

The next morning Jaejoong wake up, he feel so packed. He is not moving much last night, seems like there is something that hold him from moving around. Yes, there is indeed something.

Jung Yunho.

 Yunho. Wait. What? What it is he doing here? Together with me. I don’t have any memories of being drunk and… oh, he was drunk but as I remembered, he is supposed to be in his room. We were fighting last night and haven’t made up yet.

“Yun, wake up!”

“A bit more, I’m sleepy.”

“Wake up! What the are you doing here?”

“Oh well, sleeping with you. What else?”

“Get up!”

“Okay, okay! But Jae, there’ll be really no breakfast for me?”

“Just go take a bath.”

“It means, there’ll be pancakes once I’m done?”


Hundred times, Jaejoong ignore his own ego and make breakfast for two. He knew Yunho did wrong, but what else can he do except making him a delicious pancakes before going to work. He did feel wrong about throwing tantrums at the guys last night. It was probably because of the anger, but he did not say that he forgive Yunho.

That guy, he needs to learn taking care of himself from now on.


Yunho come out from the bathroom, sniffing the strong aroma of pancakes. He knows that, Jaejoong will never get angry longer than a day. He will still serve and take care of Yunho no matter what. He feels relieved. He also can notice that his suit for work is all done. Neatly and tidily hang on the wardrobe.

After Yunho done with all his preparation, he walk to his favorite place in the house—kitchen—and found Jaejoong preparing the breakfast. With natural steps, he walks towards Jaejoong and grab the guy’s slim and tiny waist against him. Closing the distance and bringing his lips together, wanted to kiss Jaejoong but the guy refuse. He pushes Yunho away with his arms and has his both cheeks turning red. Not forgetting the fact that his ears are also burning because of the heat, but thanks to his long hair, it’s covered perfectly.

“Why?” With a confusing mind, Yunho asked.

“Eat and go.”

“You’re still mad?” He walked closer again to Jaejoong. Touching his chin and look in the guy’s eyes seriously.

“J—Just, I don’t want you to be late.”

“Tsk. I’m the boss. I can have my own way to the office, if you forget.” He boosted himself up.

“Sure, Boss. Please take your sweet time, eat this, and leave. I’m going to the groceries.”

“No! You are going to stay and eat together with me.”

“Tell me Yun, since when we eat together at the same table? Just deal with it. I’m leaving.”


Yunho feels so dumbfounded. He just realized that they always have their foods separately. He regretted. It was a mistake. A mistake that he wish he can erase and change it with a new one. The happy ones. He suddenly leaves the kitchen. Leave the breakfast his wife made. He is going to the office with a grumpy face because he now knows that being ignored is the worst thing ever.

When Jaejoong come back home after couple hours at the groceries, he also knew that his husband won’t eat the breakfast. Simply because he knows that is how Yunho roll when he is disappointed about something—the fact Jaejoong leaving him alone in the morning.

His phone suddenly shows red-blue-green color, signaling that there’s a message.


I’m sorry didn’t eat your pancakes. In a rush cos realized had a meeting super early just now.


This is Yunho, The boss, Jung Yunho sending this kind of message to Jaejoong. What happened? God must have flipped hell into heaven. So, he decided to just ignore the message. Wanting to know whether the boss will send another message or not.

Yes. After few minutes of waiting, there is a new message.

Busy much that you are ignoring my message?

There is a smile plastering on Jaejoong’s face. This is the new Yunho, he thought. Jung Yunho he knew never sent messages to him. Not even once. And so, he tries to reply the message.


What’s with the messages? Go back to work!

With that, they are starting to message each other for the whole day, saying stupid and unnecessary things. Even Yunho did not concentrate in his meetings, waiting for the replies to his messages. When is the last time he use his phone for something silly like this?



Cold bastard! What did your clients say about you using your phone in a meeting?


I’m professionals, darling. Though I have phone on my hands, I still can manage the meeting. Well, this is more like why your parents decided to choose me over those guys.


Jaejoong suddenly froze. Those guys, he said to himself.

He replies Yunho back with a simple message.


I'd rather choose them than you, you know!


a/n: Not much updates. still the same boring chapter, and guess i'll keep the chapter short. I hope you don't mind. I'm bad at writing thousands words.

anyway enjoy:)

comments, critics are all welcome



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meechan35 #1
Chapter 12: That is ok. I will wait. Going to check your new story now.
2minhaehyukyunjae #2
Chapter 11: Hope jae n baby is ok
Yun take care of jae n baby ok always be bbeside them
Thanks for update :-) :-) :-)
Chapter 11: ur story is not boring at all.. i really enjoy it..

update soon.. please dont hurt baby or Jae..
Chapter 11: Hope jae n the baby is ok
Chapter 11: Jaejoong must be strong, hope jae and baby health
Update soon :)
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: I hope Jae will be fine.
maedeh #7
Chapter 11: hi
its not that much big thing!!!! thanks for chapter
meechan35 #8
Chapter 10: I will stick with you all the way.
Ichiro #9
Chapter 10: Cant wait..pls hurry..nice story
faithot5 #10
Chapter 10: its ok.we will wait