


“Yongguk hyung, have you seen my mask?” asked a very tired Daehyun coming out of their cramped bedroom.


A very upset-looking Yongguk looked up from his spot on the sofa and mumbled a low 'No' before pressing his face back in the spot between the arm rest and the cushion. Truth was that no, Yongguk wasn't upset and yes, it was his dark purple hair that made him seem perpetually pissed off.


The younger slumped in defeat. He was never going to find it and they were supposed to be headed to an interview tomorrow and he really wanted it but apparently it grew legs and ran away. Or maybe he had forgotten it down at the gym (because it was a far more likely idea) so the young man made his way out of the apartment.


On a normal day Daehyun would've taken the elevator (because yes, he was that lazy) but it had been out of order for quite a bit now and he didn't fancy getting stuck in it so stairs were a much safer alternative.


Reaching the gym floor Daehyun stopped and cursed loudly. He had forgotten the key and that meant that he had to run back up and get it... He turned around and was ready to jog back up to their flat to grab said keys when a faint noise caught his attention. Walking closer to the end of the hall made him realize it was one of their songs, 'Unbreakable' and that it was coming from the practice room.


Daehyun's handsome features turned into a look of confusion. Himchan hyung was out with their stylist looking for a couple of new and special leather jackets (Daehyun personally didn't understand how a jacket could be special and still fit their current image but it was safer to nod and say 'ok' than argue with Himchan) and the maknae line was out at a photo-shoot. He was fairly sure that Youngjae said he was going to sleep in late so they shouldn't disturb him and Yongguk was still up watching his silly movie (I mean really, how many times can one watch Constantine?) so who was in there?


Pushing the door lightly made it open without as much as a sound and Daehyun peaked inside. The sight made him frown. Youngjae was drenched in sweat and obviously tired and panting. He finished doing a series of moves from the Power choreography before he dropped to the floor and honestly Daehyun thought he would take a break but the man merely laid down on his front for a couple of seconds before lifting himself up with his hands and staring a series of push-ups.


After watching for a few minutes Daehyun could almost feel his blood boil. Youngjae was pushing himself too much and he knew exactly why. The public had been very harsh on the younger's image and even though Youngjae smiled and refused to speak about it, Dae knew he was hurt.


Unable to watch anymore he coughed loudly and stepped inside.


“Youngjaeeeeeeeee-ah” he said in a sing-song voice after the blonde noticed him.


It hurt a bit when he saw that his dongsaeng tried his best to not seem tired, to not let Daehyun know the truth. Weren't they friends?


“I thought you'd be sleeping” the blonde said before getting up with a bit of difficulty and stopping the music.


“Funny because I thought the same thing” Dae tried, really tried, to keep the edge out of his voice but he guessed he had failed when he saw the younger cringe. “Alas, I'm bored!”


“Want to play a few games hyung?” asked Youngjae, desperately trying to steer his attention anywhere but the current moment.


“I don't know... first let's go up and you go take a shower”


All the way up Daehyun could feel his hands twitching. He waned nothing more than to grab the blonde's shoulders and help him climb the stairs or even offer a piggy back ride up but he knew that the other's pride would stop him from accepting. He wanted to go to the people who wrote those garbage comments, print said comments and stuff them down their throats.


How dare they? How dare they make someone as perfect as Youngjae, someone as talented, feel like he should push himself to this limit? He was willing to bet all his earnings from Warrior that they were all miles bellow Youngjae at anything.


While Youngjae was showering he took the liberty of going through his closet and pulling out an outfit that he deemed perfect for an outing.


“What are you doing hyung?”


“I'm picking you clothes” he answered without bothering to turn around.


“I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself you know”


Daehyun snorted “Still, dress in these”


“But hyung those are street clothes”


“Indeed they are, we're going out”


Youngjae tilted his head and Daehyun thought he was just adorable.


“But Yongguk hyung didn't say anything about going out”


“Pay attention Youngjae-yah! It's not Yongguk hyung the one that's going out, it's us! I'm craving some fried mandu and I know a good place a few streets away”


“Are you insane hyung?! You realize what could happen if a fan sees us?” Youngjae shuddered just thinking about the possibility.


“It's late, no one will see us. Pleaseeeeeee” he begged and full aegyo.


Youngjae nodded slowly, obviously caught in the spell. Daehyun laughed and skipped out of the room.


'Now for the hard part' he thought to himself.


“Yongguk hyung, I'm going to grab some food with Youngjae, want to bring back something?”


