixing 24/7. They live in the same apartment (cheapskate they are), not the same room but they could barge in each others lives anytime except on some circumstances imagineable. All they have to do is lock the door and there they have it, privacy.
Whenever they argue (at times they would both lose their temper, big or small things) it was Jinri who would get the hell out, because Yixing wouldn't know where to go, his parents are in China and she doesn't expect him to knock on other people's door because he's that pathetically shy and moreso, Yixing owns the apartment. So Jinri does the honor of having unannounced sleepless sleepover on her unsuspecting friends, and Yixing would text her the next day asking her to eat breakfast with him because he's alone, it's lonely and he cooked a lot of food so don't expect him to eat that all, then she's back, facing him at the dining table with that -eating grin plastered on her face.
Another plus, is that Jinri get to hear Yixing sing for hour after hour. Jinri is their band manager slash all around girl. It's cheaper than to pay someone to do the job.
At the last quarter of their school, Jinri formed a band, wheedling Yixing in after much arguments and coercion and maybe bribing. Chanyeol joined, he's the drummer and then Minseok is incharge of the bass, Yixing the lead guitar and the vocals. 
It was with Jinri that Yixing would first sing, he would practice the song in their apartment up until he finds it perfect.Jinri would always feel special by then, but when they're in the bar, in the gig, it wouldn't be Jinri's eyes that he'd search for, wouldn't be Jinri's ears that he's trying to please, and it wouldn't be Jinri's heart he's trying to reach.
Still, Jinri listens.
"Good job guys. Cheers!" Jinri raises her glass for a toast, a bit tipsy since she have been drinking by the time the band is playing. Chanyeol and Minsdeok did the same although looking at her in concern. They're celebrating at one corner of the bar, Yixing already left with Minah, having Jinri mourn secretly by herself.
"Watch yourself. Yixing told us to take care of you." Minseok warned her, taking a sip himself. Chanyeol nodded his head in confirmation.
"I'm not a kid anymore." Jinri chuckles, the bitterness in her voice didn't go unnoticed by her 2 companion.
"When would you even admit your true feelings for him?" Minseok sighs sympathetically at his friend. Being the quiet one in their group, he's also the observant one, so he already have an idea about this.
"And what? Ruin our friendship? Besides, he already have a girlfriend." Jinri says downing her drink in one go. 
"What if I told you I love you." She leans to Chanyeol and started caressing his cheek with her hand. 
"Yah. What are you doing!" Chanyeol prys away her hand and shots an alarmed look at Minseok who only shrugs in returns.
"See? You don't like it either." 
"It's not like that! You're being too creepy!" Chanyeol flails his hands to make his point, then proceed to rub soothing circles on her back. 
"Kiss me then Chanyeol." Jinri pleads, the drink already seeping to her senses, making her mind working the other way. 
Silence follows, until a loud thump was heard and Jinri was slumped, face down on the table.
"." Minseok and Chanyeol said in unison as they both stood up to get Jinri out of here, Chanyeol carrying her and Minseok bringing their things spitting curses about his stupid friends.
That night Jinri dreamt of Yixing carrying her to her room. 
A/N: How was it? 
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Chapter 5: I love this! I love how the story flowed and how you ended! More power authornim! :)
Chapter 5: i hope is kaili or sesul cause i loved that pairing!!hehe.. more fighting for u authornim..
jannet #3
Chapter 5: Krislli for the next story pls!I like how you write their relationship:)
Chapter 5: I likes your story , can you make another XingLi fanfic again , coz i think this pairing is so cute , and i found a little XingLi moment at music bank . Please authornim............ :-)
azuraes #5
Chapter 5: hehe krislli please for the next plot
iheartsulliandkai #6
This is amazing and heatbraking and sad and besutiful all rolled into one. Just wow. Please don't stop
Gyu_Gee2 #7
Chapter 4: Oh God.... yixing why can't u tryto love her more than bestfriend .??????
Please don't delete your story cause i'm still believe that its not true....
please update soon...
Chapter 4: OH MY GOD XINGXING ;; this relationship they have is beautiful already in my opinion. i feel like im the only one who wants xingli not krisli otl i mean i am reading this since it is a xingli fic although fan is precious in this fic o3o
Chapter 4: Kris and sulli puh-lease.. :3