




We were sweaty, thirsty, hungry and above all else tired. Yongguk hyung and Jongup-ah were the only ones still up and working on the choreography. Himchan hyung, Daehyun and myself were sitting on the floor watching them and trying to catch our breaths while Junhong was passed out on the bench next to us.


One glance at the clock told me it was already 2.35am. Daehyun hyung got up slowly and made his way to Yongguk-ssi's side and stepped in as Warrior began blasting though the speakers once again. I wanted to get up and join them because I knew, deep inside, I wasn't 100% comfortable with the choreography yet and this was the last official practice but my legs just refused to answer to me.


It was tiring, exhausting even, to keep up with our schedule in the past few weeks. Dance practice over vocal practice over interview trainings. It was like back in school when you'd participate in a play, you learn your lines and how to be that character.


Everyone stopped at around 3am and we left the building heading for our dorm. Tomorrow there would be no practice, no dancing, nothing but rest and attempting to get comfortable because the day after tomorrow (today really since it's already 3) we're going to go on stage for the first time as a group.


Falling asleep was hard. When you're too tired it always is but somehow I managed. When I woke up it was already 2pm and the only ones still sleeping were Himchan hyung and Daehyun-ah.


“Good morning hyung” I muttered as our leader passed me on the hall.


“Morning Youngjae-ah, there's food in the kitchen, manager-nim brought us lunch”


I nodded “You're going to wake them up?”


“Yea, they need to sleep tonight too”


I understood him and just left for the kitchen. Our dorm is small. The living room is quite big but for six people it doesn't really cut it. The kitchen was the same, we barely had enough space to sit comfortably around the table as for the bedroom... three bunk beds take a lot of space but it's not like we do anything there besides sleep.


“Good morning hyung!”


I looked over to Jongup, the kid was so happy at all time, his energy levels were so high and he generally managed to make everyone around him at least a bit cheerful.


“'Morning Jongup-ah, what's for lunch?”




I grabbed a bowl and chopsticks. When we first started living together neither one of us could cook .. at all. We quickly realized we can't keep eating delivery because it was just above our budget. Luckily for us Himchan hyung was interested in learning how to cook.


Soon Himchan-ssi and Daehyun-ah joined us at the table.


“I'm going to join Junhong-ah in the gym” with those words and a small bow Jongup left the room.


Later in the day I went to the gym room as well. It was on the first floor of the building and it was just for our use.


I know that we were told not to practice today but I had to, I can't afford to make a mistake in our debut so for a couple of hours all I did was repeat the Warrior choreography again and again …




I turned to the source of the words just to find Daehyun sitting in the doorway.


“It's late, come to get dinner. Yongguk hyung said we're going to be sent to bed at 10” he added.


“Oh yes, thank you hyung”


He stared for a second and I thought he was going to say something but in the end he just nodded and left, letting the door wide open.


Dinner that night was tense. A lot of pressure was on us right now. If we made a mistake and we won't be successful it'll be worse than never debuting.


Sitting in bed that night, in the bunk above Daehyun's I couldn't but wonder how he could be so calm. He was snoring, and had been for the past half an hour or so, while I knew for sure at least Himchan hyung and Junhong-ah were still awake considering both of them were turning and tossing every few minutes.



~ * ~


I sighted as one of the make-up noonas was fixing my eyes for the 3rd time already and couldn't sit still. It was obvious from the way she was frowning at me that she didn't like it but it wasn't like I could help it.


The door opened slightly and our manager's head came into view.


“15 minutes everyone”


I gulped and hopped out of the chair when the noona left to go to Himchan hyung. Junhong and Jongup were stretching and talking quietly while Yongguk hyung stepped out to speak with the manager and stage technicians and Daehyun was … playing with his phone.


Standing just outside the stage while everyone was preparing the performance made me oddly calm.


“We did this a hundred times already” said Yongguk obviously talking about the choreo and song “We can do it perfectly and we will”


His gummy smile made me feel at ease and when we took our places on stage I just closed my eyes slightly, visualizing our studio.


When music began we weren't 6 terrified rookies, we were 6 warriors from Mato plannet, everyone perfectly in character.



Whew, it's been a while hasn't it? This story is going to be updated a tad bit slower sowwy Q.Q It's simply because it takes me longer to write a story that mixes reality and fiction rather than a AU one.

For unpatient people you could just bookmark a chapter (if you want to read this eventually) and just check it in a while when you remember xD Progress will be slow-ish for a while so .. Q.Q don't hate me!

Thank you for being here <3



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Chapter 3: aww cute.

they are so sweet. ;u;
Chapter 3: gosh... seriously Daehyun and Youngjae... =] love them

Daehyun's caring attitude just made me smile.. oh heck this whole chapter was making me smile the whole time =]
Chapter 3: dammit. they're to sweet i just can't...

i cannot stop smiling omg.
DaeJaeGyu #4
Chapter 3: ooooh its too sweet until now <3
dae is having a crush or something on youngjae
or maybe only a friendship
anyway update please
Chapter 3: aww so much fluff.. This reminds me when Jae said he has lost 7kg in a month ;(
Chapter 2: hmmmm i like it... it's very surreal... =]
v3aish #7
Chapter 2: i really liked your other fic so i came here to check this out and i really like it so far!!!

take as much time as you need to write this [but pls dont disappear!!!] :D:D:D
Chapter 1: i like this.. Youngjae is almost an observer... and he's giving us a little glimpse of his life.. how it's different with these people now..
DaeJaeGyu #9
Chapter 1: Mmmmmm its kinda of interseting continue please
heck yeah =] I'm excited for this authornim =]