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Monday couple stories

"Handling a pregnant women has never been easy hyung."

Gary POV


Haha-ah, you're very true, the past few days has been completely crazy for me.
Jihyo has been throwing up almost all day and now sobbing in my arms. Sometimes she would hit me and blame me for her sickness. Or worse, she will crying all day.
Like tonight.
Her sickness not even get better. Her head doesnt even came out from toilet bowl for the last 2 hours and here i am too, almost sleeping on toilets floor waiting my pregnant wife's nausea to get better. 
"Oppa..." jihyo start moving slowly to my body. I instantly put my arms around her body and lift her to our bed.  
"Oppa, I felt so tired. This is so annoying oppa..." she said, tears slowly forms in her eyes. She buried her head into my chest and kept mumbling things in her tears. 
"This is all because of you oppa, I hate you. I hate you so much." she sobbed, hitting my chest times, then she got tired and fall asleep on me. I put her slowly and tucked the blanket. 
This is happening almost everyday. I understand all women is sacrificing all her life in pregnancy and labor stage. But you got to be praise their husband too for real. I looked at the clock and it's already 4am. Great.
I have a meeting with Leessang company at 9 am. Plus a doctor appointment with Jihyo this evening. 
How can I survive?

Jihyo POV

I'm exhausted. My body start betraying me. It seems baby in my womb absorb all the energy that I have. Last night was the worst. Well everyday is the worst honestly. I feel really bad to gary oppa, but what can I do? This is part of him too. He was the one who's responsible. 
This morning when I was awake he was dressing. Putting his jacket, garism t-shirt, leessang cap and of course his sunglasses. I chuckled at how bad his dark circles are. He looked at me with a you're the one who cause this stare. Then he approach, giving a kiss in my forehead also my belly, also telling to our kids in my womb about how sleepy he is right now because of him. 
Now he is sitting (sleeping) beside me while we're waiting for my name to be called. 
"Mrs. Kang? Please come in" the nurse said. I smiled to her and pushed gary oppa that instantly awake. We then enter the OBGYN's room. 
"Sung im-ah! Aigoo i still remember when you were this little. And now you're pregnant? Time is ticking so fast." she instanly hug me. 
It's Ye Min unnie, she used to be my mom's doctor. She even handled me when I was born. 
"Well, this is your husband? Aigoo you're more handsome than in TV, gary ssi. No wonder uri-sung im wants to marry you so bad."
I can't help but laughed, gary oppa face is so funny right now. He seems embrassed even now he already be my husband. 
After Ye Min unnie taking data about my health, i am now laying in a bed. We're about to doing our first ultrasound after we found out that I was pregnant. 
"It will be a little cold" unnie said while she putting a gel in my exposed belly. 
"Hmm, let's see now you're 6 weeks along. And here's your baby, see this is your baby." Ye Min unnie is pointing at the monitor. 
I'm so moved, how small my baby right now. I just felt so happy. Gary oppa is smiling, really excited, he even kept holding my hands along way. 
"You want to hear your baby heartbeat?" we nodded and then the heartbeat is pounding in the room. Gary oppa seems emotional and whispering, "that's our baby, Jihyo ah. Ours." 
I cant held my tears anymore. Our baby heartbeat is a little bit fast and seems like rushing. But I know already from a book that I read that it's normal for a baby has that kind of heartbeat. 
Meanwhile we are overjoy, Ye Min unnie start moving the tools again and then smiled. 
"Well, mr and mrs kang, I present your second shy baby. I thought I was wrong hearing two heartbeat, but it should be. Congratulations, you're pregnant with twins." 
Gary oppa start making that face again. We both so shock, well actually it's gary oppa. I have thought about it actually due to my massive portion of food and a lot weight increasing in just 2 weeks. 
After I got a lot of vitamins and advice, we both driving home. 
"Oppa, i want an icecream." I said suddenly making him laugh.
"Craving again?"
"Dae, hehe please buy me two ice cream chocolate and mocha, crackers, nutella and lettuce!"
He startled, "lettuce? Come on no crazy cravings again. What will you do with lettuce and all that sweet things? Wrap it?"
I pouted, he's so talkative sometime, "Just buy now oppa. Your kids is angry right now because appa doesnt want to listen to them." 
He then get his mind back and rushed go to the nearest convinience store. 

Gary POV

I dont know
My pregnant wife is now feeding my babies with a crackers+nutella in a lettuce wrap. 
This all weird cravings thing has droven me crazy. She has been combine all food that I dont even think it's edible and health enough for a pregnant women. Rice with strawberry dipped in chocolate? Weird. And she was eating it at 2 am two days ago. 
I smiled, she seems so happy with her weird food. And yeah she seems chubbier. But that is good. Even doctor noona said she has gained 3 kg more. She also said that her bad nausea will soonly gone at her second trisemester and a high probability of weirder cravings. .
I'm totally ready for it. If it what it takes. 
That night, when we both about go to sleep I kiss her, and smiled. 
"Gumawo, jihyo-ah." 
She giggled, "Wae oppa?"
"Gumawo, for given me beauty and love in my life."


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Great story!!! It is so daebak!! Please do some more monday couple fanfics ^^ <3
Jihyoya #2
Jihyoya #3
Chapter 6: girls name should probably have a hyo in it
Jihyoya #4
Chapter 6: boy's name can be kang hee ji?!
Jihyoya #5
Chapter 3: if they have a daughter she will be PREETTY like JI hyoya
hazlinda #6
Chapter 10: WAAA.... I LIKE IT....
hafma15 #7
Chapter 9: oooh... i really like the ending. can't wait for your new story :)
zpa235_ #8
Chapter 9: The song lyric is daebak!! I wish you'll write another Monday Couple fanfics because this one is sooo good! Looking forward to it^^
Chapter 9: awww , it's the end already ? haha , anyway this is a great story author-nim ! the way you describe the Monday Couple with their babies are just adorable ! Looking forward for your next story author-nim ! Hwaiting !^^ Happy New Year !^^
zpa235_ #10
Chapter 8: Great story! Update again about them and their kids!
I wonder their kids will be so cute kya~!!