
Lighting Up Dandelions


The morning in the hospital wasn't making things bright for Luhan. The ambiance wasn't making him feel better at all.


Luhan looked down at the edge of his gown, it had splotches of juice, and medicine marks. He touched the stains, disgusted. It's been two years he stayed on his hospital bed drinking juice, eating healthy food and taking medicine. Oh how he hated it. No one even visits him anymore.

He scanned the room with bored eyes and created a small piece of imagination in his head to entertain himself. One dandelion, two dandelions, three. He muttered under his breath as he pictured drawings of dandelions on the lonely wall.

Three dandelions, four dandelions, five. He pictured them flying from the blades of grass.

Six dandelions, seven dandelions, eight. He pictured the small dandelions floating and falling to the hands of a particular boy, Sehun.

Nine dandelions, ten dandelions, eleven Where are you Sehun?

He asked the lonely wall as he pictured the younger boy standing on the wall and laughing. Before Luhan could become more tranced with the imagination he was creating, a voice bellowed and Zeus, well his father, thundered in the room.


"Son." A scary atmosphere surrounded the four corners of the room, but that didn't scare Luhan. It was actually quite normal that his dad gives of this vibe.

"What is it dad?" Luhan asked softly but didn't turn around. Instead he fixated his eyes on the empty wall in front of him, hoping that the friend he hasn't seen awhile will come out of the wall and run away with him.

"Son," he repeated. "your condition isn't getting any better." He said sternly but it didn't move Luhan.

"I know."

"That means, we are going to have to transfer to a better hospital... In America." Luhan's head sprang up and stared right at his father with questioning eyes.


"It's for your own good Luhan."

Luhan shook his head at his father. "Not right now."

"Then when?" Luhan didn't respond. "Then when Luhan?! I said your condition is getting any better--"

"Just... Just after Friday..."

"Friday?" His father calmed down and heaved several breaths. "But isn't that your--"

"Yes. On my birthday.. Until then, let me stay here first."

His father wasn't giving up "Luhan--"


"Excuse me, sir?"

A nurse came in during the heated conversation of the father and son, but insisted herself to follow orders from a stranger she encountered. "T-there was a young man looking for Luhan. He told to me to say this a-and--"

"Did he give a name?" The father interrupted. It could be important.

"A-aniyo sir." The nurse stuttered and slowly regretted relaying the message of the young man she saw awhile ago.

"You should ask for the name!! It could have been important!" The father grumbled and stormed off.

The nurse mentally cursed herself and bowed many apologies but Luhan didn't care about his father's complaint.

"Did he leave? Do you really not know his name?" Luhan asked nicely. His eyes brightened, it could be that person.

"No, I'm sorry sir." The nurse said and Luhan just nodded, a bit disappointed that he wouldn't have a visitor. "But sir," The nurse started again with a small smile as if she recalled something funny, "he has this weird way of talking... as if he has lisp."




The places Sehun was looking for weren't so hard to find as he thought they would be.


Kai and Kyungsoo has left him with 9 invitations to hand over to their classmates. Sehun didn't want to leave them at first because he was afraid they would forget their mission, and just go somewhere else. On the other hand, he didn't want to stay because he'll feel out of place and that will just make him miss people more... Someone more.


"Just do the job fast okay?" Kyungsoo told Sehun before leaving him to go with Kai. "Oh! And give this." He handed a bottle of soju to Sehun with a soft smile.

"What is this for?" Sehun asked, bewildered.

Kyungsoo just laughed and tugged Kai's arm. "Jongin says you should have a chat with him." The said guy stuck out his tounge and the lovers leave Sehun even more bewildered.

"To who?"


Sehun browses through the envelopes to see which other places he should go to. He was finished giving Suho's, Chanyeol,'s Kris' and Baekhyun's. There were 5 more left.

Chen, Tao, Lay, Xiumin... Luhan.

Sehun smiled when he realizes that the hospital his hyung was in was just nearby. Sehun sighed. He wasn't able to go last last year to visit Luhan. He didn't go the other year either. He couldn't ever go because he was always preoccupied at home.

But now was the chance, and he shouldn't let go of it.

"Okay Sehun, just hand this to him personally and... maybe chat with him a bit?" He muttered to himself remembering what Kyungsoo has said, before ing the rest of the envelopes in his handbag, and heading to the big white hospital that stood out from the rest of the rusty buildings.


The hospital was beyond Sehun's expectations. It was even bigger! Sehun had to walk for a good 15 minutes or so to look for the nurses' counter. When he did find it, he asked nervously for a Luhan, and they immediately led him to the isolated floor. It was a VIP floor. Only those who are rich and famous could stay in the rooms.

When he sees Luhan sleeping like an angel, he smiles and thanks the nurse before entering the room slowly. He sat on the visitor's chair, putting the bag with the invitations aside and stared at the boy curiously.

