08. Jaejoong's Point of View




Jaejoong’s POV


Yunho is such a sweet guy. When we’re home from mom’s place, I feel much better. All the fights and one big surprise I gave to Yunho were enough. But in the other hand, I haven’t told him yet about when I know about my pregnancy and when actually the time he ‘succeeded’ to plant someone inside of me. I’m giving him more time to actually process all those things that happened on once. So, I’m now enjoying us. I only want us to have our happy and sweet moment, together.

Then again, here I am. Pregnancy is not a good idea. I know now why Yunho was so angry when I said I want to get pregnant. It’s indeed not easy. All the mood swings, morning sickness and cravings, I poor Yunho for facing this scenes every single time. But hey! He is such a good daddy.

I craved too much things. This is bad for him, because I don’t want other foods. I only want his, also the fact that I know he can’t cook, makes him frustrated. I sometimes saw his face, frowning, sad or wiping his own sweats with his palms, I feel really bad. I can’t do much. If I do too much things, I will end up faint in no time. Changmin told me that my condition is still not stable, so I need more Yunho help on everything.


‘Baby, I want some chicken soup and ice cream for lunch, please’

I always ordered him the same thing for days, last time his mom cooked for me, it tasted good but I ended throwing up. It doesn’t suit my taste. But the other time, he asks his mom’s recipe and cook his own, I totally love it. Actually, what makes it different is that he pours his love into his food, not just a taste or something that is edible. 

He hesitantly asked me about how the soup taste, I nodded and say I love it.

When I’m done eating, he grabs the bowl from my hands and wanted to bring it to the kitchen, but before he leave, I pull him closer to me. Hugging him so tightly,

“Don’t go, Yun.” I said desperately.

This must be the mood swings.

“Please stay with me.” I continued.



Lately, I feel that I want Yunho more than before. I want him to be besides me every single time. The thoughts of him leaving my side, is what I hate. I’m getting so attached to him. I actually don’t like the idea, itself. I’m too selfish. It might be hard for him but I never care. All I think is about me, my happiness and what I want.

But, the way he responds on me, it soothes me and make me feel a bit relieved.

“Look at me, baby. I love you, before, now and the future. I promise to stay with you in good or bad, boo. That’s what I said in my vow right? I can’t live without you. Cheesy, but that’s the fact. You hear me?”

I feel so warm. His words went through into my blood, veins and heart. It makes me realize that I choose the right one. The bad thoughts I had long time ago, it vanishes. He hugs and kisses the top of my head. He know when I’m desperate and in needed of love, he knows where to kiss.

He know me completely, despite from being a bastard last time.

He suggests me to have another sleep, I don’t really like it. I want more time with him, but then I hear,

“….we’ll walk around the park, getting fresh airs for you and our baby, watching the sun sets too?”

I suddenly feel happy again. It is like a kid that just got his lollipop to help him smiles. With that, I agreed to take another sleep. When he move and lays his body besides me, he grab my waist, and I make my own way to bury my face on his chest. I love his scents. I smell him and he let out soft moans. I’m thinking that maybe he is hard because I can feel that his is slowly rising from its original place.

So, I move a bit and kiss his chin, roaming my hands on his chest. Moving it up and down, wanted to know the next reaction he gives, instead, he give me,

“What?” He questioned me. Asking why I kiss him like that. I hate this. I’m so embarrassed. I can feel that my face is slowly burning; I don’t know how to react so I just said that I only want to kiss him good.

“I know you want me to you, baby.” He continues and it actually shocks me a bit.

“Yes I do, but not now. I don’t want to hurt my baby and she might think that we are a ert parents for doing it often.” I’m not lying. I do want to have with him, but we did too often and I’m too tired for it now.



The next thing I know, we are discussing about our baby’s gender.

“I want girls, actually. I can’t wait to see someone else, from other generation that looks like you. As pretty as my boo.” I’m actually quiet surprise about his answer. I always thought he wants boys, but it turned out the other way and the other thing that surprises me is that he said ‘girls’ instead of ‘girl’. This is not right.

“Well yes, I want to have lots of daughters and only one son. You know, like maybe we can regenerate you and your pretty sisters.” He winked at me.

Ugh! He looks so handsome like that.


But, I am in shock.

He teases me a lot, saying that he is not joking about wanting to have daughters and a son, regenerating my own life.

All the responds and answers I gave him, all of it, I don’t mean it that way. I’m actually happy that he thought of having more and more kids in the future.

The last words he said before I fall asleep and after I said I hate him,

“No you don’t. You love me enough to have another person live inside of you. Half of me.”

It soothes me, somehow. He is right about me not hating me but loving him.


This is it. I won’t hate you, I actually can’t, so I’m giving you a chance to change everything you did in the past.



a/n: next chapter will be back to normal point of view~ 




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meechan35 #1
Chapter 12: That is ok. I will wait. Going to check your new story now.
2minhaehyukyunjae #2
Chapter 11: Hope jae n baby is ok
Yun take care of jae n baby ok always be bbeside them
Thanks for update :-) :-) :-)
Chapter 11: ur story is not boring at all.. i really enjoy it..

update soon.. please dont hurt baby or Jae..
Chapter 11: Hope jae n the baby is ok
Chapter 11: Jaejoong must be strong, hope jae and baby health
Update soon :)
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: I hope Jae will be fine.
maedeh #7
Chapter 11: hi
its not that much big thing!!!! thanks for chapter
meechan35 #8
Chapter 10: I will stick with you all the way.
Ichiro #9
Chapter 10: Cant wait..pls hurry..nice story
faithot5 #10
Chapter 10: its ok.we will wait