Trouble Maker

Trouble Maker

Trouble Maker


1! 2! 3!

When I look into your eyes, I'm a Trouble Maker
When I stand next to you, I'm a Trouble Maker
Little by little, more more more
As we go on, more more more
Now I can't help my heart either

I'll keep being in front of you so you can't forget me
I'll keep shaking your heart so you can't escape me
I will steal your lips and run far away
I'm a Trou a a albe - Trouble, Trou, Trouble Maker

Trouble Maker Trouble Maker
Trouble Maker Trouble Maker

I will bite your heart and run away like a cat
You will keep getting irritated, so come to me and get mad
My y walk ignites the inside of your head
The slight skinship - your eyes on your face say you can't take it anymore

As I go on, you'll fall even deeper - I like you the more I get to know you baby
I think I am drunk with thoughts of you Lady
I never never never stop

I'll keep being in front of you so you can't forget me
I'll keep shaking your heart so you can't escape me
I will steal your lips and run far away
I'm a Trou a a albe - Trouble, Trou, Trouble Maker

Trouble Maker Trouble Maker
Trouble Maker Trouble Maker

How can I put you in my heart (Trouble Maker)
Now I will go wherever my heart takes me
I never never stop - I can't stop

I'll keep being in front of you so you can't forget me
I'll keep shaking your heart so you can't escape me
I will steal your lips and run far away
I'm a Trou a a albe - Trouble, Trou, Trouble Maker

Trouble Maker Trouble Maker
Trouble Maker Trouble Maker



“Amber!” came the shout as soon she walked into the noreobang. She could only brace herself as one of her best friends stood and ran over to throw her arms around her in a hug. “I’m so glad you could come to my birthday!”

“Of course Hyuna… I wouldn’t have missed it for anything,” Amber answered and allowed the giggly girl to drag her into the room. There weren’t too many people left anymore as the party had started hours ago. But all of 4Minute, Hyuna’s boyfriend, Hyun Seung plus a few of the B2ST members were still there.

“You’re late though… so you missed some people, but no matter… you’re here, so let’s party still,” Hyuna said happily and took the shot of soju from Hyun Seung to hand it to the younger girl. “Take one shot and then I won’t bother you anymore to drink.”

Amber narrowed her eyes, but knew if she didn’t Hyuna would whine all night until she did. She accepted the shot glass and drank it all… letting it burn down while Hyuna happily clapped. She handed the cup to Hyun Seung and made a face. “That stuff is foul,” she said, waving her hand in front of .

He had been looking at the younger girl as she walked into the room; questioning why his heart raced at the sight of her. He sighed and pulled a straight face to try to hide away his nerves. “It is,” came his reply.


Amber smiled and looked behind her to wave at the owner of the voice –Doojoon, the handsome leader and lead rapper of B2ST. They had seen one another at different events, but never became very close unlike how Amber was with some of the other B2ST members –though she kept up on news about him from his fellow members.

“You want to know the secret to being able to drink this stuff easier?” he asked as he took another shot of soju and leaned back in his chair.

Amber blinked, unsure of how to answer the question -the stuff was really foul- and she’d rather not drink it at all. “S-sure, Doojoon-ssi.”

“You just drink more of it until you get used to it,” he answered and chuckled. Amber made a face and just shook her head.

“Amber,” Hyun Seung called and waited for her to turn her attention to him. “My agi may have let you off easy, but I won’t.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“You need to take a shot for me for being late to my agi’s birthday party,” he replied with his signature smirk and held out another soju-filled shot glass. Amber shook her head, pushed away at the glass and remained silent. “Then… pay a penalty.”

Amber glanced at Hyuna and saw her shrug. She raised an eyebrow and turned back to face Hyun Seung. “What kind of penalty are we talking about?”

“A song!” shouted Kikwang –one of the B2ST members she was close to- as he moved to drape an arm around the younger girl. “I’ve never heard Amber singing live before.”

Amber immediately turned to look up at Kikwang and pretended to punch him. “Oppa… yes you have.”

“No… I heard you rap live before… but never a whole song,” he retorted and stuck his tongue out at her.

“Sing a song or take a shot,” came the reply from Hyun Seung.

She glanced over at Yoseob as he waved the microphone and smiled, and then back to the shot held out in front of her by Hyun Seung. She playfully pushed Kikwang away and accepted the microphone from Yoseob. She bowed at the 4Minute members who had been sitting in front of the television, listening to Yoseob and Dong Woon sing and sighed at having to sing. It wasn’t that she didn’t like to sing, or didn’t want to… but it was the principle of it all.

“What song do you want to sing, sunbae?” Yoseob asked as he held out the book of karaoke songs.

“I… I don’t know,” Amber answered, her mind blank.

“I do!” shouted Hyuna. “For my birthday… I want you to sing this one!” She rushed over and grabbed the book out of Amber’s hands; flipped through it and did a little dance as she found the number.

