Chapter 1

to bring love across

Year 1996 : [Korea] Age 10

“Class! We have a new student in our academy today! Please treat him nicely.” The dance teacher announced, as a boy strolled in.

“Hi everyone, I’m Kim Junsu. Hope we’ll get along well.” The new boy introduced as he flashed a smile that sent the girls in the class giggling blushing.

BoA took a good look at him. He had on a simple shirt and black slacks just like the rest of them. She wondered if she could dance as well as them, after all, this was an advance dance school. “He’s kind of cute though, but is he… shorter than me?” BoA thought as she giggled quietly to herself.

Sadly, none of the girls got to talk to the cute Kim Junsu as he was to shy to talk to anyone but the boys. BoA, engrossed with dancing was too busy to remember the new boy.

The class finally ended after two hours of intense dancing, and the dancers immediately ran out of the class, all except Junsu and BoA. Junsu took his time to pack while BoA continued dancing. After observing BoA dance for a few minutes, Junsu noticed that it seems like it was going to rain soon, so he left the room to change out of his clothes, still in awe of BoA’s dancing skills. “She’s awesome.”

When he returned, the lights had already been switched off and there was no one in sight. Shrugging, Junsu made his way down the stairs to the front gate, but to find BoA standing there alone under the shelter, sulking, as rain fell continuously.

BoA noticed someone come up behind her, and realized it was the new boy, Kim Junsu. She stepped aside and made way for him to pass. But Junsu just stood there, making no intention to move.

Lightning struck as BoA jumped. Junsu giggled. He literally giggled.

BoA narrowed her eyes at him and looked away pouting.

She heard him sigh and say, “I love the rain.”

She turned and looked at the new boy. He looked so enticed with the rain that for a moment BoA almost thought he lived for the rain. Junsu noticed her staring as he blush and quickly stuck out his hand, “Kim Junsu.”

“BoA. Kwon BoA.” BoA raised her hand to meet his, as lightning struck once again, and she jumped. Tears formed in her eyes. But when she saw Junsu staring in concerned, she sniffed and scratched her head sheepishly.

They smiled.

Year 1997 : Age 11

“JUNSU JUNSU JUNSU!” BoA squealed at the top of her lungs, while running towards the boy. “I DID IT I DID IT!”

Junsu laughed at the jumping BoA and gripped onto her to prevent her from falling from all the jumping. “Did what?”


BoA gushed as Junsu looked at her wide-eyed. “Really?”

BoA nodded excitedly. Junsu smiled, but the usual twinkle in his eyes wasn’t there. BoA noticed her best friend feeling down as she quickly toned down. “You’re unhappy?” She asked, concerned.

“No. Of course I’m happy! It’s just that…” Junsu trailed off and sighed.

“Just what?”

“You’ll be too busy with your training to remember me!” Junsu whined.

BoA laughed. “Junsu! Are you 5?”

Junsu pursed his lips into a pout, crossed his arms and looked away. “Humph!”

BoA tugged at his right arm repeatedly, before saying softly. “Don’t be silly. Of course I will remember my best friend!”

Junsu smiled. “I was only kidding. But… I’ll hold you to that. You better not forget about me! And I’ve got something to tell you…” Junsu looked down, his voice getting softer.

BoA frowned at the sad looking Junsu. “Junnie~ what’s…”

“I GOT IN TOO!” Junsu squealed happily as BoA looked at him surprised. As the words slowly registered into her mind, she started jumping all over again.

“YOU GOT IN TOO! AHHHHHHH~!” BoA laughed happily. “YOU WENT FOR THE AUDITION AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?!” BoA pretended to scold.

Junsu laughed along with her as by standers repeatedly looked curiously at the two kids jumping and squealing.

BoA grinned. “One day, let’s perform together on the same stage! Just the two of us!”

Junsu smiled. “Pinky promise.”

“Pinky promise.”

Their everlasting promise…

Year 2000 : Age 14

“Hello Mrs Kim. Is Junsu in?” BoA bowed at Mrs. Kim as she motioned for her to come in.

“Hello to you too BoA. You haven’t been coming for a while.” Mrs. Kim smiled as she walked towards Junsu’s room. “Junsu! BoA’s here!”

