Irresistible Lips


         Minhyuk stared at the pills. The thought of leaving this world was scary, but seemed the only way to leave Sungjae and let him have his own life, without him.

         All the nights they spend at his apartment were lies. Sungjae was committed to a precious girl that could give him a family and would make his parents proud. And what did Minhyuk have to give him? Nothing. Only his love. Minhyuk had nothing else to give Sungjae rather than care. He was more of the type that would ruin his life than do any good. And yet, he gave in to temptation and took Sungjae’s innocence. Not that any of them regretted it. But they would end up asking themselves why things had to be this way.

       What had Minhyuk done to deserve this pain? He knew nothing but love. He had always given his heart and done everything for the people he loved. How did he end up on this endless fate of being the third part? Why couldn’t he be happy with Sungjae? Why did he have to be engaged?

       It was that day. The wedding day. And Minhyuk wasn’t invited. Well, Sungjae’s soon-to-be-wife had insited on having Minhyuk at the ceremony, since he seemed to her to be Sungjae’s closest friend. But Minhyuk said he would disappear from Sungjae’s life for good if he invited him. And Sungjae found every excuse to give his fiancé so Minhyuk would not attend the wedding. Before, he couldn’t portrait his life without her. Now, it was Minhyuk he couldn’t live without. Even if their relationship wasn’t meant to be, he still wanted to be next to the man he loved. Next to the man who he had lost his ity to. The man who had taught him how to love. He thought he wasn’t young enough to know what love was, so he agreed on marrying her. But he couldn’t have been more wrong. He knew nothing about love. It was Minhyuk who made him feel that special way. It was Minhyuk who made him understand love. If Minhyuk had never crossed his life, he would’ve lived in a lie. But, wasn’t he already living a lie? Yes, he was. Deceiving the girl who he was about to get married to was very hurtful, and sometimes, Sungjae just wanted to give up on everything. And so did Minhyuk. They were the same. Their hearts were the same.

      Sungjae was ready. Or so everyone thought. A boy who was about to turn into a man that day. His parents were proud. Everyone was congratulating him. Everything seemed perfect. But Sungjae just couldn’t sense any reality in it. It was so… vacant... Everything. From the decorations, to the people smiling to him and telling him how lucky he was. Lucky? Perhaps. He had the perfect bride. Beautiful, pure, dedicated. He couldn’t ask for more in a girl. But there was something that made her not the one for him. She wasn’t Minhyuk. No matter how perfect she was, she wasn’t him. And that alone made Sungjae’s heart not even bothering to react to her kisses anymore. He no longer saw Minhyuk whenever he kissed her. He didn’t see anything now. He felt blank. Empty.

      There were some moments in his life that he wished Minhyuk would be there to tell him it was alright. But he wasn’t. And Sungjae was afraid that he wasn’t going to see Minhyuk anymore. The latter had told him he would disappear if he invited him to that torturous moment. But Minhyuk hadn’t promised to stay, anyways. And he wished Minhyuk could at least have gone there. It would be more painful, he knew that too well. But at least he could look into Minhyuk’s eyes and feel like something was real.

      However, things were just as hard for Sungjae as they were for Minhyuk. And the younger one had no idea what was happening at the moment. Minhyuk was now spread on the floor, with his eyes closed, trying to swallow the pills. He wanted to say goodbye, but something inside him was ruining his plans. He needed Sungjae by his side. He wished in vain that Sungjae would run from the church and into his house. He waited. But no one came. He knew it was time to make a decision.

      He choke on the pills as his body struggled not to let him swallow them. He was fighting against his stupid heart who wanted him to act like a fool and run after his love. He spit the pills on the floor and let the tears fall down his face. It was hurting him inside, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He needed Sungjae. Even if it killed him, he needed to see Sungjae one last time. He asked himself what ruined his previous ‘relationships’, and thought that maybe, just maybe, he should’ve fought for them. Sungjae might’ve never said that he loved him, but he had been the one starting it. He was the one who looked for Minhyuk. He should’ve taken responsibility for that.

     He ran out of the door, heading to the church. He hoped he wasn’t going to get there too late. Everything would be lost if Sungjae were already married by the time he arrived. God probably heard his prays, since he arrived at the church when the Priest was still saying those initial things. Sungjae was standing in front of him with his bride. And god, she was beautiful. Minhyuk knew he was no competition for someone like her. But nevertheless he walked in. The priest stopped talking and everyone turned to look at the determined Minhyuk who kept walking towards the couple.

      He was leaving everyone startled, the bride as well. But Sungjae, though he was showing a rather surprised face, was glad his prince had appeared. He felt like diving into Minhyuk’s arms and never let go. Minhyuk was getting so close, and Sungjae wondered if it would feel wrong. But it didn’t. As his Hyung’s lips connected with his own, nothing could’ve felt better. Both had their eyes closed, contrasting to the audience who were staring at them with eyes opened widely.

     They stayed still, enjoying the moment as everything seemed to stop. There was just them in that moment, and whoever was watching, meant nothing to them. Sungjae knew right then, that it was indeed the day he would become a real man. The day he was going to stand up in front of his family and fight for the one he truly loved.

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nice story ^^
Chapter 5: That was nice~~
Good work! :)
Wow! I really loved this story!
It doesn't describe a simple matter, but your writing style makes it really enjoyable!
Their love went beyond their thoughts, and... I'm glad because they're one of my favourite pairing and I just loved it!
Thank you to have posted it! ;w;
I'm from Italy and I'd like to translate your story into Italian. There aren't many fanfictions about BtoB, and even less about MinJae. Usually writers like Ilhoon with...oh, well, it doesn't matter, but Ilhoon has to be there- Ahahah-
Because of the little fandom in Italy, I can't assure a lot of comments, but I'd like to spread the MinJae religion. (?)
Let me know~ Bye, lucelince.
P.S. I'm going to follow "Not my type"~ *www*
Chapter 5: Omo..I have to say it, It was beautiful! I couldn't stop reading, until the end, because this story is amazing, and I really could feel their emotions and love to each other. When I some stories I like, I'm usually not full satisfied, but this story is just how it should be (maybe I'm a little and want to read a part kkk).But It's perfect. <3 It was pleasure to read this, and I hope you'll write some more stories (especially witk Yookmin :3)
And I apologize for my poor english, I hope you'll understant me anyway ;;
This was beautiful.
I really loved it. Keep up the good work author-nim!
Chapter 5: Awwwww this was so sweet!
Will there be a sequel? pweaseeeee?!
*puppy eyes*
I'm so glad I found this!
Minhyuk and Sungjae's story is so ajsjxownapwbxkeobxhr
a sequel where they both try to follow their dream and get into BTOB omg pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!!!??