
Lighting Up Dandelions

a/n. I decided to make this a three shot because I realize how long and wordy the story would be if it was a oneshot! I hope you understand :D Please do leave a comment! Thank you for kind consideration.
Word count: 1233


There is nothing in the world that could tell Luhan he is going to be alright. That he is sure of.


Luhan looks up blankly to see the ceilings still white and the curtains spread wide open, and also still white. His vision starts of blurry as he wakes up with a groan at the light shining so vividly bright that it blinded his eyes. He heaved a sigh at the sight of his surroundings. Nothing changed. He was still in the hospital, stuck like caged deer and with nowhere else to go.

Then what felt like hours, he coughs a storm which sends the nurses rushing to his aide, with fake--almost-- fake care for the rich young boy whose father owns the hospital himself. The young chinese boy shook his head and raised a hand saying that he was fine even if the beeping monitor proved otherwise. The nurses looked at each other unsurely but anyways patted his back, gave him medicine and utter robotic advice, that he already knew about. The nurses were going to leave when Luhan spotted something out of the ordinary.

He glanced at the visitor's chair to see a bottle of soju and a small note underneath.

His movements were stiff as he motioned to one of the nurses to take the note and hand it over to him. The nurse obliges, gives him the paper and leaves with the others followed by a bow unseen by Luhan. He smiles a little at the paper he holds.

It wasn't just a note, but an invitation to a high school reunion happening on a Friday, which also happens to be his birthday.


Dear Xi Luhan,

You are invited to attend Class A's high school reunion!

It'll happen on a Friday at 12:30 pm onwards.

The location is at the meadows where all of us played on the last day of senior year.

Oh and wear your school uniform!

See you there! ;)

-Class Pres: Kai


His smile grew back when he flipped the invitation to see neat handwriting scrawled on the paper.

You have to be there okay, Lulu hyung?

-Sehun :)


Lulu hyung

He smiled again for what seem to be the nth time he did at the very moment. He brushed his finger to the written name and flashed a real smile that if the nurses had stayed, they would have been hit by cupid's arrows. He reads and rereads the invitation again with sparkling eyes as he remembered both Jongin their class president, and Sehun.

Sehun was his best friend ever since middle school; and high school with him was one of the many impacts of Luhan's life. Memories of the pink haired fellow appeared in his mind and Luhan laughed running through his own pink hair as he remembered that they would usually dye their hair color the same way-- always.

It was like their trademark.

Same bags, same shoes and even the same hair color!

Others found it sweet but some found it disgusting. Laughter came out of Luhan's lips as he sigh deep breaths recalling those times when people thought they were 'together'. Though Luhan knew deep in his heart, that he did want them to get together.

Sadly, society wouldn't accept them, so he didn't push through with that desire.


There were fragments of dull colors on the floor that caught Luhan's eyes.

It was a photograph.

It must have fallen when he took the note, or Luhan just didn't know he had it. He sat up from his bed and touched the picture gingerly with his fingers. His pointer finger grazed at one particular person whom he calls his best friend and brother.

"Oh Sehun. I miss you so much, you punk."




There is nothing at home that could tell Sehun he is fine. In fact, his parent's call him a nuissance.


Sehun shrugs and wrinkles his nose at the stench of alcohol dispersed in his room. His parents must have fought in his safe haven yet again. His whole room was bombarded with loads of things not originally from his room. For example, soju bottles, forks, spoons, a vase, a messed up makeup kit and more. Somehow, there were even broken plates crashed on his bed. The young lad made a mental note to buy paper plates later instead of the usual ceramic ones that were quite expensive to avoid anymore trouble.

'How the hell did I become their child?'

He cursed under his breath and sat on his bed with a long sigh. He wanted to leave this place.

His parent's don't bother him as much as they would when he was younger, but he still felt troubled by their arguments and fights. When he was younger, he was being beaten because of their misunderstandings. He has always been the blame.

Now, they act as if he doesn't exist.

He hated being born. There were so many instances he thought of ending his life, but there was this invisible thread pulling him away from death, so this is him now. Alive as ever. He drank a glass of water to cool himself down. His hand was shaking as he was thinking of his parents. When they come home, will they beat him? They haven't beaten him after 5 years, so will they?

Then the door opened widely which shocked Sehun and dropped his glass.

"Yo, Sehun!", he turned to see his good friend, Jongin but others call him Kai. Sehun sighed in relief. When Kai saw the glass shards on the floor, he apologized right away for surprising him and went back to his original Kai self. "Sorry I scared you Sehun! Atleast you know I ain't your parents."

"Okay." Sehun said as a greeting to his friend before laying on his bed, eyes on the ceiling and hands behind his head with an unreadable expression.

"Okay." Kai mocked the way Sehun greeted him and laughed at his own joke when the other didn't. He closed the door and headed towards his friend's bed carefully avoiding the glass shards. "Come on, it's so boring here! Let's get out of here!" When Sehun didn't move, Kai jokingly slapped him on the knees and whispered almost breathlessly, "runaway with me."

Sehun who was oblivous to his friend's jokes shook his head seriously.

"Aniyo, I can't. My parent's will kill me if I don't stay."

"They'll kill you even if you do stay!" Kai exasperated but laughed again as if it were a joke. "Come on! I want to fetch Soo from his music class but you have to go with me! We're planning to hold a class reunion from our senior year." Sehun nodded at the idea, because maybe he could see him again. "Let's go to Soo first to make the invites, then we can split the delivery."

"Okay. But who do I give the invitations to?" Sehun asked.

Kai didn't respond for awhile since he was thinking of a witty approach to make his friend laugh, a smile played on his lips and he looked down at the younger who was still staring at the ceiling..

"It's hunting season. Let's hunt for deer."


Sehun finally laughed.


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toukyo #1
this seems interesting XD