At the sound of the starting beat and snaps, she glanced up and shook her head. “But… but this is a duet!” she shouted and missed her starting point. She sighed and Hyuna pouted.

“But I want this as my second gift,” she whined and stopped the music.

Amber glanced at Hyun Seung as he stepped back and away from her. “I wasn’t going to ask,” she replied, stuck her tongue out at him and turned back to face the karaoke machine to hopefully ask Yoseob –the main vocalist- to sing with her.

He chuckled in response. “I will only sing this song with my agi… but you can sing it with someone else,” he answered. He walked over to Doo Joon and pulled at his arm. He leaned in and winked. “Hyung… we planned this out so take advantage of it, pabo. Kikwang and I know you’ve liked her for like ever… what are you waiting for?”

“How did you… I don’t…” Doo Joon trailed off but then wondered if all the weird feelings he had towards the younger girl, as well as the semi-obsession with her could be explained by his liking her. He always thought it was just because Kikwang and Dong Woon -who were all friends and always spoke of Amber- and Hyun Seung -who had befriended the girl since Hyuna and her were good friends- constantly talked about her, which made him become more and more curious about her as a fan. “Maybe I do…”

“Hyung… then hurry up before Dong Woon sings with her,” Hyun Seun said and gently pushed him towards Amber.

He straightened as Amber walked towards Dong Woon, since Yoseob had declined singing with her, and knowing that Dong Woon and Amber were friends, he might have said yes. He shook his head at the maknae and tilted his head in confusion.

Before Amber could ask Dong Woon him to sing with her, or the meaning of his tilted head and expression, she turned around in shock to hear, “I’ll sing with you.” She glanced up at Doo Joon and mutely blinked. “Press start, Seobbie.” He glanced over at Hyun Seung and Hyuna and saw them both mouth ‘hwaiting!’ and returned their smiles.

As the music started, he smiled at her and leaned closer. “Do you know the choreography?”

She quietly nodded and then stopped. “Y-you want us to dance too?”

Doo Joon chuckled at the cute expression on her face and nodded. “Come on,” he answered and pulled her into his arms to start the singing.

Amber in her nervousness went into serious mode, and tried her best. They each followed one another and danced the choreography as if it had been their song and ignored the catcalls from everyone in the room.

Doo Joon’s pulse raced at the skinship and almost-kiss moves the choreography required and tried to not get distracted. He exhaled as he continued to sing… and watch Amber’s every move. He had always found her cute but he had never imagined she could be this y.  Amber running her hand down his chest only made his heart beat faster... and he started to want to hold her head still when his face went closer and just taste her lips. He sighed as she turned away again, and the fight to pull her back made him freeze for a split-second. He had to admit to himself… that he indeed did like the younger girl.

Amber braced her nerves for the last move… when Doo Joon would pull her into his arms and pretend to kiss her. As she had seen Hyuna do numerous times, she raised her hand to cover her lips and wait for Doo Joon to lean in… but was shocked silent, when he pulled her hand away and pressed his lips against hers.

The music stopped and yet Doo Joon wouldn’t let go of the younger girl or pull away from the kiss. When the catcalls grew louder and he could feel her pull away and hear her softly chant ‘please stop,’ did he finally release his hold on her. He looked at her teary eyes and cursed himself –but he couldn’t help himself from kissing her and couldn’t make himself stop once he started. He grabbed her hand and gave a quick look at Hyun Seung before pulling Amber out of the room and down the hallway.

“Doo Joon-ssi…” Amber said as she tried pulling her hand from his. “People might see you doing this and wonder what you’re doing… please stop.”

He stopped at her words and ran a hand through his hair. What the hell am I doing? Wait… He turned to face her and gently wiped away a tear, his heart breaking that she cried because of him. He walked into the empty noreobang room, pulled her inside and closed the door to lean against it.

Amber wondered what was going on and why the usual aloof Doo Joon was acting so different. She tried to pull her hand away but looked up when he tightened his hold.

“Please don’t,” he said and intertwined his fingers with hers. God… they fit perfectly in mine. “I’m… I’m sorry if I scared you.”

Amber shook her head. “Y-you didn’t scare me Doo Joon-ssi… I’m alright,” she answered and tried to pull her hand free again.

“Please don’t,” he repeated the words from earlier, straightened and stepped towards her. “I didn’t mean to kiss you…”

Amber frowned. “Then why…”

Doo Joon placed a finger on her lips, stopping her from continuing. “I mean… I don’t regret it Amber. I’ve always been a fan… and have always liked you because you were different from all those other girls… and… and…” He stopped when Amber’s frown deepened. “What I’m trying to say is… I really do like you… and not just as a fan. I know you’re close to Kikwang and Dong Woon; that you’ve hung out with Hyun Seung because of Hyuna… and I’ve found myself jealous and wanting to be friends with you too.”

