Chapter 2

More Than Friends

A week had passed and they had been really busy with Shinhwa activities. Andy was honestly beginning to think Dongwan had forgotten about his promise, and he was just about to accept the fact that he had to begin dating without the help when he suddenly heard his doorbell ring.

He wasn't expecting anyone since this was the first day he had had to himself since the comeback, but he had to stop his TV-watching and open the door for whoever it was.

"Andy!" the second he opened the door a way too happy Dongwan jumped forwards and into his arms. Andy was shocked by the sudden action and just stood there dumbfounded with the older man hugging him.

"You know, it is frowned upon for the guy just to stand there and pretend he didn't want his girlfriend to show up, even if he really did not want her to come" Dongwan pulled away and flashed him a smile.

"Excuse me" was all he managed to reply, head tilted slightly.

"Didn't I say I would train you? This is the first step, what to do when your girlfriend shows up out of the blue on your day off" he laughed at the confused look in Andy's eyes and hit him slightly on the shoulder as he proceeded to take of his shoes and leave Andy frozen in the hallway. So he hadn't forgotten.

"You know, I thought about how best to make you comfortable with skinship and such, and the best plan I could come up with was to surprise you, you know? Like, expose you to skinship when you least expect it, make you so used to it that you stop squirming and looking uncomfortable when it happens" he looked up from his seat in Andy's couch as he said that, smiling like crazy as Andy went to sit next to him. This was indeed going to be interesting for Andy.

"So, hyung, why did you come to my house? Only to surprise me with a hug?" he questioned, the promise of date like scenarios popping up in the back of his head, and making him more excited than he cared to admit.

"Well, I thought I would ask you out since we have a day off, I can show you what I usually do on my dates, it will be informative for you to be the girl as well. Next time, maybe you can take me on a date" he smiled widely as he said the last part, but Andy was starting to feel nervous. He would have to take notes of everything Dongwan did, he had to plan a date himself, it all felt like he was back in school, and he completely forgot all about the butterflies he had had in his stomach at the thought of a date.

Actually, why did he have butterflies in his stomach in the first place? It was just Dongwan, they had hung out before. Maybe it was the thought of having someone focusing only on him, or just the fact that it had been ages since he had gone on any date outside of staged TV dates.

"So, what do you say? You look so shocked, was this not what you had expected? Or am I going too far? Andy, just tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable, we can slow down and do it in your pace" his face suddenly turned serious as he stretched his arm out and placed a hand on Andy's thigh.

"No, no I'm fine, just, I need to collect my thoughts" he shook his head and gave Dongwan a quick smile.

"So let me just get a notebook and a pen then we can leave" he stood up and went for his desk when Dongwan followed him and stopped him in his tracks.

"Don't bring that, I need your full attention today, you won't even look at me if you bring that. Besides, I want you to have fun too" Dongwan had grabbed his hands as he said that, he was smiling, but it wasn't the smile Andy was used to, it was a weird smile, and Andy couldn't put a finger on where he had seen it used before.

"O...k, do you want me to bring anything then?" Andy questioned looking around the room as to avoid the piercing eyes Dongwan was showing him.

"No, just grab you jacket and we can go, I have it all planned" he answered, face suddenly back to normal as he let go of Andy's hands to put on his shoes.

"So, are you driving?" Andy asked when they entered the elevator.

"No, we're walking, the weather's nice, and it gives me the opportunity to do this" he said as he grabbed Andy's hand and interlaced his fingers with his. It took Andy by surprise, it wasn't usually a thing Dongwan would do, Minwoo sure, but Dongwan wasn't keen on skinship.

"So, where are we actually going?" they had been walking for a while, but it hadn't been as boring as Andy had thought it would be, Dongwan had made sure to walk through many parks and point out small things he had never bothered to look at if he had been in a hurry. They had also bought coffee and pancakes to eat as they continued on their walk, fingers still intertwined.

"It's a surprise, everyone loves a good surprise, and we're there soon" he flashed a smile as he lifted both of Andy's hands to his mouth and started breathing on them to heat them up.

"Your hands are getting cold, good thing we're there now" he said as he pointed towards a big sign for an aquarium.

The "date" was amazing. Dongwan had a friend who was a diving instructor, and Dongwan had managed to convince him to teach them diving. They had spend hours diving around the tank, swimming with the fish and trying to communicate using only hand signals. Dongwan had not let Andy out of his sight, he had had a bit of practice before, so every time Andy needed help he had beat the instructor to it, and he had used every opportunity to hold his hands. Dongwan sure was a great boyfriend, his girlfriends had been very lucky, and Andy couldn't help but feel happy about the attention he was getting.

