



Fame is a word that Youngjae always hated. It always seemed to be an all-access pass that people waved around to get away with actions they usually wouldn't.


When Youngjae was called a 'nerd' for the first time he rushed home, somehow confused, to ask his mother about the meaning of the word. It didn't happen often for him to not know something so why did the other boys, who answered less in class and seemed to generally know less than Youngjae did, know something he didn't?


Usually boys look like their fathers but even as a child Youngjae always heard he looked more like his mother. Youngjae thought he said something wrong when his mother's soft features morphed into shock when he asked her the simple question. When the shock turned into sadness Youngjae instinctively hugged his mother and refrained from asking again.


It wasn't much later when he understood the kind of stigma that felt upon him but he could never understand why people focused so much on physical appearance or why they thought that trying to actually liking to study was a bad thing.


At first Youngjae dreamed of being a professional gamer. Somehow deep inside he knew it was silly. He was smart, way above average, so everyone would raise an eyebrow and look at him with a high dose of amusement and pity when he'd say his future career path. But it was fun, something that truly got him to be happy and he enjoyed talking to the few friends he made through gaming.


The change was fast … no one saw it coming really, but one day, after performing for a very small audience, more for fun than music, Youngjae found his calling. Music.


It gave him a thrill nothing else did and it was a feeling he wished to bottle up to keep close forever. After that, the path on which he wanted to walk was clear. Auditioning for an entertainment company was hard. Probably the hardest thing he'd done in his life so far but he made it. He made it in.


However at the time he was too young to keep up with that. He didn't expect it … the insane level of competition which ran through high profile entertainment agencies. It made him sad and lonely. Not feelings a teenager could deal with easily at that age.


After he gave up on that first attempt he regretted it. Somehow his passion for music just went higher. He tried again, different agency, a bit later... he was more mature, this time sure he'd succeed in making it.


TS entertainment was a much smaller company and that made Youngjae happy. He always thought a big company would halfway overshadow your own talent. But this... this was just perfect. The chance to grow, to be the reason a company was successful in the first place!


Youngjae remembered exactly the moment when he was asked to sign the contract for being a part of TS's new group and he remembered very clearly the thoughts that ran in his head at the time.


He swore that he'd never let fame get to his head.



~ * ~


When Youngjae met the first member of his future band he was flooded with insecurity. He had just walked into the studio, ready for a recording. He was perfectly calm and happy to follow the instructor before he heard it.


The man singing had one of the deepest voices Youngjae heard so far but he sang clearly and obviously with a lot of passion.


After seeing the stunned look on the younger man's face, the instructor laughed before speaking “That's Bang Yongguk-ssi, he'll be one of the rappers in the group”


Despite the fact that he knew he was not being polite, Youngjae didn't answer, he merely nodded his head as he kept staring in awe at the boy in the recording room.



~ * ~



Youngjae thought they were amazing...


Bang Yongguk was, despite the first impression, very laid back and a genuinely nice person. Despite that, for Youngjae it was awkward at times to talk to him, due to the age difference. Yongguk hyung was brilliant at song writing and his general knowledge of the subject was far surpassing Youngjae's own.


Kim Himchan was loud, bubbly and a very fun person to be around of. His knowledge in traditional korean music impressed Youngjae. But again, Himchan was a hyung too so being close to him was a bit hard.


Moon Jongup was a teenager but somehow the least child like of them all … he didn't get moody like Yongguk did when a song didn't sound just right, he was certainly more mature than Himchan and sometimes Youngjae felt he was Jongup's dongsaeng as well. Jongup has a kind smile and no one could doubt the kid's good intentions.


Choi Junhong was the maknae of the group, at first Youngjae felt very bad for the kid. He was so young and the idol world could ruin a person in so many ways but after witnessing the youngster’s talent he couldn't deny the fact that he belonged here... in their little group.


The last addition to their group was actually the one person who made it all okay for Youngjae. Jung Daehyun was his age, he was nice, or at least that's how he seemed in the small number of months Youngjae's known him for. Youngjae felt both relieved and a bit angry at himself... Daehyun could carry a song and hit the high notes Youngjae wasn't very comfortable with and that made the younger much more at ease with their first songs together but the feeling of relief made him realize that he did doubt his abilities …


Looking up from his plate of steamed mandu he threw a quick glance around their dinning table. It was pretty late at night and he could tell everyone was tired but also tense. Their debut was set in five days and the high expectations of the agency weighted them down.


Yongguk had long since forgotten his mostly full plate and was doodling on a napkin, Youngjae didn't doubt that the leader was actually thinking of something important.


Himchan was playing with his phone but Youngjae could see him raise his hands and pass them through his freshly dyed hair trying to get it to settle down. Youngjae knew he wasn't very happy with the look they were given but Himchan didn't mention it to anyone.


Jongup had his headphones on and was listening to something which, from the small noises Youngjae heard, was a Chris Brown song.


Junhong had is head down on the table and from time to time he'd open his eyes and grab a cherry tomato.


As for Daehyun … he was the only person at the table who was really enjoying their dinner. He didn't seem particularly worried about their upcoming debut.


Yongguk got up suddenly and everyone's eyes moved to him.


“It's late, head to sleep” was all the leader said before moving towards their shared bedroom.



Hihi guys! Welcome to my new story. First of all .. thank you so much for giving this a shot! The start will be a bit slow but it'll pick up in the next chapter or so. This is more of an introduction than an actual chapter so, sorry about that. If you find any mistake please let me know. Also suggestions are more than welcome

Again, thanks for reading,



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Chapter 3: aww cute.

they are so sweet. ;u;
Chapter 3: gosh... seriously Daehyun and Youngjae... =] love them

Daehyun's caring attitude just made me smile.. oh heck this whole chapter was making me smile the whole time =]
Chapter 3: dammit. they're to sweet i just can't...

i cannot stop smiling omg.
DaeJaeGyu #4
Chapter 3: ooooh its too sweet until now <3
dae is having a crush or something on youngjae
or maybe only a friendship
anyway update please
Chapter 3: aww so much fluff.. This reminds me when Jae said he has lost 7kg in a month ;(
Chapter 2: hmmmm i like it... it's very surreal... =]
v3aish #7
Chapter 2: i really liked your other fic so i came here to check this out and i really like it so far!!!

take as much time as you need to write this [but pls dont disappear!!!] :D:D:D
Chapter 1: i like this.. Youngjae is almost an observer... and he's giving us a little glimpse of his life.. how it's different with these people now..
DaeJaeGyu #9
Chapter 1: Mmmmmm its kinda of interseting continue please
heck yeah =] I'm excited for this authornim =]