Yongguk seemed too tired to really hear him, or just too focused on the movie, because he just waved his hand. Daehyun knew he might get in trouble for this later but decided he didn't care enough and as soon as Youngjae stepped in the hall, fully dressed, he grabbed the blonde's hand and dragged him out of the flat.


Youngjae decided to give Daehyun-ssi a bit more credit because he had been totally right so far. They made it out of the building and into the small dinner in one piece and no one even gave them a second glance. The young man didn't know if to be happy they weren't spotted or a bit hurt that no one recognized them (him) without makeup on.


The place was small, with only a couple of tables and a bar and they opted to sit one next to the other, facing the wall.


Daehyun grabbed a few chopsticks while Youngjae looked on the menu. The man who came to take their order was old, way above 60 and for that Youngjae was thankful, he doubted the man kept up with the kpop scene. The blonde's eyes widened at the amount of food his elder had ordered but if Daehyun noticed it he didn't comment at all.


I saw the pictures Youngjae-ah! Fans don't let any stone unturned so I know you were an adorable kid”


Youngjae blushed, it wasn't true. He had been chubby even as child and he wished he could have Daehyun's or even Yongguk's figure.


All through the meal they laughed and joked. Daehyun felt accomplished because the young singer was so happy and carefree that he didn't really noticed that Daehyun had indeed stuffed him with food. The walk home was way less tense than the one going to the dinner.


~ * ~


It turns out the jackets were horrible but Daehyun kept his mouth shut, he also didn't question the younger rapper when he showed up wearing his mask because he knew the other had a silly idea that his chin wasn't good looking... or something along those lines. The interview was going well so far and from his spot between Jongup and Himchan he felt like he was dead in the middle of the screen but it didn't bother him.


“The concept I'd like to try is..”


Daehyun couldn't help himself after a few moments and he turned to look at his frozen band mate while laughing and everyone else followed suite.


They finished the interview rather quickly mainly because they were in a rush to leave for another performance. They got in the car, Daehyun sliding in next to Youngjae, a little after having a shared meal, dinner really because they wouldn't be eating when they arrive at the hotel because it would be close to 2am if traffic was light.


Sometime close to midnight Daehyun felt Youngjae's head fall on his shoulder. The sudden action made him lose his game of temple run but one look at the slumbering boy made him not care at all about the silly phone and he laid it next to him.


With as much care and gentleness as possible he maneuvered Youngjae around until the blonde's head was resting comfortably in his lap. The elder removed a stray lock of hair out of the boy's face and smiled. Youngjae was pushing himself so much these days that Daehyun was happy whenever he spotted the younger resting and this time was no exception. He watched the small smile present on Jae's face and couldn't even imagine how in the world the fans didn't see this. How they can't see how truly beautiful Youngjae is.


Daehyun remembered reading how once you know someone and become friends you're way more likely to ignore their physical and personality flaws but he thought that wasn't the case here because Youngjae had no flaw to begin with.


As they approached the hotel Daehyun had to, with much regret, wake his slumbering fellow singer.


“Mmm.. are we there already hyung?” Youngjae asked while rubbing his eyes.


“Almost” he answered while helping the other get up “and I told you at least a hundred times, stop calling me hyung, call me Daehyun”


The sleepy but happy grin he received from the blonde made his entire week.



Bleh. I at this! And by this I mean keeping up with my original idea ... Q.Q

See you next time guys and as usual, thanks for reading <3

~ Marisse


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Chapter 3: aww cute.

they are so sweet. ;u;
Chapter 3: gosh... seriously Daehyun and Youngjae... =] love them

Daehyun's caring attitude just made me smile.. oh heck this whole chapter was making me smile the whole time =]
Chapter 3: dammit. they're to sweet i just can't...

i cannot stop smiling omg.
DaeJaeGyu #4
Chapter 3: ooooh its too sweet until now <3
dae is having a crush or something on youngjae
or maybe only a friendship
anyway update please
Chapter 3: aww so much fluff.. This reminds me when Jae said he has lost 7kg in a month ;(
Chapter 2: hmmmm i like it... it's very surreal... =]
v3aish #7
Chapter 2: i really liked your other fic so i came here to check this out and i really like it so far!!!

take as much time as you need to write this [but pls dont disappear!!!] :D:D:D
Chapter 1: i like this.. Youngjae is almost an observer... and he's giving us a little glimpse of his life.. how it's different with these people now..
DaeJaeGyu #9
Chapter 1: Mmmmmm its kinda of interseting continue please
heck yeah =] I'm excited for this authornim =]