Part two

Retention period
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I should...

I should go...

  I should go there...   It will heal me up, or maybe it help me to slumberland...    I get nearer and nearer...   Feel coldness all over me... But it feel good...   The pain reduce...       Closer...    Feel so peaceful...




A pull, pulled away me and that peaceful lake. Just few steps, I gonna reach the peacefulness! Why? Why impeded me?!


I want to beat the crap out of that intruder!! 

I had my fist tightened, want to crap that intruder out.

But I felt a body launched onto me. I been hold in a tight embrace. It... Soft, gentle, and... Warm...

I froze. And my mind went blank...

The arms around me are trembling... trembling badly.

She is... sobbing...



I pulled out from the embrace, I saw tears dropping from her face, non-stop...

Is Jessica. She still tailed behind me after been yelled by me.

"Jessi..." I can't finish my words, I been slapped by Jessica. A hard slap on my face.

A very harsh one.

"What're you gonna do?! Huh?!" She started slapping all over on me, hardly, on everywhere her palms can land on me. I fall, and found myself lying flatly by my back on the ground. Jessica on top of me.

Finally, HellSica here.

She started landing her palms on me, and her fists too.

Everyway. Every part of me, face, chest... shoulder...

"How dare you try to kill yourself?!" Her slaps, and her punches, are hard.

"Don't you even think bout me?!" Every slap and punch on me, doesn' feel any pain at all.

Those punches... Landed on my chest... It scattering a bit the pain in my heart. It sound ridiculous, but yeah... Her punches made me feel less pain on that. I stay still, didn't pry her away, nor fight back. Just let her keep continue beat me out.

"How bout me! If you just dead in commit suicide, how should I live after that!" She yelled. Her yelling sound, even just yelled beside my ear, but, so far away from me... I rarely feel any pain from her slap and punch...

What's wrong on me? Why

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leesonekyu #1
Chapter 3: sequel TAENGSIC :]
Chapter 3: .hahaha finally she's awake from her insanity.:)) thanks to canned mangoes and of course Jessica Jung, the one who really love TaeYeon.Ü
I'll be waiting for the sequel.Ü
Chapter 2: ."the expired date"... Fuhahahaha! Gawwd TaeYeon you really are something.xDD
Chapter 1: .TaeYeon you're insane very!:))
Chapter 3: A sequel would be nice.. Maybe I shall provide the plotline XD
Hahaha.. Atleast you tortured her saeng// That's enough =__=

And saeng.. I notice you freakin love to use curse words these days.. Is it somehow related to a certain someone??
Chapter 3: Its very sad and my tears start to falling down uncontrollable...
Chapter 3: it is a great story even it is so sad
please make sequel of it
ingram #8
189gds07 #9
Chapter 3: make a sequel please~~~
make sica happy with tae~~
Chapter 3: The ending.... Was... Hanging in the air....(=.=')
it's the umpteenth time that i read such fic like this one... Curiosity crawling cruelly inside my throat!!! Chocking me to death!!!
*sigh* well... Atleast you did a good job...