Part 2

Rice Cakes

For the next couple days, Changmin tried pushing Mihyun to the corner of his mind, but she wouldn’t stay there. Final TV appearances before their Japanese promotions, rigorous dance and vocal practices and photo shoots consumed the rest of his time. Yet he found himself in convenience stores at two in the morning buying various stomach medicines. He scolded himself for not knowing what she had exactly and ended up buying one of each.

The flight was 8 AM sharp the following day and he had been allowed a full night’s sleep. Yunho had gone to eat with his close friends while Changmin met with his briefly. He was driving Kyuhyun and Minho home, wondering what he would’ve done tonight if he hadn’t broken up with Mihyun.

“Changmin-hyung, what’s all this?” Minho had found the bag of medications under his seat. Before Changmin could answer, Kyuhyun was going through them.

“Whoa, when did you have so many stomach problems? Indigestion, antacids…diarrhea?! Yah, are you that stressed? I thought you had the best appetite out of all of us,” Kyuhyun asked worriedly. His concern put Changmin to shame.

“No, I got them for someone else…” Changmin trailed off, hoping they wouldn’t inquire further.

“Mihyun?” Kyuhyun knew him the best.

“Ah, that explains why she was pale and tired when I saw her today. You’re seeing her after you drop us off?” Minho’s question put him in a sticky spot for he hadn’t considered seeing her at all. The idea had just remained a nagging feeling.

“Wait, is that why you made this hangout so short? I see how it is.” Amidst the bitter complaints and teasing were well wishes for his Japan trip. As Kyuhyun got out of the car, he said, “Yah, say a proper ‘goodbye’ to Mihyun.” Changmin grunted and drove off with only one possible destination in mind. He would just hand her the medicine and leave.

The steam escaping from the bowl of porridge grazed Changmin’s hand while the pills rattled inside their bottles as they bounced on the side of his knee. He raised a tentative finger to the doorbell, hesitating for a brief second before pressing it. The buzz made him regret the visit entirely and he gritted his teeth, bracing himself for the worst.

When she didn’t respond, he headed back to his car in a huff. Why wasn’t she home at this hour? Why wasn’t she home when he was waiting to take care of her? He slammed the car door feeling irrationally angry and drove off. Minutes later, he was rounding the corner, hoping the porridge hadn’t cooled. Many minutes later, the porridge was lukewarm and his anger had been replaced by ruefulness.

Changmin drove back to his apartment and wasn’t surprised to find a reporter and a couple stalker fans hanging out at the entrance of the underground parking lot. As he locked his car, he nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw Mihyun walking in the opposite direction. She looked just as shocked, but they managed to stand a foot apart.

“What are you doing here?” he regretted the accusatory implications of the question, but she knew him better than to take it that way.

“I…ah, how should I say this…I know you’re leaving for Japan tomorrow, so I thought I’d…keep my promise.” She held up a plastic box which held spicy rice cakes. The memory hit him like a train; they had eaten ddukbokki on their first date, except she couldn’t handle even the slightest spiciness and started sweating and tearing the moment she bit into one. Since he loved them so much though, she promised to make him some before he left for a trip. He felt his saliva build up at the thought of their taste. Damn her cooking skills.

“Well, they’re cold now so I don’t think they’re good anymore…” she trailed off, waiting for his response.

“Were you…were you waiting for long?” Why was he stuttering?

“Just long enough for the security guard to get annoyed with me,” she chuckled, gesturing towards the security booth near the elevators. Changmin glared at the uniformed man, who always gave her a hard time when he wasn’t around. “Late night snacking?” she asked, pointing to his bags.

“Oh, yeah…” he cursed himself, why was he always like this? There was a tiny pause and he debated if he should just tell her the truth. ‘I was worried about you, so I bought everything I would’ve if you’d let me take care of you again.’

“I think it’s time I go now. Have a safe flight tomorrow and take care of yourself…” she smiled.

“Yeah, thanks…” His brain screamed for him to hold onto her at least, but he just watched as she walked back to her car. He finally called out, “Yah! Wait!” She looked at him in surprise as he jogged up to her.

“You’re not going to finish what you came for?” he asked, holding his hand out expectantly.

“But they’re cold…”

“You’re going to let me go to Japan without eating them? I remember someone saying they were for good luck,” he ventured, hoping he wasn’t coming off as pleading. Oh hell, he was practically begging for them.

She placed the box in his hands, looking him full in the eyes as she said, “Good luck….and don’t overwork yourself.”

He let her get in the car. He let her drive away. He let her believe it was truly the end. Changmin angrily shoved the porridge and medicines into a trashcan and returned to his apartment. Yunho was chatting on the phone at the dining table but he was forcibly displaced. Changmin dug into the rice cakes and despite their lukewarm state, his taste buds were screaming with joy. His unknowing hyung ventured a hand toward them and was quickly punished. Changmin knew exactly what he was going to do tomorrow morning. Thank you, rice cakes.

He dragged himself out of bed, dodged Yunho’s popping yet sleeping form on his way to the bathroom and got ready for the long day. The smile and resolution on his face were impenetrable by his wet socks (from retrieving the toothpaste Yunho had dropped in the shower) and the tube of toothpaste (squeezed from the middle, not the top, thanks hyung). An hour later Changmin arrived in front of Mihyun’s apartment and did not hesitate as he rang the doorbell.

Many rings later, the door slowly swung open and a very sleepy Mihyun poked her head out. Her hood was drawn over her head in attempt to hide her disheveled hair and she squinted at him through tired eyes. “Good morning?” she croaked in her morning voice. It was adorable.

He held up the bag he’d brought for her. “Porridge and medicine. Take care of yourself while I’m gone…because I’m sorry about what I said the other night. I…I didn’t think about your feelings.” He paused here and ran a hand through his hair, averting his eyes from her questioning gaze. “I was selfish, but your rice cakes made me realize that I can't let you go.”

She folded her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow. “So you’re here to guarantee more rice cakes?” Before he could respond, she leaned back and allowed the door to shut. His arm shot out to stop it halfway.

“Mihyun-ah, let me finish! That came out wrong...what I mean is…I’m sorry. I really am. I…I love you.” He felt the blood pounding in his ears, no doubt they were bright red now.

Mihyun leaned out again. “What did you say?” there was a teasing tone in her voice now and it gave him confidence to look up at her.

“I’m sorry…” he began. Changmin leaned forward and pecked her on the lips before adding, “And I love you.”

She looked mortified and covered as she whispered, “Minnie, I didn’t brush my teeth yet.” 









A/N: Yay! Thank you for reading, subscribing, commenting, and being patient! I'm really booked with school right now so the updates have been super slow. If you liked this oneshot, make sure to check out my Bang Yongguk ones as well ^^ 

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Chapter 2: Ending made me laugh..
Chapter 2: Ahhh so good <3
ignitius #3
chang min ahhhh!!!
Chapter 1: Waaah... U did a really good job I like it :3