After they had left the aquarium Dongwan had called a cab to bring them somewhere else, saying that a cab leaves more time to hold hands than driving did, and that you can look at your date in a cab, not the road.

They arrived at a tea house, one of those old hidden in an alley teahouses, Dongwan had said it was the best place to go to heat up again after diving. So there they were, in a cozy traditional tea house.

"So, Andy, my place or yours?" he suddenly asked, face very serious. Andy didn't know what to say, he couldn't mean what he thought he did, could he? He was starting to feel nervous, smile fading slowly, but then Dongwan's lips twitched, and he broke out laughing.

"You should've seen your face, it was priceless! What did you think I meant it? You can't do that on your first date" he stopped laughing to take a sip of his tea, Andy started smiling, laughing a bit out of relief.

"But after the second date it's a completely different deal" Dongwan put his tea cup down and looked at Andy seriously again as he said that. This time Andy just shrugged it off.

They had left the tea house when it was starting to get late, Dongwan had insisted on taking Andy home, talking to him about how that was something any boyfriend should do since there were so many dangers for a lonely girl on the street. Andy hadn't complained though, since he wanted the complete experience of a date. It was strange, the feelings he was feeling. Sure Dongwan had done everything in the book to make it a perfect date, and Andy had felt special, but he couldn't help but think that the skinship he was initiating wouldn't help him much, it was just the same as doing skinship with the other members, if not even less than that since they hadn't done more than hugging. But he couldn't ask his hyung to just up and kiss him, and especially not Dongwan, since he wasn't big into skinship to begin with.

They reached Andy's apartment and as they stood in the door, about to say goodbye Dongwan suddenly spoke.

"Andy, can I ask you something? Can I do everything that I would usually do to my girlfriend"

"sure" what a strange question, Andy had already told him he wanted to know everything, he wanted to remember how everything felt, he wanted to get used to everything.

"And you won't hit me or feel weird if I do something that pushes your limits?" he shook his head, very curious about what Dongwan had in mind.

He had expected many things but not what happened next.

Dongwan stepped closer to him and pulled him into an embrace which Andy responded to by putting his head on his shoulder.

"No don't put your head there, look at me" his voice was soft and almost inaudible, which was strange when it came from Dongwan. Andy pulled away a little to look at Dongwan, their faces very close, he could see the look from earlier on his face, the weird look he couldn't pinpoint.

Andy was about to ask what he wanted when he was caught of guard by Dongwan's lips closing the gap between them.

Sure they had kissed before, but not in such a strange setting, not while saying goodnight after a date, he was shocked, frozen.

"Relax Andy, just follow me" he said into his mouth, tickling Andy's lips slightly as the words created vibrations.

Dongwan didn't close his mouth after having spoken though, he kept it open, and Andy didn't know what to do, it all went so fast.

Dongwan was probably expecting Andy to open his mouth as well, it wouldn't be weird, it was just a kiss, it was something girls in the US practiced on each other, so guys doing it would be completely the same right? It was just practice.

Well it might be practice for Andy, but it didn't feel like Dongwan was practicing, at least not to Andy.

He had just barely opened his mouth when Dongwan slipped his tongue into his now unguarded mouth, and Andy forgot all about practice and got carried away by the moment. It was nothing like how he remembered it, it felt so much more real, much more passionate. Passionate? Dongwan was a friend, no passion involved, just a brother willing to help him overcome his fear, but god did he do a good job of it.

Andy couldn't help but let a small sound out, just a small almost inaudible moan, but audible enough for Dongwan to hear. He pulled away and smiled at him panting.

"Wow, am i that good, or are you really that deprived of love?" he dried his lips in his sleeve as he continued to look at Andy, his normal smile back.

Andy just stood there embarrassed. What had just happened? Why had it felt so good? Was this normal? What did Dongwan think of him now? All of these questions flooded his mind, and he couldn't muster to give an intelligent answer to Dongwan's question.

"Well, this was fun. We should definitely do this again, the date thing too" he said as he left Andy in his doorway to look confused at his backside slowly leaving the apartment building.



