Lover Boy


        Being 24 and single was hard for Minhyuk. He sure was attractive and stuff. Both no one seemed to want him for more than . He was already so used to being the ‘other one’ that it didn’t bother him much anymore. But still, he wished someone would want him for real. That someone would want to spend the rest of their life with him. He wished for someone that could see his heart and not only his hot body.

        Someone like that tall kid, Sungjae. That kid was surely the most gorgeous person Minhyuk had ever seen. He was… Perfect, to say the least. Physically, that is. He looked like an asian god who had reincarnated. And Minhyuk wanted to know him better. It felt awkward, though, when he sat down next to the kid and he told him he was just 19. That caught him by surprise. Sungjae did look younger than him, but he thought the guy was… 22 or something. He was so young… 5 years younger than him. Yet, he seemed like the most delicious dessert Minhyuk could ever think of. He wanted to do things to him. Bad things.

      He was oblivious to whatever reason Sungjae had to drink coffee at his work place everyday since that day. He thought that maybe Sungjae liked that coffee better. But the coffee shop across the street wasn’t much expensive and had better quality in the drink, or so people said. But maybe Sungjae just needed someone to talk to.

     He was hard to approach at first. But as days passed by, Sungjae started opening to Minhyuk. The latter would listen to his story. He wasn’t surprised to know the younger one had a girlfriend. Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want a piece of Sungjae? But he sure wasn’t expecting the 19 years old guy to be engaged. It was sad how kids nowadays could find love before Minhyuk. He wondered if his time would ever come.

     Sungjae kept talking about meaningless random things, and Minhyuk kept listening. He just loved to hear Sungjae’s voice. It would distract him from his problems for a while. It was soothing, somehow… But it reminded him of how unlucky he was. He was pitiful. He had always been one of those people who fall in love easily, and get hurt in the end. And Sungjae was just another one of those loves. The only difference was that nothing else happened between them. Nothing other than small afternoon talks.

    That is, until Sungjae asked Minhyuk to go somewhere with him. His girlfriend had gone visit her grandparents for the day, and Sungjae was encharged of picking her up at the bus stop by the end of the day. And it was his day off. He wasn’t used to being away from his girlfriend for so long, and he needed company. It was selfish and dangerous to want to spend the day with Minhyuk, but he couldn’t help it. His heart spoke louder than his mind. And before he could take back the idea, Minhyuk had already agreed.

    To say that Sungjae had no friends, would be a wrong statement. He had friends. But he didn’t spend much time with them. He was always with her, so his friend could only be with him during classes. Maybe those friendships were getting rusted… He didn’t know what to think of it, to be honest. It was hard to choose between his friends and his girl, but in the end, he would choose her above everyone. Even above Minhyuk.

    How they ended up walking close to eachother, hand in hand, they didn’t know. Or maybe they didn’t want to know. It had started as light shy brushes of hands and arms. There might’ve been some ‘accidental’ touches of their hands on eachother’s shoulders. And how their fingers got interlaced, well.. That was another mystery for them. Things were happening so naturally as if they had been destined to go that way. As if there was only the two of them that day. Sungjae wasn’t thinking of his girlfriend, he was thinking of Minhyuk.

    And he kept thinking of Minhyuk. Even when he dropped his girlfriend at her house. The soft small kiss they shared was different. It was no longer her he was kissing. In his mind, there was only Minhyuk. And her lips felt like Minhyuk’s. Or how Sungjae expected them to feel. He, for the first time in his life, didn’t want to stop kissing, but she pushed him gently away, blushing.

    “A-Appa is calling me” And before Sungjae could protest, she had already closed the door on his face. Only then had he realized what he had done. He was about to cross the line of comfort between them. And it wouldn’t have been a bad thing, if they hadn’t promised to stay pure until their marriage. But mostly, it was wrong to want Minhyuk, and use his girlfriend to imagine how things would be with Minhyuk. Only in his heart it felt right. But it wasn’t. He was about to have a wife, and he couldn’t just ruin everything because of a urge that would go away with time. Sungjae wasn’t like that. 

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nice story ^^
Chapter 5: That was nice~~
Good work! :)
Wow! I really loved this story!
It doesn't describe a simple matter, but your writing style makes it really enjoyable!
Their love went beyond their thoughts, and... I'm glad because they're one of my favourite pairing and I just loved it!
Thank you to have posted it! ;w;
I'm from Italy and I'd like to translate your story into Italian. There aren't many fanfictions about BtoB, and even less about MinJae. Usually writers like Ilhoon with...oh, well, it doesn't matter, but Ilhoon has to be there- Ahahah-
Because of the little fandom in Italy, I can't assure a lot of comments, but I'd like to spread the MinJae religion. (?)
Let me know~ Bye, lucelince.
P.S. I'm going to follow "Not my type"~ *www*
Chapter 5: Omo..I have to say it, It was beautiful! I couldn't stop reading, until the end, because this story is amazing, and I really could feel their emotions and love to each other. When I some stories I like, I'm usually not full satisfied, but this story is just how it should be (maybe I'm a little and want to read a part kkk).But It's perfect. <3 It was pleasure to read this, and I hope you'll write some more stories (especially witk Yookmin :3)
And I apologize for my poor english, I hope you'll understant me anyway ;;
This was beautiful.
I really loved it. Keep up the good work author-nim!
Chapter 5: Awwwww this was so sweet!
Will there be a sequel? pweaseeeee?!
*puppy eyes*
I'm so glad I found this!
Minhyuk and Sungjae's story is so ajsjxownapwbxkeobxhr
a sequel where they both try to follow their dream and get into BTOB omg pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!!!??