
Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

12. Escapades


“I was such an idiot.”

Jongdae glanced at his friend and colleague from his mirror, fixing his bow tie. Kim Jongdae was a not-so-tall-man with the voice of a dolphin but with the looks of a rich young man and he’s a friend of the unfortunate man that has been groaning for a while. Jongdae had always been there for Baekhyun when he’s down in a ditch. He was the friend that has the ability to knock some sense.

The man turned around and eyed his friend, who cupped his face with his hands problematically. Byun Baekhyun had been sighing ever since he came in the morning. Jongdae was doing some last-minute rehearsals with the students and he was surprised to see Baekhyun pale. He thought that he shouldn’t be worried because Baekhyun comes like that everyday but he would always wear a bright smile and laugh obnoxiously; however, his friend wore such a solemn face, Jongdae knew something was up. He hurried to his side and asked if he was all right. Baekhyun waved him off with a dizzy smile.

“That’s what you get for being so damn stubborn all the time, Baek.” He replied, tilting his head so he could see a bit of Baekhyun’s face.

Baekhyun vent out his anger on Aki. How could he? He was so keen with the concert. He wanted to perfect every last detail because that’s what he always does. Before he even met Aki, he’d just lock himself in his room, focus on his work as if his life depended on it. It was wrong. Hell, he even yelled at her. His stubbornness only made it worse. Leaving her was his biggest mistake. He shouldn’t have. He promised that he won’t but he did the exact opposite. As soon as he left the apartment building, the only thing that filled his heart was regret. He started to feel sick to the bone because that wasn’t meant to happen. Everyone must hate him for it, especially a certain teenager who overhead their fight.


Taking his hands off his face, he stared at the floor with a blank expression. “I shouldn’t have left. She must hate me.”

Jongdae’s shoulders fell as he moved and sat beside his friend. “That’s not true, Baek. She might be upset with you right now but Aki-ssi doesn’t hate you, I’m sure of that.”

Baekhyun glanced at his friend and smiled weakly. “I hope so.”

“Hey,” Jongdae paused, gazing at Baekhyun’s state of weakness. “Are you really going up the stage like that? Shouldn’t you rest?”

Baekhyun shook his head and gestured his hand dismissively, “I can’t possibly abandon my right-hand man. Besides, she’ll come, I hope.”



The word, “awkward” couldn’t even describe their situation together. Sehun and Aki were inside a nearby café. Sehun left the twenty-five year old for a moment to purchase two cups of coffee to calm her nerves and for him to think of another brilliant idea. Truthfully, he left because he was embarrassed that he followed his unwise judgment and dragged Aki into his newfound chaos of teenage angst. But in all honesty, he had to. Seeing her unhappy was his least favorite expression so, to set her mind off from “Despicable Baekhyun” as he would like to call his “nemesis”, he brought her to one of his favorite places just so he could think of a superb plan to make the girl smile again.

He thought of several places to go. To a zoo, maybe, but that was too childish and even though it sounded fun, he bet Aki wouldn’t particularly enjoy gawking at animals at a dire time like this. They could go to a museum, but Sehun thought it would be too educational and boring for both of their tastes. The cinemas would be a great choice but it was too unextraordinary and he wanted Aki’s eyes to dilate in perfect wonder and thank him a hundredfold, but where could be the perfect place? Tapping his shoe anxiously, his order finally came as he paid the right amount and thanked the cashier quietly. Whilst paying, a thought struck him so hard it almost felt as lightning.



Sehun was groggily making his way towards the front door to fetch the morning paper just like Joon Myeon told him to do. His back was slouched as if he was so tired of the cruel world and his eye bags were so distinct he swore it looked like he hadn’t slept in three days which, was untrue since he merely finished the season three of Game of Thrones thus pulling an all-nighter.

Upon opening the door, his phone vibrated in his pocket making him jolt in shock. He swore under his breath as he brought his phone to his ear, “Hello?”

“Sehun, it’s your Yixing hyung!” Greeted a bright voice that could make anyone feel joyful in an instant but Sehun was sleepless and he needed to give his hyung his paper. Bending, he finally got their copy of the daily news and hearing the familiar heavily accented Korean, Sehun was definitely sure that it was Yixing.

“What is it, hyung? Don’t you think it’s awfully early to call me?” Sehun replied, closing the door behind him lazily.

“Today’s the music festival I’ve been telling you about! You still have those tickets I gave you, right?” Sehun groaned. Oh of course, the music festival, he thought.