“Yeah…Training was getting to me. And Junsu’s training schedule is completely different from mine.” BoA explained.

“Yes. I’ve heard from Junsu.” Mrs. Kim smiled at her as she heard Junsu’s room door opened. “After all, you’re going to be a solo and he’s going to be in a group.”

“Hey BoA! What are you doing here?” Junsu said as he dragged BoA out the door. “Bye Mum!”

BoA took a deep breath before letting it out. “I’m debuting.”

Junsu widened his eyes.

BoA stared at Junsu happily and started poking him in the ribs, when he didn’t respond after a while. “Yah. Aren’t you gonna congratulate your best friend?” she pout.

Junsu snapped himself out of his reverie and smiled. “Of course BoA! I’m so happy for you! But…”

BoA frowned. “But?”

“This time you’re gonna forget me for sure!” Junsu whined as he gave BoA the puppy-dog look.

BoA laughed and groaned. “Not this again!” and she play-punched Junsu on the left arm.

Junsu pulled her in for a hug. BoA was surprised by his sudden actions, but held him nonetheless.

“You will be too busy for me.” BoA heard him whined.

She laughed lightly before saying softly in his ears. “I won’t deny that I may be too busy. But no matter what happens, remember that you will always have an important place in my heart.”

At that moment, Junsu felt his heart melt. For his first girl friend. The one that he had stared at for her wonderful dancing skills. The one that sometimes made him angry and exasperated, but manage to make him smile in mere seconds with her silly antics and smiles. The one that understand him and always manages to read his mind. The one that he had thought that he might so possibly like, or perhaps even love.

Junsu pulled away and stared at her in the eyes, which made her feel flustered and shy. For the first time, BoA felt her heart beating differently for this boy standing in front of her. The boy who was always there for her when she cries. The boy who always shared her joy. The boy who irritates her to no end but still manages to look cute. The boy she never thought she might like, or even love. But it seems, everything has changed since they first became friends.

Junsu leaned in, as BoA shut her eyes softly. As they shared…

their first kiss.

Year 2001 : Age 15

BoA’s debut was a success but Junsu and her budding romance took a turn, when suddenly the company had other plans.

“Junsu… oh Junsu,” BoA cried over the phone. “What are we going to do? They’re sending me away.”

Junsu felt his heartbeat quickened, as his mind whirled. “What… what do you mean?”

“The company is sending me to Japan.”

Their hearts broke.

Junsu’s felt his throat turned dry as he his lips. “You’re still going to come back, right?” Junsu asked shakily.

“Yes. But…” BoA cried as she whispered. “What am I going to do without you? What is going to happen to us?”

“Hush baby… Don’t cry,” Junsu said softly. “Just let things go its’ own way. You love me don’t you?”

BoA nodded as she said her first, “I love you.”

Junsu sighed contently, albeit feeling awful. “I love you too…”

Their first confession, that couldn’t be carried out.

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DearIC #1
OHHH... T_T so sad that they couldn't be together...but at least they could sing together on stage as they promised...and also they got to confess their feelings and know how meaningful are the songs they composed and also they could smile together like before even for a even if it was sad, it was a cute and a good story :)
loveJGS #2
Passion and desperation was clearly heard in their voices. As Junsu glided backstage, they turned and gave each other a last look and a slight smile. Sadness was evident in both of their eyes, knowing that they’ll never be together. <<<<<<<<<< these lines broke my heart </3
new reader! (:<br />
Aww, childhood lovers, it's too cute!<br />
But Junsu's ignoring her): why? <br />
I hope they'll find themselves back to each other! ~<br />
Update soon please <3 (:
DearIC #4
AWWW! It's so sad they Junsu is avoiding BoA because he is afraid of not being able to let go and BoA is also suffering so much...and the song was perfect for the situation and now they have the opportunity to fulfill their promise... :)
DearIC #5
I'm really liking this story...the flow is soft and cute, and it really matches the real events they had gone through as artists...I can't wait for them to sing together on stage as they promised! :)
SugarStars #6
Hey there, you know why I’m here, right?<br />
Exactly! To invite you to request a poster from us^^<br />
I’m sorry for spamming, but as you need us, we need you!<br />
Hope you step by and request! Our family will give you a hand and help!<br /><br />
<br />
Hope to see you soon:)<br />