Amber blinked at him; trying to follow his words. She was confused and unsure if she should believe everything she was hearing. She looked down at their still-clasped hand and could feel a blush come on as she noticed the heat of his hand on hers… and the short distance they were standing apart from one another.

Doo Joon, with one finger on her chin, raised her face up to look at him. “But rather than just a friend, I’ve started to want to be more than that. That… that’s why earlier I couldn’t help myself and kissed you. You… your lips were just too tempting…”

Amber lowered her eyes to his lips and finally allowed herself to remember the feel of his lips on hers. Though the kiss had been brief, the memory of the gentle touch… the slight pressure and wetness… the pleasure it brought even though she had been scared and confused at the same time… She blushed and tried to look away.

He stopped her by running his thumb across her lower lip. He bit his own lip and took a deep breath. “Amber… I know you probably don’t ever even think of me… but could you give me a chance to get to know you more? To maybe one day be your boyfriend?” Amber blinked at him… unsure of what to say. “Believe that I’m not playing around. Hyun Seung, Hyuna and Kikwang set up the whole singing thing and choosing that song to push me into doing something. If you don’t believe me… ask them. I really do like you Amber.”

Amber released a breath and slowly nodded. “Seeing that you have three people I’m close to who will back up your story, I believe you… so yes… we can get to know one another,” she answered.

“She likes you too oppa!” came a shout outside the room they were in.

Doo Joon stepped away and turned around to open the door to see the smiling faces of Hyuna, Hyun Seung, and Kikwang. “What was that?”

Hyuna’s grin widened. “Oppa… she likes you.”

“Are you teasing me?” Doo Joon asked Hyuna.

Hyuna shook her head. “She’s always thought you were the most handsome and talented in B2ST. She always talks about you… ask Hyun Seung oppa.” Hyun Seung simply nodded in reply.

“Yah!” Kikwang said interrupting everyone. He turned to face Amber and pouted. “I thought I was the most talented oppa in B2ST?” Everyone chuckled at the sight of Amber’s cheek reddening.

Doo Joon smiled and pulled Amber closer to his side. “Go away you three… if that’s the case then… just go away.” He waved them off and closed the door behind them. He wrapped both arms around her and leaned back to look down at her. “Do you… really think I’m the most handsome and talented B2ST member?”

Amber bit her lip and slowly nodded.

“So… do you really like me then?”

Amber nodded again.

He chuckled at her being so quiet and cute. “Then…” he said, trailing off.

Amber tilted her head. “Then what oppa?”

Doo Joon pulled her even closer. “You… you just called me o-oppa…” Amber blushed again and tried pushing his arms off of her. “No way… then that means I’m your oppa and you’re my boo… no if ands or buts.”

Amber sighed and remained silent, but wanted to jump up and down giddily.

“And if you’re my boo…” he continued, “I get to do this,” he leaned in and kissed her right cheek, “anytime,” he kissed her left cheek, “I want.” He kissed her on the lips and could only smile as Amber raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck to pull in closer.

She pulled away to shyly smile up at him. “A-araso… oppa…”



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Chapter 1: That escalated quickly. lol Cute story for the most part though. I did like the setup of the whole thing and how everyone was pretty much in on it, though some of the sentences had me confused where two people were taking actions in the same line or someone else was talking while another person acted in the same paragraph without much distinction. Besides that, it all mostly made sense and it came together nicely in general.

I was a bit surprised that Doojoon wasn't even aware of his feelings for Amber before this, and that he took things quite as far as he did upon abruptly realizing it. That just seemed like a strange jump to go from 'I think I want to get to know you because my friends always talk about you' to 'omg I have to kiss you now!' See what I mean? Also that you pretty much took away all of Amber's power in that same scene. Because she starts crying, I feel as if she's become victimized, especially because he's the one that pulls away and she 'can't/won't' do anything until he does.

Those aside though, the rest was good. A little fast (to me) in the rushing into kissing after confessions part but still a cute story in the end. A little more description of the people would have been appreciated but I could otherwise envision the settings just fine. Good job and thank you for sharing.
Sweetheart123 #2
Chapter 1: OMG! this made me feel like I was there and whoa this is great
Chapter 1: Doojoon and Amber are both cool idols.. love this pairing.. hehe.. and it looks realistic to me xD
Chapter 1: i like the story! well done <3
Chapter 1: Unfortunately I don't how doo joon looks like , I just imagine a random face lol
Write more! Do a collection of one shot.
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 1: Uuuh so sweet.
Chapter 1: Love this paring. Didn't Amber thanks him in the Pinocchio thank to? "Doojoonie Oppa" or something along that line
I love this! You really ARE an anyber shipper arent you? Lol. I went and immediately read your drabbles before coming back to comment. Hope to see more updates of your other stories! Youre like one of my favorite amber authors!