Zhang Yixing was a senior back in Sehun’s old high school and coincidentally the Chinese man is a staff at a certain music festival where most of Sehun’s favorite bands go. The reason why he was a staff because Yixing's dream was to become a singer and a successful songwriter and he hoped that he’d get a shot if he were part of the staff. Sehun was always doubtful of Yixing’s ambition but he’d never fail to support his hyung so since Sehun was his beloved lowerclassman, he made sure to give him free tickets to the concert.

Sehun rubbed his eyes, trying to fight off the sleep that kept drowning his eyes. “I still have them and I guess I might go.”

Yixing beamed, “Okay, make sure you bring someone!” The elder hung up first and Sehun had to shove his phone back inside his pocket when Baekhyun came climbing down with a dismayed look on his face, passing Sehun like he was a mere object of display. Glaring at the elder’s back, he continued to climb up only to witness Aki shout and stir infuriatedly.



“Hey.” Sehun awkwardly greeted, setting the tray of two cups of coffee down on their table. Aki smiled weakly and greeted hey back.

“I’m sorry that I dragged you here. You must’ve been scared.” He started awkwardly, motioning for Aki to get her coffee. Aki nodded and sipped, inaudibly eyeing Sehun. “I just wished you could’ve told me beforehand.” She joked but Sehun could see right through her that it was halfhearted and dismay dripped in every word.

“I’m sorry for what happened this morning, noona. Do you want to talk about it?” Sehun offered and Aki’s face morphed into a combination of absolute distress and sadness. She took a deep breath and shook her head no. “Sorry you have to put up with me, Sehun. I’m just so difficult.” Aki muttered, letting her head lean on the window beside her.

Sehun sighed, cocking his head to the side so he could see Aki’s face. “Don’t be like that, you’re not difficult, okay?”

After a long time, Aki could feel herself smile. “I wish I could just disappear for one day and forget all this crap.” She replied resignedly as she continued to stare out the window.

Aki’s words made Sehun’s ears perk when he suddenly grazed his pockets and felt the tickets to a particular music festival. “Noona, I’ve got an idea that could make your wish come true.”

Aki’s face lit up as she looked at Sehun with weary eyes. “What could that be?” she asked, intrigued.

Sehun looked down at her with a triumphant smirk and said. “Today, I’ll be your Fairy Godmother.”



Hearing the melodious bashing of drums and powerful vocals from the entrance, Sehun passed the two tickets to a staff who politely greeted them and told them to take care of themselves because music festivals like these are always such a disorderly gathering of open-minded and destructive people who are very much likely to get away from the same destructive world. Sehun pretty much knew that music is food for the soul and he thought that it could help the twenty-five year old girl standing beside him, wearing an aquatic blue dress and black boots (thank God for the boots). She had a dubious face, unsure if this was a good idea or a bad one.

“Are you sure about this, Oh Sehun?” Aki shouted in the latter’s ear because the music drowned everything, not only their voices but the place they were in. Sehun gave her a quick glimpse as he took her hand in his and led her inside the field of passionate fans of music. “Don’t worry, noona. I’ve got you.”


There were about gazillion human beings present in the music festival. Sehun and Aki squeezed themselves in with doubtful yet genuine smiles on their faces, wearing the formal clothing they specifically wore for Baekhyun’s concert but the wind of destiny blew them in an entirely different music festival. They stood in the middle as Sehun encouraged Aki to shout with him. The metallic sounds of electrical guitar vibrated the whole place, the powerful crashes emitted from the drums, the low sounds of the bass guitar and the singing of the lead vocals brought everything together in one symphonic and mighty song that made everyone jump and cheer excitedly to no end.


To Sehun’s unexpected disbelief, Aki’s eyes began to sparkle with the lights and the music that spun inside their heads. Aki wore a huge smile on her face and kept jumping up and down as if everything she said to him at the café was nothing but dusts of forgotten dreams. Finally, after weeks of hearing her sigh so deeply and witness her constant grimaces, he finally saw her smile genuinely. Sehun knew it had to be done. He knew that a break from all the in the world could save her just for the time being. He knew it was wrong for him to take her from Baekhyun so rashly but he couldn’t just let her stay upset. He couldn’t let that happen.

Wearing the blasted tie around his neck, he loosened the tie, making him look like a y rebel with no regrets. Sehun jumped and sang along with Aki who still had her precious smile on her face. She was happy and that was all Sehun could wish for.

“Didn’t I tell you this was the best?” He shouted, leaning down to Aki’s ear so she could hear from all the music that sank their voices. Aki grinned as he leaned into Sehun’s. “Definitely!” She shouted back as she cheered the lead vocalist’s name.

The lead vocalist pumped his fist in the air and that was the end of the song as everyone clapped and shouted like there was no tomorrow.

