Part one

Retention period
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There was someone said before. ‘Love’ has it own ‘storage life’. Once it happens in between a couple, it will last long until it reached the end of it ‘preservation period’.


If you like to know bout that how long should it be for the so-called ‘storage life’ or whatever ‘preservation period’, of course I can’t answer as there is no exact answer. Well, I’m not a ‘Love manufacturer’, I can’t simply give a ‘tag’ on a random ‘love’ and decide bout how long must its ‘preservation period’ be.  No human being can do this after all, not me, not you.


But, there is one thing I can ensure. Even we can’t decide how long our ‘love’s preservation period’ should be, just like we can’t decide who we should fall for, but we can decide how long should be the ‘retention period’ of the love that remain after a relationship ended.


The ‘retention period’, some people treated it as a ‘layoff period’. Some treated it as a ‘healing period’. Some may treated it as 'cooling-off period'. Maybe some people not even need that so-called 'retention period' at all.

For me, my 'retention period' is the period for waiting. yeah, waiting... Waiting for her to back to my arms again.




"Let's break up, Tae..." She stated. Tae? Why she called me that? She used to call me 'TaeTae' instead of that. From her tone, can't found any hesitation. The darkness started overwhelmed me. 

That 'break up' words uttered from her lips, no, that can't be! She said she gonna love me till the end of the world. I can't believe this, this must be a prank or a joke. I started feeling the world separated from me.

"Fany... That's not fun." I chuckled, my gaze can't meet her, I locked my gaze in the cafe, on a random customer, staring blankly. Even my voice not crack, but I can felt my knees are trembling under the table. I rarely can feel the fresh air, can't breath well...

Inhale Tae, breath...

"I'm serious. Just break up." She stated in a cold tone. Even not loud as she always be, but I still can heard clearly in this liven up cafe.

My heart, just like someone clutched it tightly, intended to broke it into pieces by that. Same with my lungs, been tightened, rare can breath now...

No... This can't be... We're mean to be!!

"Fany-ah, please..." I begging her while grabbing her wrists, with both my trembling knees down, in front of her, in this cafe, the cafe both of us love the most. The place that means so much to us.

I don't care how others beside looked at me or whispering bout me. 

I can't believe this! She said that she want to be with me forever.

"I don't love you as I used to anymore." Her eyes, that eyes usually smile into crescent to me. But, why she doesn't do it anymore? Just can see the distance from them... 

No! She lied! That can't be! She said she love me more than everything!

She leave, I catch up immediately, followed her out from this cafe. I begged her all the way.

"Stop it, Tae!" She pried my grabs away from her, harshly. I fell onto the ground due to the harsh push.  This is the first time she acted harsh to me, she always be sweet, caring and gentle to me. Again, I felt a heartless stab on my broken heart.

"Why?" I stated with my cracked voice, the stupid tears fill in my eyes, threatened to fall soon.

She kept mum, even doesn't turned her back to face me. She won't be such heartless to me. I'm the person she love the most, she said it before. She can't just leave me like this!

"Fany... I know you still love me right? That's not you." I can know I'm at the verge of debacle from my weak cracked voice. I get up from the ground slowly.

she still, kept mum, stood there like a statute.

"Fany... Please... Don't leave me..." I begged. Begged her not to leave me, while encircled my arms around her thin waist from behind.

"Enough, Tae. We're over." Again, she pried off my arms. My tears slide down from my cheeks.

"You will come back to me."

"I won't."

"I will wait you. Three months from now. Till your birthday."


*Flashback ended*



That's the way my 'love's perseveration period' ended, and also the started of my 'retention period'. Three months time. Three months time for her to come back to my arms. Three months time for her to realise that I'm the one for her.

Three months... A period that can't be classified as short period, but also not a long one. I pretty sure, no, I'm truely sure I will have her back. She will, no, she would come back to me. She won't give up our love that easily. Our love, that built up day by day, deeper and deeper as times goes

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leesonekyu #1
Chapter 3: sequel TAENGSIC :]
Chapter 3: .hahaha finally she's awake from her insanity.:)) thanks to canned mangoes and of course Jessica Jung, the one who really love TaeYeon.Ü
I'll be waiting for the sequel.Ü
Chapter 2: ."the expired date"... Fuhahahaha! Gawwd TaeYeon you really are something.xDD
Chapter 1: .TaeYeon you're insane very!:))
Chapter 3: A sequel would be nice.. Maybe I shall provide the plotline XD
Hahaha.. Atleast you tortured her saeng// That's enough =__=

And saeng.. I notice you freakin love to use curse words these days.. Is it somehow related to a certain someone??
Chapter 3: Its very sad and my tears start to falling down uncontrollable...
Chapter 3: it is a great story even it is so sad
please make sequel of it
ingram #8
189gds07 #9
Chapter 3: make a sequel please~~~
make sica happy with tae~~
Chapter 3: The ending.... Was... Hanging in the air....(=.=')
it's the umpteenth time that i read such fic like this one... Curiosity crawling cruelly inside my throat!!! Chocking me to death!!!
*sigh* well... Atleast you did a good job...