
Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

9. Screams


Baekhyun was dreaming. It was already a month after his arrival and he was sleeping soundly, dreaming that he was singing Korea’s national anthem before a soccer match. He was quite proud of himself. He was smiling even when he was sleeping, until it was distorted into a colorful mess on a canvas. He jolted awake when he heard screaming from the next room. It wasn’t a high-pitched scream that could just mean Aki had found a cockroach lurking in her bedroom or had been watching scary movies on her laptop. It was a terrified scream and Baekhyun definitely knew what was going on. He jumped out from the comfort of his bed, his legs wobbled from leftover lightheadedness but he ran as quick as he could and opened her door, breathless. “Aki.”

Aki had tears running down her cheeks and she was shaking. She glanced at Baekhyun with bloodshot eyes as she tried to wipe her stray tears away. “Baekhyun.” She gasped. “I’m okay, it was just a bad dream. I-I’m sorry I woke you.” She tried to muster a reassuring smile but failed as her eyes lingered on Baekhyun’s.

Baekhyun was panting lightly from his run, his pale face flushed pink, his hair was tousled in a way she couldn’t possibly miss and his eyes were slightly swollen from his sudden awakening.

“I’m okay.” She repeated.

“I know.” Baekhyun replied quietly, “I just thought you’d want me to stay for a while.” It was silent and Aki’s racing heart began to beat slower, relaxing while she gazed into Baekhyun’s sincere eyes that shone with the moonlight. “Please.” She whispered.

Baekhyun closed the door from behind and when he was about to walk to Aki, she tentatively stood up and enveloped him in her tiny arms; it was as if she was clinging onto the only light left from the consuming darkness. She was trembling wildly and she was undoubtedly cold. Baekhyun was stunned but when he came back to his senses, he immediately held her tightly in his arms, whispering, “It’s okay” over and over again. Aki rested her chin on his shoulder as tears rolled down, “I’m sorry.”

“Shh, it’s not your fault, Aki. You don’t have to be sorry for anything.” In his arms, Aki was delicate and fragile. Baekhyun made a promise and he wouldn’t forsake it. “I’m here.” He started rocking her back and forth, tightening his arms around her, enough to keep her safe and warm.

Catching her hands that were icy cold, he carefully interlaced his fingers with hers as warmth grew in her chest. “Let’s dance like before, to keep your mind occupied. How does that sound?” Aki stayed quiet. She wanted to capture this moment like a camera would. Baekhyun holding her in his strong arms and Aki resting her chin on his shoulder. She wished someone were there to take the picture; she bet it would be beautiful. Dancing in the middle of her bedroom with the moonlight shining from her window, they were like a couple of thoughtless teenagers, but they weren’t thoughtless and they weren’t teenagers. She didn’t know why he came, why he stayed, why he held her in his arms and danced with her but when she closed her eyes, she put her thoughts aside and said, “Dancing sounds nice at the moment.”

As they were swaying, Baekhyun’s lips brushed against Aki’s ear and sang,


“I’ve waited a hundred years

But I’d wait a million more for you

Nothing prepared me for

What the privilege of being yours would do


If I had only felt the warmth within your touch

If I had only seen how you smile when you blush

Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough

Well I would have known

What I was living for all along

What I’ve been living for”


Aki was lost in his voice. She heard his voice a thousand times before: In the bathroom, in his bedroom, in the living room. It was either he would play the ukulele or his piano or he would just sing with all his heart, but in that moment, she knew it was different. It was oddly soft and it resembled an angel’s. She chuckled, “I didn’t know you were a fan of Twilight.”

Baekhyun snorted in response, “What can I say? It’s not as epic as Harry Potter but the love story has serious potential.” Giggles erupted from her lips and when she pulled away a little, their eyes met; she swore the world stood still.



You’re going to a trip tomorrow, right? I’ll sure miss you. Don’t forget our date the next day after your trip, okay? You’ll finally get to see your Mr. Daisies.


When they woke up, it was same old, same old. Aki got another batch of flowers and another note from Mr. Daisies, which made her a little surprised. When she left her room, Baekhyun was sitting in his usual place by the counter, with two cups of tea, one was hot and the other was cold. He greeted her the same greeting, but on that morning, Aki let Baekhyun take a bath first, telling him that she had no work  that day and that she needed to pack her things for their trip.


As soon as he was done preparing his stuff, he stopped near the door to say goodbye.


“I’ll see you later, Cheeks.”


Aki was on the couch with her big-rimmed glasses crooked on her nose and long hair in a bun, eating what Baekhyun prepared for her. She wore a hesitant smile as she nodded at Baekhyun’s way.

Before he could turn the doorknob and leave, she called after him, like a soft whisper.




His skin prickled in surprise of the nickname. His face immediately turned pink, his palms had gone sweaty and his breath hitched. When he turned around, Aki was smiling gently back at him.

“I didn’t have the chance to tell you this,” she paused, the corner of her eyes wrinkled as she smiled wider. She was beautiful, Baekhyun thought. “Thank you for not leaving me.”


He smiled back. “I told you I’d be your best roommate, didn’t I?”