“Let me sing you a song that’s going to blow your minds.“

Before Aki could react of the thrilling opening of the singer, Sehun began tugging her hand. Aki looked up, “What’s wrong?”

“Well, there are at least six stages and my favorite band’s playing at the other stage.”

Aki looked impeccably confused. “So?”

“We make a run for it.” Without a warning, Sehun took off with a puzzled-looking Aki following behind but when she finally had senses, she used her legs on full-speed.

“This favorite band of yours better be good, Sehun.” Aki smirked, fastening her pace in eagerness.



“She’s still not there?” Baekhyun asked anxiously to Jongdae who just left the stage at the crowds’ round of applause.

Jongdae gave him a knowing look and shook his head, “I’m sorry, Baekhyun.”

Baekhyun felt like he was going to puke everything he ate. His eyes were hooded, his mouth was dry, he kept rubbing his hands out of habit and he was shivering due to cold sweat. Everything was spinning.

“Sir, are you feeling okay? You don’t look so good.”

“Shouldn’t you rest, sir?”

His students began to ask him with worried expressions and heavy hearts. Seeing their enthusiastic music teacher fall apart was a sight they’re not pleased to see. He looked extremely different and everyone was worried for his health but he kept waving their anxious sentiments with a forced smile that lied. He kept checking his phone, he kept checking the crowd and Jongdae was growing weary for his frazzled friend because he never listened.



Sehun and Aki had been running around back and forth for different stages, taking quick breaks at the food stalls where most of them sell bubble tea and street food. Sehun’s eyes dilated in absolute astonishment when he first saw a stall that sold chocolate milk tea. Aki rolled her eyes but bought two milk teas, one for her and one for Sehun. After all the running, they sat on the grass where most tents were pitched as they relaxed and ate till their heart’s content. Sehun saw a stall that sold ddeukboki and soondae, one of Aki’s top favorites. Sitting on the grass and watching the stages light up and listening to the music in a distance was quite smoothing for Aki. She thought it deliberately set her at ease.

“Ddeukboki’s truly good.” Aki exclaimed with a mouthful of ddeukboki and Sehun laughed at her silly state of euphoria.

“Want to go back, noona?”

Aki swallowed and nodded. “Last stage and then we can go home. All the running made my whole body ache.”

Sehun paused, noticing that she completely forgot about Baekhyun’s concert and he didn’t know if he did something right or wrong. “All right.” He said slowly. “We should buy some cool souvenirs before we go, like shirts.”

Aki chuckled. “I would like that.” They got on their feet, made sure that they threw their garbage in their respective place.


When they arrived at the last stage, the songs began to soften and become more sincere. Aki was glad she was there. She was glad that strange happiness took over her body as soon as they got there. All of her anger died down in an instant. Music was like an odd wave that washed away all her worries and all the crap she wanted to let go. She didn’t know any of the songs, hell, she didn’t even know any lead singers’ name until girls chanted it like a mantra but it helped her. It lightened the weight on her shoulders. It wasn’t just because it was rock music but every song had a soul and it gave her hope.

She glanced at Sehun who was bobbing his head with the music but when he felt Aki’s gaze, he slowly glanced and gave her a soft smile.

“Thank you, Sehun.”

Sehun shrugged, “It was my pleasure.”

“Now, for all those lovebirds present, let me sing you a nice song, eh?” The vocalist asked, playing another piece with his guitar, eyeing his band mates to follow him. Everyone started to clap along of the new song and then a lot of grown and young men began to embrace their partners as they watched the band unfold the mysterious love song they’re not familiar with.

“If you’re all wondering, this is a song composed of my good friend, Yixing and we’d like you to hear his song.” The singer lowly said as he strummed his electric guitar and dominant music came from it as if commanding his band mates to follow after his glorious moment.

“Isn’t Yixing your senior?” Aki cried in complete astonishment and Sehun wore that glad look on his face and nodded proudly, “Yeah.”


“This moment feels like I was born as a child who knew nothing

I closed my eyes again in case it would be a dream

You were standing in front of my desperate self and praying

Just once, I want to walk side by side with you


Taken by the soft wind to your world

You asked me brightly where I came from to your side

And I told you that it was a secret

Wherever we walk together

Will be paradise”


Sehun faced Aki and bowed deeply, earning an amused giggle from Aki. “May I have this dance, milady?” He asked with poor British accent in which Aki had to stifle her laughter to spare his embarrassment. “You may, good sir.” She replied cheekily. Sehun took her by the waist and held her hand. They smiled at each other as they began to sway innocently with large grins.

“I never knew you were good at dancing, Sehun.” Aki complimented.