AN: Ok, I like this chapter way more :D Not really sure about the ending :P It sounds a bit weird to me, but overall I'm happy :D I think I'll be able to end this in the next chapter, or maybe I need two, we'll see :P Thank's for all of you guys's support though :D I love your comments, they really inspire me to keep going :D Thank you :D

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I might already have a bonus chapter in the making...


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shcjprincess #1
Chapter 10: i've missed a lot. i can't believe this is over. i dont know what to say. i feel sorry for junjin and i'm happy dydy is finally happy. i'm a huge jindy shipper but wandy is also an otp im growing fond of. but my jindy will always be number 1. hope you can write a fluffy jindy or you can recommend 1 for me. ive been away for so long. thanks for this and i'm really going to miss this.
Chapter 10: this was freaking hot!! wooo~~~~ thank you for writing this for us! it that junjin had to actually watch them and feel like crap afterwards, but wandy was meant for each other hohohoho
thank you for writing this whole story!! i'll come back to reread this again and again, even though it's freaking angsty and ugh i can't take angsty but this was awesome thank you thank you thank you :)))))
Chapter 10: i've seen too many jindy angst today and just when shinbang ended. T.T

I'm glad wandy made up but i can't help but feel sorry for babird.

im so confused right now. hahahaha

thanks for this and i really hope to read a fluffy jindy from you :)
Chapter 10: sh*t that was so hot it woyld have been hotter if jin could join but then again jin has feelings for andy so that would have killed him seeing them on that scene much more if he will join them... ^^ *read this so early in the morning with one closed eye but now im fully awake puhahaha!♡
thanks for the bonus chap!^^
Chapter 9: NOOOOO !!!! SUCH A GOOD PLOT TWIST ! what the heck , why is everything i read from you today is so sad T^T . OMG ! I wasn't expecting jindy at all here , at least not a junjin in love for a longtime ago . A good surprise . The best way to end your fic . Congratulation ! I really liked it ! ❤❤❤
I can't deny that my fav chap of this fic is the last , the one about junjin , really well made . poor jj . :S
The WanJin kiss just killed me , SOOO FUNNY! I imagined everything and it was so hilarious !
I realized you are cursing a lot more in your stories ! YEAH ! hahahahahha hihihihiihi ;p
Loved dongwan jealous , its rare to read about him being jealous so really liked.
I loved the 3 last chapter 7, 8 and 9 . Thumbs up ! You did a good job developping everyone feelings and face exprssion and i really appreciate that . :)
About the jindy scene in the bed when they are young , you definitely need to do a M rated version of that , even if it's only jj dreaming but idk , the idea is really good. Even as a one shot - independent story . Please ! Well if you want hahahha ( still hope hihihihi )!
Really liked this wandy fic , really good ideas here . I will be waiting for the last bonus chap and then i will re-rea the whole story again ❤
jun-kified #6
Chapter 9: I was laughing so hard when Andy and Dongwan were so into 'it' with Junjin around.
But when I read the last chapter, I started to cry. Poor Jinnie ~
Anyway, good story! <3
Chapter 9: Thanks for writing his POV! Although it's really heart breaking, it's realistic. I like that you have the courage not to give him a happy ending like some writers do, sometimes those kind of endings are the best fit. Also the way you captured the whole picture of one's love-life with a single chapter is impressive! The events from Junjin past involving Andy were awesome- sometimes cute, sometimes ert-ish, sometimes funny (the way you wrote "he was just scared and tired, and Junjin was a ert."- made me LOL). (≧◡≦)
I also liked the Hyesung and Junjin's brotherhood, very emotional scenes, in the beginning of the story in particular: "he sobbed into Hyesung's chest, while the older man patted his back, telling him to calm down and think about telling the others.
He never did tell anyone else, not the hyungs, not Andy."
(╥﹏╥) The way you took ^that^ sentence as an individual, really convey the feeling of loss and sorrow behind it, this was really heart-breaking to read. (but I just wanna point out that it should be "He never *told* anyone else..")
In short, really-really great chapter! BTW!- it's good you've done Junjin's POV before the rated chapter, because it keeps the mood of the story of the main characters as it should be. Can't wait to see how it will turn out~ fighting! (>‿◠)✌
Chapter 9: *tears... loved the twist but felt so sad for jin... ugh my poor jindy heart!
Chapter 9: whyyyyy??? poor babird ㅠ ㅠ everything will be alright. thisss, i just can't
Oh god. Please don't tell me the bonus chapter came from one of our crack conversations xDDDD

But anyways, will definitely read this when I get off school <3333 I've been waiting for the ending in forever!!!!