Part three

Retention period
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I staring at the cans mountain in front of me, in my room. Yeah, a cans mountain, canned mangos. 

Mango is the fruits that me and Fany love. 

Started from the day she leave me, I started to buy a can of canned mango everyday. Didn't fail to do so. And I started to count how many cans I got, every single day. Not tired on that. I know, when the number of the cans reach 90, my Fany gonna back to me, I will wait her at here open our door, like a good girl.

The canned mangos I bought, have the similar point. Not the brand name, not the manufactured place. But the expire date. 31th of July. The day before my Fany's birthday. The day before Fany back to me. The day my 'retention period' end. And the day my love's perseveration period with Fany gonna continue.

You can said that I'm crazy, but I don't ing care. Cause I know, she will back! She love me much as I love her, so she will back for me!

I sure.

I... Sure... 


"Fany, where're you... I missed you... You gonna back soon, right?" I staring at the 89th canned mangos.

To be honest, the more the number of my canned mangos growth, the more the unsure feelings growth in the deep in my heart. The nearer Fany's birthday is, the more the canned mangos are in my room, the higher the can mountain be, the higher the fearness growth in my heart.

I closed my eyes, as wipe that fearness off me. 

I should stay strong, and wait my Fany back to me.

She will back to me.

She will!!




Today. 31th of July. The day me end my 'retention period'. The day I waiting for. The day my Fany back.

I wake up very early in the morning, earlier than usual. The sun still not yet show up from the horizon. 

I can't sleep.

I staring blank on the black view from the window. I sighed while I found that I stared blank on the window for long, the sun still not yet show up. Today gonna be a long day till the midnight.

What should I do for today? I want out, that's all I can think.

I get myself out from the bed, and get out from the apartment after simple washup. I walked on the street by myself, alone. Finally, alone. No puppy tailing behind me. Jessica still in bed. 

I have no idea where should I go... And end up stop at the lake again. Yeah, the lake that Jessica claimed that I gonna kill myself there. Whatever.

I sit myself in front of the lake. Just staring blank on myself that on the reflection of the surface of the lake.

Who's that girl? Is it me? The one that used to have dorky smile on her face? No, she looked more like a ghost. Pale and lifeless. Who's she? 



I don't know how long I been here, when I realised, the sun already on top of the sun, stunning. Bright and shine.

"Taenggoo!!!" I sighed. Jessica again. I turned my back, and I saw her still with her yellow pj, messy hair, house slippers, run toward me with her worried face.

"Why're you here! Don't you know how scared I'm when I can't found you at home?!" She bombarded me again.

"Non of your business." I earned a hard slap on shoulder for my statement.

" I'm dead worried bout you!!" she wont stop her slap. I think I used to on her violence already.

"By the way, you looked like a mad women on that."

"It's because of you! Let's go home now!" I been dragged.

Why can't she just leave me alone??



"Taenggoo, I saw there's lots canned mangos in your room." Jessica stated in carefully when we having the lunch. I can clearly sensed that carefulness from her tone.  I warned her before, don't get into my room. And she doesn't keep my warning.

"Non of your business, Sica." I tried my best not to be harsh to her. At least not today.

"Can I ask..." 

Oh, yeah! I need to buy my 90th canned mangos. 

"Where're you go?!" I hear Jessica yelling behind me, when I rush out from the restaurant.



I'm panting, while standing in front of the convenience store that I buy my canned mangos everyday in this three months time 

"Taenggoo..." I heard Jessica exclaimed, she is panting too. Jessica Jung run?


I rushed into the convenience store and get myself to the corner I always went.

Canned mangos.

That's all in my mind.

I stood in front of the shelf, full of canned mangos. I took one of them. I frowned while my eyes glued on the label.

That's not what I need!!

The expired date is not what I want!

I started to take up other canned mangos and observed.


No No!!

The more I searched, the more I feel anxious, as I can't find the canned mangos that expired at 31th of July.

"W-what's wrong, Taenggoo!" Jessica asked in worried beside me. I know I looked like a crazy women that keep on flipping the cans, digging like a dog on that.

I can't find any canned mangos that I want! Why?! Please don't!! C'mon! get out from the hiding place!! I need you! I need you to complete my 'retention period', so Fany will come back!

I didn't care bout what Jessica talking on. I don't care that i had freaked the other customers out already? just keep on digging and finding the can I want!

C'mon! canned mangos! Fany back!

Fany... Back please... please...

Please come back!!

I finding that ing canned mangos like there was no tomorrow. As I felt Fany won't come back anymore...

No... Please don't...


"Taenggoo..." A palm placed on my shoulder tried to gain my attention. I don't ing care bout that, keep flipping the cans infront of me.

"Taenggoo, calm down!" Jessica forced me to look at her, by turned me to her from my shoulders.

"Sica... I want my canned mangos" I feel so lost... I need help... Is she gonna help me? She will help me, right? She said that she will accompany me to wait Fany back before.

"That's canned mangos you want..." She said in worried, while eyeing the cans in my hands.

"No... Not the one I want..." I kneeling, I feel weak on my knees...

"I... I can't get your means..." She kneeling too.

"I... I need the can that expired at today..." I murmured with blank.

"Huh? Why?"

I didn't answer, but keep murmured on same statement like a lost child... Indeed, I feel lost...

Jessica leave me. I don't know where the hell she going to, like I care...

I just sit on the floor like a lost child... Anyway, I'm lost...


"Taenggoo, get up." She back again. How I wish 'she' is my Fany.

I didn't respond to her.

"Here, the canned mangos expired today."

Her statement caught my attention! I looked up to her, she has a can of canned mangos on her while smile bitterly. I grabbed the can from her hand harshly and checked on the expired date.

31th July.

That's it!

The hope that Fany gonna back still there.

I hold the can on my hand, tightly, like my life depend on it.



I placed my 90th canned mangos on the

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leesonekyu #1
Chapter 3: sequel TAENGSIC :]
Chapter 3: .hahaha finally she's awake from her insanity.:)) thanks to canned mangoes and of course Jessica Jung, the one who really love TaeYeon.Ü
I'll be waiting for the sequel.Ü
Chapter 2: ."the expired date"... Fuhahahaha! Gawwd TaeYeon you really are something.xDD
Chapter 1: .TaeYeon you're insane very!:))
Chapter 3: A sequel would be nice.. Maybe I shall provide the plotline XD
Hahaha.. Atleast you tortured her saeng// That's enough =__=

And saeng.. I notice you freakin love to use curse words these days.. Is it somehow related to a certain someone??
Chapter 3: Its very sad and my tears start to falling down uncontrollable...
Chapter 3: it is a great story even it is so sad
please make sequel of it
ingram #8
189gds07 #9
Chapter 3: make a sequel please~~~
make sica happy with tae~~
Chapter 3: The ending.... Was... Hanging in the air....(=.=')
it's the umpteenth time that i read such fic like this one... Curiosity crawling cruelly inside my throat!!! Chocking me to death!!!
*sigh* well... Atleast you did a good job...