Sehun scoffed, “Because you didn’t pay attention when I showed off at the talent show back in our Christmas Party.”

“I was too busy being Santa Claus.”

“Now it’s my turn but the difference is: I’m your Fairy Godmother.”


Aki chuckled but when she looked into Sehun’s dark orbs, she knew to herself that she saw someone different. It wasn’t Sehun that she saw.

It was Baekhyun.

Aki gasped, bringing her hand to as her eyes dilated. Sehun was surprised of her sudden reaction. “What’s wrong?” He asked with so much concern.

“The concert. Baekhyun’s concert!” She suddenly exclaimed nervously.

“W-what?” Sehun asked confusedly.

“I have to go.” Aki said under her breath as she began squeezing herself away from the people of light and dark. As if paralyzed by the thought of Baekhyun, she ran and ran with a horrible image pressed upon her mind. The fireworks shoot up in the sky, illuminating everyone with so much glee but Sehun was left, muddled with nothing but a broken smile. When his thoughts came together he followed Aki, calling out to her. Dodging every girl and boy in his way, Aki’s back was beginning to move farther and father away from him. As he took each step, fragments of his heart fell on the ground, knowing the truth. The truth, that Aki could never have feelings for him.



The concert was coming to an end. It was a success. A lot of people wore increasingly satisfied faces, clapping with so much effort. As one of the head of the concert, Jongdae left the backstage with a microphone at hand. When people cheered for him, he pacified them with his knowing smiles and nods. “I would like to thank you to everyone who came for tonight’s concert! In behalf of the music club’s glorious students, my lovely colleague and proud Principal, we are eternally grateful for those who supported us.” The crowd applauded of Kim Jongdae’s witty words of gratitude as he nervously glanced at the side of the stage where a worn-out Baekhyun stood with determined yet distracted eyes as he continued to search for the girl.

“For the last performance, my brilliant colleague, Byun Baekhyun will sing a song for all of you. I hope you’ll enjoy. Take it away, Baek.” Giving the microphone to his friend, he eyed him with seriousness and Baekhyun gave him a grateful smile.


Finally gazing down at the marvelous crowd, he spotted Chanyeol, Jongin and Joon Myeon but there was no sign of Sehun and Aki. He felt his heart sank and his shoulders slumped but he had to force out a smile for the last time.

“I would like to dedicate this song to a friend of mine.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “She’s not here right now but I know in my heart that if she were here, she’d love it.” Clearing his throat, he suddenly heard the doors of the auditorium open with a loud thud as he saw two figures come running inside the theatre and when his eyes squinted he saw the person he’s been searching for.

Baekhyun smiled faintly “Aki.” He rasped but his body fell on the ground, making the microphone screech and the eyes of the crowd widen.

Baekhyun remained immobile.



A/N: As promised, this is a long chapter, approximately 3k+

True that I all left you a cliffhanger but I hope that this satisfied your desires.

Sehun and Aki's date was a music festival because I am going to the Wanderland Music Fest here in Philippines and I can't wait for it!

If I have readers who will go pls pm me so that I have a friend to go there ahaha

Oh and the song Yixing made? It's EXO-K's Angel (Disclaimer)

Thank you for reading, look forward to the next chapter and "Pinku Pinku is Luhan"

God bless my lovelies!!!!

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yay for 150 subscribers! thank you my dearest readers, i'll try to update soon :-)


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Chapter 6: Oh, that little sneak!
Chapter 5: He makes me tired and I'm just reading about him, lol!
Chapter 4: He's like a sprite
Chapter 17: I just discovered this fic today and I'm glad I didn't ignore this. This story is too compelling with all the fluff and angst mixed. This plot and the characters were wonderful, which resulted to me getting so into the fic so much. That was also unexpected that Baekhyun knew about Kyungsoo. I love this story so much. Thank you for sharing us a peace of your wonderful ideas. I hope you're doing well, authornim!
Chapter 14: i just wanted to tell you that this was a great truly great story...i loved every part of it...every single detail was intricately woven...i do not think i need to mention your spectacular talent for plot twists. you mentioned Game of Thrones quite a few times here, so maybe you learnt well from it. thank you for writing this and sharing it with us.
Chapter 17: I hope you decide to finish this! I loved reading about Aki's recovery but everytime I think about Kyungsoo my heart just burns!!!
Chapter 17: Gosh, this was a really really wonderful story. I really wish this was continued and all. ; n ;
lolobe #8
Chapter 17: I really hope you will continue writing this story, I honestly can't wait to read the end!
I hope your writer's block disappears soon ~
Chapter 17: No no no! I have to read more! I'm sad' what happens next!!!
Chapter 17: good luck & we'll wait for u :)