"Does he still remember me?" He clasped his hands together and fidgeted with his fingers. "I hope he does..."

'Because I'll never forget one moment with him.'

'Not one moment.'

He smiles for the last time at the older. "Hyung, please come okay?" He finishes writing something on the invitation before leaving it on the visitor's chair. "I'll be waiting."

Sehun leaves the room but only from there. He heard coughing after some minutes and watched the nurses rush to the room. For awhile, he felt worried for his hyung. He sneaked a peak again to see Luhan nodding and saying he was alright.

Sehun smiled to himself and took out something from his bag.

It was a photo. He intentionally dropped the photo before completely leaving the VIP floor.


When he was one step to getting out of the hospital building, he spotted a nurse on his way out.

"Excuse me." He started.

"What is it sir?" The nurse asked politely and waited for the reply even if she looked really busy.

"Please tell Xi Luhan that I'm looking for him." The nurse nodded and was about to leave. "Oh and please tell him too that I'll be visiting him every day so he should be awake." Sehun laughs and the nurse just nods before rushing right away to do a lot of things.

Only later did Sehun found out that the nurse only told Luhan that he visited, and not that he'll be going to him every day. That's why Luhan never wakes up when he does visit, and he couldn't even shake the life of the deer-like boy. He didn't mind the mistake of the nurse though, as long as he gets to see Luhan.




Luhan could feel that the day would be great. He just didn't know why he felt that way.


He woke up to the same morning like always. White curtains, white ceilings, white clothing and everything white--including himself.

But there was something different in the room though Luhand couldn't place it in his mind. Looking around the room, he spotted a cardboard box sitting of the visitor's chair.

'That visitor's chair...' He smiles and gets out of his bed slowly. It's been awhile he went of the bed so he unfortunately tumbled down with a loud thud. Thankfully, he was able to get up quickly before the nurses find out. He opened the box and the smile reached his eyes when he saw the inside.


He touched the toys from middle school and the fake guns from high school.

His heart thumped in a different manner when he saw the book that Sehun would read every single time they play in the meadows during senior year. He pulled the book out and flipped through the pages. The story was about dandelions and wishes that Sehun grew a liking to. He smiled again. This was the book he worked a lot of sweat to earn the money for Sehun's birthday gift. He was touched that he loved it... And that he still had it.

He turned to the last page of the book.

When you look at a field of dandelions. You can either see a hundred of weeds or a hundred of wishes.

A smile escaped from Luhan's lips when the memories came back to him again.

But happiness isn't always bliss.


"Son." Luhan's smile faded quickly and turned to his unwelcomed father of his with sharp eyes.

"What is it aboji?"

"We need to go."

Luhan threw the book at his father who expertly missed it, so he looked out of his window, defeated.

Looks like he wouldn't be able to go to the reunion. Looks like the day wasn't great after all.

Before obliging to what his father wanted, he took one last look at the book he threw and the post-it lingering beside the parchment. 'You have to come okay?' He sighed and whispered to himself.

I don't think I can come Sehun.


Sehun was extremely excited for this day, but he didn't know why.


He then remembered that tomorrow was going to be the day he gets to see his hyung again, that itself made everything seem great to Sehun. But earth to Sehun, he was still at his own hell hole, at home with childish parents who don't know how to give up.

He was beaten up again yesterday for coming home late, and if that didn't hurt enough, Sehun's father emphasized that if he does the same thing again, he'll be the death of Sehun. So now, the small painful memory was at the tossed aside as Sehun could only think of Luhan and everything about his dear best friend.

"I have to see him again today."

He looked around and realized his father wasn't there. His mother's stuff wasn't there. His mother wasn't there. Sehun shrugged off the fact that his mother had left him with his despicable father, and only hoped that she just stopped over at a friend's house and would come back home anyay. He hoped.

"Luhan hyung."

Sehun muttered and walked out of the house with some regret. He knew that if he comes back again, his father would kill him for real this time.

"I won't come back anyway." He muttered to himself as he walked out of the house empty handed.

"I don't want to die before Luhan hyung's birthday." Sehun trudged the surfaces. It was getting dark and he was nearing the hospital. He saw a car and a familiar plate number, but he brushed it aside and went in the entrance of the building.


"Luhan's not here?" Sehun gaped at the same nurse he would talk to when he was looking for his hyung.

"A-ani." She stuttered, and Sehun could see that she was still busy as ever.

"A-h okay, thank you." Sehun bowed but secretly walked up the VIP floor anyway.

His eyes fell when he saw that the room was empty, and the bedsheets were neatly folded, everything was neatly folded. Sehun scanned the room and something appeared at the corner of his eye.

It was the book he loved and there was a post-it dangling at one of the pages.


'Sorry Sehun-ah, I don't think I could come.'



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toukyo #1
this seems interesting XD