#3 – Trying.

You're My First Love

Another day of school arrived. However, today was Friday. And if it was Friday, then I'd have two days of not seeing Sehun.

Which is fine with me because I don't want him adding to the stress. The stress with homework, the stress from dealing with Jaeni; his girlfriend and the stress from dealing with Sehun himself.

I want my weekend to be stress free.

"Misun get up! Remember, I'm your ride to school!" Dongmin barged into my room and pulled open my curtains which allowed the sun to shine on my face, causing me to groan in response and turn to face away from the sun.

"Five more minutes." I replied with annoyance in my voice, pulling my bed cover over me only to have it yanked down by Dongmin. I shot open both of my eyes and glared at him. He couldn't be anymore annoying, always trying to get on our parents' good side. While I'm stuck hearing the both of them telling me to try and become like him.

He's annoying, but I love my big brother.

"Fine, I'm up!" I surrendered and got out of bed pushing my brother out of my room so I could get changed. "God, you're so annoying!"

"I heard that." he replied from behind my door.

"Good! You were supposed to!" I yelled and grabbed a pillow and threw it at my door. "Now go away!"

Getting up from the floor, I first organized my bed which was a complete mess. I then took my uniform and placed it on my bed for when I get back. Then I took a towel before making my way into the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. Heading back to my room, I found Dongjun sitting in front of my bedroom door. "Hurry up, hyung says we're leaving in a minute."

"Oh, yeah sure. Mind making me toast and a glass of milk?" I asked.

Dongjun got up, "Nutella, right?" I nodded eagerly before thanking him and barging into my room to quickly get changed into my school uniform which was on top of my bed, exactly where I put it. I quickly got dressed, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

Already by the door, was Dongmin and Dongjun waiting for me. In Dongjun's hands was my toast. I ran into the kitchen and gulped down my milk, soon putting it into the sink to be washed later. I kissed both my parent's goodbye and ran to the door. I took the piece of toast from Dongjun and ruffled his hair earning a whine from him, "Noona...You messed up my hair." he pouted.

"I'm sorry. Bleh~" I replied and we both playfully made faces at each other.

"Now if you two are done, I have work and you guys have school. Now come on!" Dongmin whacked both out heads and headed for the car with us pretending to 'kill' him from behind.


"Dongmin, what time are you leaving work today?" I asked as I got out of the car.

"I'm working late today, so you're going to have to pick up Dongjun." he told me, I nodded in response and winked at Dongjun, and of course, Dongmin noticed it. "Yah. Why'd she wink at you?" he asked turning to face Dongjun who was cheering non-stop like there was no tomorrow.

"Why? Every Friday she'd always treat me to ice cream. Three scoops, on a cone. Yes!" Dongjun cheered on.

Rolling his eyes, Dongmin turned back to look at me, "Alright, whatever. But don't go over three. You kno-"

"If he gets too much then- Yeah, I got it." I cut him off and gave him a 'I-already-know' look.

"Fine, see you later then."

With raised brows I watched the car leave before turning around and headed into school grounds.

First thing I see was Jaeni and Sehun arguing right in front of me. Oh, yay.

I was about to turn to walk away when Jaeni did something that caught my eye. I stopped in my tracks and kept my eyes on them, my gaze stuck on nobody but them. And what's worse, was that he responded positively.

She kissed him. He kissed back.

Still breathing, I watched Jaeni and Sehun pull away from each other making them notice me. While Sehun looked at me with wide eyes, Jaeni kept to herself and smirked at me. She actually thought I cared, what an idiot. I looked at Sehun, he still had wide eyes and he was struggling to say something.

I don't want to hear it.

I simply smiled at him and walked towards Jaeni. She seemed a little 'frightened' considering the fact that she moved back a bit when I was walking towards her. I pointed somewhere on her face, "What a giant spot." I said before walking away purposely ignoring her shouts and hateful words towards me.

She thought kissing Sehun in front of me would get me angry? Well she thought wrong!

Why should I care anyway? We were only best friends.

Emphasis on the 'were'.

During the day, class went on as usual. Our teacher's endles babbling about World War II totally kept everyone's attention. From what I recall, I think I remember either seeing most of the class almost falling asleep. Most of them one their phones. Jaeni and that were checkng up on their make-up. The whole day was a success.

Didn't see him.

Even though I want to.


The next minute, school was over. I quickly grabbed my bag an ran outside the room before any commotions would happen again. I ran, and I ran, and I ran until I reached Dongjun's school.

I waited patiently by his school gate until he came out. Once again, I see him coming out with the same girl. But I was totally okay with it, why? First of all, she was Sehun's cousin. Second, I like this girl, a lot. So if Dongjun likes her, he better treat her right. She's like the little sister I never had. Cute and fierce at the same time is just...asdfghjkl-

"Yah, Dongjun, Hurry up!" I yelled at him.

Dongjun, who saw me, rolled his eyes and facepalmed himself. Sena, who saw me, laughed at him and waved to me causing me to wave back with a sincere smile. I told you, I like this girl.

"Sena, let's go home." again with that voice, I just want it to go away already.

When Dongjun and Sena had reached me, I turned around slowly only to find who I expected it to be.

"Actually oppa, Dongjun invited me to go get ice cream with him and Misun unnie, is it okay if I go?" Sena asked eagerly. Sehun glanced at me, which made me turn away from his gaze, and then glanced back at Sena.

"Alright, but is it okay if I come?"

No way! No way! No way!!


"Obviously hyung should come, you guys are friends right? C'mon Sena!" Dongjun cut me off before Sena grabbed his arms and the two started off running in the direction of the ice cream parlour while I stood there awkwardly with Sehun.

"We should go..." I said to break the awkward silence and started heading off in the direction where Dongjun and Sena ran off to, only to be pulled back into Sehun's chest and have him say,

"Right. But we need to talk..."

It's hard. After years of long friendship only to be ended so easily...

But at least I'm trying...

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Yesungluver #1
Chapter 2: Can you please update soon
Yesungluver #2
Chapter 2: Can you please update soon
Tiffany365 #3
update soon~~ :D
Waffle_Berry #4
Chapter 1: Hi ^^, new reader here :), i just want to say that this story is definitely worth waiting for cause its awesome and i luv it, hope u will update soon ^^