Aki suppressed her laughter and waved goodbye. “Have a safe trip.”


He grabbed the doorknob again as the corner of his lips curled, “You should call me “Baek” more often.” He turned around again with a charming smile plastered on his handsome face. “I like how you call my name.”

It was Aki’s turn to blush, “Okay.”



“Are you watching , Sehun?”

Sehun snorted as he paused the episode he was watching. He glanced at Aki who was busying herself with her photos from a recent birthday party of a seven-year-old she went to, while she drank tea serenely at the counter.

“Actually, it’s kind of like , but I do remember you were the one who recommended me to watch Game of Thrones.” As soon as Sehun’s words registered in her mind, she nearly choked. Oh Sehun, with his perfect gleam in his eyes, smirked smugly when he saw her reaction. “But I like how I effortlessly watch between battle and serious argument scenes.”

Aki chuckled. “That is certainly not the reason why I told you about Game of Thrones, Oh Sehun. The story’s grea-“

“Oh, don’t worry, noona. I like the story; the ’s just a bonus for me.”

“You’re a sick teenager, do you know that?” Aki laughed and shook her head.


Sehun watched Aki and noticed something was definitely different. Whenever he visited her after his classes, he’d usually see Aki preparing dinner, watching sci-fi movies alone or busying herself with work with hollow eyes and an empty expression. Today was different. Her smiles were as radiant as the sun and it seemed like she was glowing.

Sehun put aside his laptop and earphones on the coffee table, draping himself on the couch as he embraced a pillow to his chest. “You seem different, noona. Did something happen?” He asked, interest seeping in his voice.

Aki lifted her head for a moment then went back to scrutinizing each picture, “What do you mean?”

“Like, you’re suddenly into ,” he joked, earning another scoff from Aki. “I mean, it’s like everything’s peaches and cream for you today.”

Aki adjusted her glasses up on the bridge of her nose as her lips curled into a shy smile. She didn’t particularly understand what Sehun meant but she smiled as she reminisced about Baekhyun dancing with her in the middle of her room, his angelic voice that resounded inside her head and how he said that it was okay to call him by his nickname. She shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal and said, “Maybe something did happen, but I won’t tell anything,” She teased. “Not to a poorly erted teenager such as yourself.”

Sehun held his chest with a pained expression, “I am hurt, noona. Truly, I am.” He pursed his lips when he noticed that Aki wouldn’t budge. “Why won’t you tell me?” he pouted, placing his chin on a pillow like a petulant child.

“Nice try, Sehun, but your puppy eyes won’t work on me.”

And then a thought popped up that made her think deeply in the abyss she called her mind. She already asked everyone in the apartment what they thought about him but she always forgot to ask Sehun. Most of them said he was kind, mischievous, carefree and caring but she would always forget to ask the future heir.

It was the opportune time. She was glad she remembered, but she was surprised when she heard his answer.

“Say, Sehun,” she paused. “What do you think of Baekhyun? I mean, what do you think of him, as a whole person?”

Sehun frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, “I think he’s stealing you away from me.”



A/N: I am sorry I posted this a bit late but since I am a graduating student, it's hard to find time to write stories.

But, as promised, here it is.

I'm sorry if this is short but I hope you liked it nonetheless.

Cliffhanger over there!! I apologize about that as well. 

Oh and are you curious about the song? It's called "Turning Page" by Sleeping At Last and I got it from Breaking Dawn Part 1

I just truly loved the song and I thought it was perfect. After I finish this story, I plan to make a mix of it!!

But we have a long way to go, so please continue to stay tuned!!

Ask me things, leave a comment, subscribe or even upvote! That will keep me motivated~

God bless ya'll!

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yay for 150 subscribers! thank you my dearest readers, i'll try to update soon :-)


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Chapter 6: Oh, that little sneak!
Chapter 5: He makes me tired and I'm just reading about him, lol!
Chapter 4: He's like a sprite
Chapter 17: I just discovered this fic today and I'm glad I didn't ignore this. This story is too compelling with all the fluff and angst mixed. This plot and the characters were wonderful, which resulted to me getting so into the fic so much. That was also unexpected that Baekhyun knew about Kyungsoo. I love this story so much. Thank you for sharing us a peace of your wonderful ideas. I hope you're doing well, authornim!
Chapter 14: i just wanted to tell you that this was a great truly great story...i loved every part of it...every single detail was intricately woven...i do not think i need to mention your spectacular talent for plot twists. you mentioned Game of Thrones quite a few times here, so maybe you learnt well from it. thank you for writing this and sharing it with us.
Chapter 17: I hope you decide to finish this! I loved reading about Aki's recovery but everytime I think about Kyungsoo my heart just burns!!!
Chapter 17: Gosh, this was a really really wonderful story. I really wish this was continued and all. ; n ;
lolobe #8
Chapter 17: I really hope you will continue writing this story, I honestly can't wait to read the end!
I hope your writer's block disappears soon ~
Chapter 17: No no no! I have to read more! I'm sad' what happens next!!!
Chapter 17: good luck & we'll wait for u :)