The third universe

Alternative Realities

Chanyeol stares in concentration at the android sitting in front of him.

He gingerly taps on a few final touches, and smiles at how human it looks.

He finds the on and off switch and turns on the robot.

A smooth voice tumbles out. "Hello, master. I am the Biomechanical Android Engineered for Killing. What is your command?"

Chanyeol pales. "Did I get the wrong android? Oh gosh, I should probably send you back then."

He stares at the robot's face and decides not to.

It's just so cute, he can't send it away.

"First of all, there will not be any killing."

After a moment of deliberation, Chanyeol says,"I'm going to call you Baek.... Baekhyun. And call me Chanyeol, not master."

Baekhyun nods.

Chanyeol grins in satisfaction.

"I'm going to teach you how to be human." Chanyeol crows. "I've always wanted a roommate, someone to be happy with. Plus, I'll never have to wait for you because you'll be with me all the time."

Baekhyun frowns, the emotion etching itself across his face.

Chanyeol worriedly says,"What's wrong, Baekhyun?"

"Happy. This does not compute, how can I be happy with you? I know the definition, it is-"

Chanyeol quickly cuts him off before he rattles off the entire dictionary.

"Don't worry about it, that's what I'm going to teach you."

Baekhyun nods again.

Chanyeol's face darkens. "Oh, but I should probably tell you this. My parents got you for me because even though I'm a grown man, I'm sick. I can't make any contact with anyone, which is why you're my friend. Once I teach you how to be human, don't get attached to me because I don't want you to be sad when I'm gone."

Baekhyun signs that he understands and files that away in his mind for later.

Chanyeol's face brightens, but then turns a light red.

"Okay, the first thing we should do is probably get some clothes on you."

Baekhyun looks down at his spread legs unabashedly.

"Does my ness bother you?" He asks bluntly.

Chanyeol shakes his head. "No, its just that only the one you love should see that."

Baekhyun's eyes widen and he snaps his legs together. "Oh."

Chanyeol looks around for some clothes and hands them to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun slips them on with little trouble and rolls up the legs and sleeves.

Chanyeol smiles because Baekhyun just looks so darn adorable in his too big clothes.

Baekhyun learns to laugh, Baekhyun learns to sympathize, Baekhyun learns how to slap a smile on his face and act happy.

He doesn't learn how to be mad or sad, or any negative emotions such as that.

Chanyeol wouldn't allow it.

Chanyeol gave him everything an android could want, that is, if they were capable of wanting.

Baekhyun got new programs, added parts, and other things such as that.

Chanyeol gave him a tiny little coffee keychain, the only thing he had left from outside contact, when he used to be healthy.

Baekhyun crinkles his eyes up in a practiced fashion and squeals, clutching at it.

Chanyeol smiles back, but there was something in his eyes that Baekhyun isn't quite sure of.

When Chanyeol doesn't show up at his usual place another day, Baekhyun sits on the work bench in Chanyeol's old work area, swinging his legs back and forth.

"So this is how it feels to be sad," he mumbles, gently touching the keychain, holding up in the air and staring at the glittering metal, refracting sunlight in the light and breezy air.

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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 5: Nicely done. Looking forward to more.
Chapter 4: Aw this one was so sad:( and I was a little confused about the universes and stuff, but then I got it. And I like them:)
shahirahsutiran #3
Chapter 1: update soon!!!! =p